Wakefield GMC Hearing
Smearing of Dr Wakefield
[Allopathy Inc attempt to suppress MMR vaccine damage. Historically this bubbles away beneath the surface usually. A similar one historically was when they attempted to get Dr Hadwen on a manslaughter charge for being anti-vaccine. Ignaz Semmelweis was another noted victim. For a longer list see Persecuted doctors. They hope to get away with it through blinding the public with propaganda coming out through the media Greek Chorus.]
See: Prof Denis McDevitt Brian Deer MEDICOLEGAL INVESTIGATIONS LIMITED DAVID HULL Dr Richard Horton Brian Deer Professor Zuckerman Professor Sir Michael Rutter
The Greek Chorus (Wakefield) MMR legal funding
Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda by
David Ayoub, M.D.
Wakefield "discredited."
drawing blood work at birthday party
BMJ Report (Wakefield - January 2011)
[2010 Jan] Read Silenced Witnesses Volume II: The Parents' Story and you will know MMR causes autism and serious bowel disease, while the governments have been lying through their teeth (as usual), supported by the media Greek Chorus
Jim Moody
Martin Walker articles re Wakefield
[2012 March] Dr. Wakefield Comments After the GMC Recants; Will Dr. Andrew Wakefield Be Next?
[pdf 2011 Jan] DR.
[2011 Jan] Documents
emerge proving Dr Andrew Wakefield innocent; BMJ and Brian Deer caught
misrepresenting the facts
[2011 Jan] The Great Pretender: Brian Deer's Wakefield Soap Opera By Martin J Walker MA.
[2011 Jan] Keeping Anderson Cooper Honest: Is Brian Deer The Fraud? By J.B. Handley
[2011 Jan] Landscaping Wakefield's Grave By Martin Walker
[2010 May] Lorene Amet and Pippa Line Respond to Brian Deer in BMJ By John StoneHistopathologist from the Lancet study Rebuffs Brian Deer’s Article in British Medical Journal
[2010 May. Letter] Wakefield’s Lancet Paper Vindicated – [Yet Again]
[2010 May. Letter] Response to feature Wakefield’s "autistic enterocolitis" under the microscope from ESPGHAN we are surprised that such a respected scientific journal as the BMJ would accept and publish such a sensitive paper while the researchers in question are being examined by the GMC. Moreover, we feel that publishing this article, by a journalist with a declared interest in the GMC case, just prior to the final judgment by the GMC of the researchers involved is both unjust and inappropriate.
[2010 April] How the GMC Framed Doctors Wakefield, Walker-Smith and Murch By Martin Hewitt
[2010 April] Journalist with No Medical Training Solves Mystery of Enterocolitis! By Martin Walker
[2010 April pdf] BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL PUBLISHES FALSE CLAIMS ABOUT MMR DOCTOR "It is extraordinary that a journal like the BMJ should have reduced itself to this sort of tabloid medicine from an entirely unqualified and biased source. The egregious errors in Deer's report should cause embarrassment to the BMJ's editors. In a relentless and misguided effort to distract attention from vaccine safety issues, agenda-driven journalism has once again made a mockery of medicine."
[2010 April] Dr. Mercola
Interviews Dr. Andrew Wakefield
[2010 April. Video transcripts] Dr Andrew Wakefield - In His own words
[2010 April] The GMC Hearings: Return to the House of Lies By Martin Walker
[2010 April] Statement from Dr. Andrew Wakefield Regarding GMC Hearing Sanctions
[2010 March] The GMC and the MMR case: 162-95 is the key By John Stone
[2010 March Letter] MMR Toxicity Explained by Michael D Innis The truth is it is harming the children because as Wakefield and his colleagues have shown, some ingredient in the vaccine causes methymalonic acidaemia followed by cobalamine deficiency and consequently neurological lesions in genetically susceptible children. The government is blind to this and one way out of this dilemma it seems is for doctors to forgo the five pieces of silver and refuse to vaccinate children on the grounds that the oath they have sworn, "first do no harm" forbids such an action.
[2010 Feb] Big Pharma/Lancet Scam: Vaccine-Autism Link Denied by MIKE ADAMS/ DR. LEONARD HOROWITZ
[2010 Feb Letter] Did retracting the paper matter? by F. Edward Yazbak
[2010 March Letter] How Unfortunate! Dr. Yazbak to BMJ What is happening to Professor Walker-Smith, Professor Simon Murch and Dr. Andrew Wakefield, three dedicated and wonderful physicians is unjust, unfair and unforgivable.
