Fluoroquinolone Drugs
[FB] Fluoroquinolone Induced Musculoskeletal Damage Group [Fluoroquinolone Drugs]
[2015 April] Rx warning: Possible side effects from some antibiotics In June, SONAR filed a citizen petition with the Food and Drug Administration regarding fluoroquinolones, a class of drug that includes the powerful antibiotics Levaquin and Cipro. Bennett wants “possible mitochondrial toxicity” and “serious psychiatric events” added to the drugs’ black box labels — the most prominent warning label required by the FDA. SONAR has gathered testimony from thousands of patients all across the country, patients who experienced muscle weakness, chronic fatigue, cardiomyopathy, hearing loss, developmental disorders, severe depression or nerve damage after taking Levaquin and related drugs.
[2011 May] Adverse reactions lead US patients to ask 'just how safe are antibiotics?' he was prescribed a toxic combination of drugs to treat lingering symptoms of what his doctor thought was prostatitis. Ten years later, he suffers from permanent brain damage, is on disability and has lost more than $3 million in medical costs and income. Grozier was prescribed a combination of ciprofloxacin and vioxx, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. ..Symptoms include central nervous system (CNS) toxicity, phototoxicity, cardiotoxicity, arthropathy and tendon rupture. Several fluoroquinolones have been taken off the market due to severe adverse reactions, but these instances are few.
The Fluoroquinolone Drugs are the most toxic and dangerous antibiotic in
clinical practice today.
Prescription For Disaster FQed by Levaquin Prescription For Disaster
by Levaquin
This is the final video in this series presenting the continuing
horrendous adverse drug reactions suffered by Paul Click on
the logo to the left to load this powerful presentation into your
media player. This video is about ten minutes long so it may
take a while to load completely. Please be patient while the
Video 2 of 2 video is loading. The two videos in this series
were done