[2010 Feb] Dr Wakefield's Inquisitioners Have Their Day By Dr Sherri Tenpenny
[2010 Feb] Trisha Greenhalgh's Competing Interests in Wakefield Case By John Stone
[2010 Feb] No Parent Ever Complained to GMC: Public Statement from Lancet Families Supports The MMR3
[2010 Feb] The Lancet Retraction Changes Nothing by David Kirby there are now at least six published legal or scientific cases of children regressing into ASD following vaccination - and many more will be revealed in due time....Nobody seriously thinks that the retraction of The Lancet article, and the international flogging of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, will do anything to make this debate go away. And they are right.
GMC Fitness to Practice Hearing on Dr Wakefield, Professors Murch and Walker-Smith Conclusion to finding of facts: GMC, London 28 January, 2 pm. CryShame is again organising a demonstration of support for the doctors outside the GMC building on the day, and we urge you to join us.
[2009 July] Sunday Times Ordered ‘Remove Wakefield MMR “Data Fixing” Story’
Speculation Mounts On Professional Demise Of Dr Finlay Scott, GMC CEO
[Cryshame] On the 13th March 2009
Dr Andrew Wakefield filed a
complaint to the UK Press Complaints Commission alleging that
a freelance reporter (Mr. Brian Deer) made false accusations of
scientific fraud against Dr Wakefield in articles published in the UK
Sunday Times.
Dr Wakefield further alleges in this
addendum that
Mr. Deer failed to disclose in the Sunday Times conflicts of interest
with respect to his role in the GMC investigation. He also alleges that
Mr. Deer continues to mislead the public by denying his role in the GMC
proceedings against Dr Wakefield and his colleagues.
Correspondence between the GMC and Mr Deer can be found
See also: A Character
Assassin Caught in the Act (by Dan Olmstead and Mark Blaxill); and
Brian Deer:Conflicted
"Journalist", Industry Toady or Modern Day Madame DeFarge (by Jim
Petition for Wakefield - From Carmel Wakefield (wife)
[2009 March] Andrew Wakefield’s Complaint Against the Sunday Times – The Times of London Retreats by John Stone James Murdoch, was appointed to the board of MMR defendants GlaxoSmithKline
Sunday Times’ MMR Lies Nailed At Last - Editor Witherow Should Resign
[2009 Feb] In his
desperation, Deer gets it wrong once again By Dr Andrew Wakefield
Times’ Group Journo Costs GMC £1M - But Blames MMR Doc!
Sunday Times’ London Editor Must Quit Over False “Wakefield MMR Data Fixing” Story
[2009 Feb] A deer in the headlights By Melanie Phillips
Sunday Times Journalist Instigated GMC Case Against Dr Andrew WakefieldGMC FINDING ON FACT – 28 JAN 2010
[2010 Jan] False Testimony Denies Lancet Doctors a Fair Hearing Dr. Salisbury gave misleading testimony regarding the safety of the MMR vaccine and concealed information material to its safety from the public.
UK Autism Doctor Launches Formal Complaint Against London Sunday Times Reporter
by David Kirby
Submission to the UK Press Complaints Commission.
Complaint from Dr Andrew Wakefield about the Sunday Times article “MMR
doctor Andrew Wakefield fixed data on autism” of February 8th 2009, by Brian
[2008 Dec] Age of Autism Awards 2008 Galileo Award: Dr. Andrew Wakefield By Mark Blaxill
[2008 Dec] Smoke and Mirrors: Dr Richard Horton and the Wakefield Affair By John Stone
[2008 Nov] A Political Trial in London By John Stone
[Interview of Martin Walker Sept 2008] ANDREW WAKEFIELD IN THE DOCK
Brian Deer's Allegations against Dr Andrew Wakefield: A Rebuttal
[2008 Book] Silenced Witnesses The Parents' Story
[April 2008] The Cross-examination Begins, Begins, Begins, Begins by Martin Walker MA
[April 2008] Lies
Exposed At The UK MMR Vaccine Trial Court By Jane
[Sept 2007] GP in MMR row cleared by GMC
Tuesday 14th August GMC hearing By Olivia Hamlyn (daughter of Susan, sister of Francis)
[2007] MMR Vaccination Rates in the United Kingdom Before 1998 By F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP Thousands of British parents were not in favor of MMR vaccination before Andrew J. Wakefield published his original study in The Lancet in February 1998.
[May 2007] GMC Challenged On MMR
Inquiry Chief's Vaccine Firm Links
[June 2007 Private Eye] MMR Conflict of Interest Zone
See: Jane Donegan Lisa Blakemore-Brown Dr Sarah Myhill MB BS
General Medical Council PART 1 Dr Andrew Wakefield
General Medical Council PART 2 Dr Wakefield