
What Would a Reptilian Controlled Planet Look Like?

By James Bartley

27 Nov 2011

To get an idea of what a Reptilian Controlled planet would look like, we must first have a general understanding of what the Reptilians are: They are a parasitic alien species that thrives on engendering anger, confusion, fear and hatred upon a host population. The reptilians literally and figuratively “feed” off the negative emotions thus engendered. This is done on a macro-planetary scale but it is also done on a micro-individual scale. In order to maintain dominance of the host species (Humanity) the reptilians must genetically manipulate the host population so that a hereditary reptilian-human hybrid elite emerges which will act as plantation managers. In this way control is maintained for thousands of years through the same reptilian bloodlines. Human Destiny is thus guided and controlled by an Unseen Hand. Odious characteristics such as sexual aggression, unreasoning hostility, territorial acquisitiveness, and the compulsion to sadistically control and manipulate others are genetically imbued into large swaths of the surface population thus creating a veritable buffet of negative emotions for the reptilians to feed off of.

Further control of the surface human population is attained through the imposition of harsh patriarchal religions. A “Divide and Conquer” strategy is installed which results in endless wars between humans. The human race has been genetically “dumbed down” so that humanity at large cannot fulfil its spiritual and metaphysical potential. There is a well documented agenda to cull the Earth’s human population to “sustainable” levels. The goal is to leave a relatively small amount of thoughtless, micro-chipped humans to be slaves whose descendants will remain forever confined to this planet.

Another point to consider is that the Moon is an artificial satellite. I’m not suggesting that the reptilians created the Moon but for those who have studied the Moon in relation to UFOs, it is fairly obvious that the Moon is being utilized by someone or something. The anomalies of the Moon are too numerous to go into in this article. A good place for the reader to start serious research about the Moon is Chapter 1 of Jim Marr’s book “Alien Agenda.” Four points are worth mentioning: 1) the same side of the Moon always faces the Earth. By all rights the Moon should be rotating on its own axis. 2) The Moon actually makes a ringing sound which last for a long time when struck by a large object such as the Lunar Lander, suggesting the Moon is hollow. If the Moon is hollow then it cannot be a natural object. 3) NASA routinely air brushes photographs of the Moon which show unusual structures or objects. Insiders have come forward to attest to this fact. 4) The Moon is positioned in such a way that it can cause a total eclipse of the Sun. It is beyond the laws of chance or probability that the Moon should have accidentally wound up in its present position. It simply must have been placed there by a civilization with truly awesome technological capabilities. It is possible the Moon itself is a space ship. The positioning of the Moon gives one the impression that it is a huge monitoring station and Earth is nothing more than a huge terrarium. To carry on this analogy further it would be helpful to draw a comparison with human owners of pet reptiles vice the observed treatment meted out to the human host population by the reptilians.

The human owner provides a well regulated and safe habitat for his reptile. It is not unusual for the human owner to shower affection upon the reptile. The least that pets of any variety can expect from their human owners is nutritious food, abundant clean air and water as well as health care when the animals become ill. On the other hand, this is what we know is happening to humanity:

1) Globalist organizations such as the Codex Alimentarius are gradually ensuring that all the “food” that humans eat will be denatured, irradiated, and bereft of necessary enzymes, minerals, nutrients and essential fatty acids. Instead the human herd is forced to consume processed foods, much of it genetically engineered which contain carcinogenic ingredients and preservatives. It will soon be illegal to own, let alone plant natural seeds. The “food” literally makes us sick.

2) The medicines provided for us by the pharmaceutical cartel make us ill and the medical treatments that are given to us by the medical system are either ineffective, make us sicker or kill us. Vaccines laced with viruses and adjuvants gives humans cancer and turn children autistic or give them convulsions. The toxic combination of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, GMO food, fluoridated water ad nauseum has led to widespread sterility in human males. Hundreds of Natural Supplements will be banned in the European Union this year, the rest of the world to follow.

3) Chemtrails criss-cross the skies with pollutants that cause widespread sickness and which may even affect us at the DNA level. Transnational corporations routinely desecrate the environment with toxic pollutants, a recent egregious example being British Petroleum deliberately poisoning the Gulf of Mexico with oil and dispersants which will have dire consequences for the entire planet. Spontaneous fission continues to occur in the Fukushima reactors in Japan. Radionuclides continue to be dispersed into the jet stream which will spread the highly toxic particulates around the entire planet. Fukushima was a contrived event. Genetically modified plants and animals once introduced into the ecosystem are incurring changes in natural crops and wildlife. Honeybees are dying off in huge numbers. HAARP and SeismicWeaponry are creating artificial “natural disasters” all over the world resulting in even more shortages of natural food. “Futures” Markets are manipulated in New York and Chicago resulting in rising prices of basic foodstuffs which leads to even more starvation.

4) A Fiat Currency system has indebted every nation on Earth to the International Banking Cartel which is the primary operating arm of the reptilian overlords on the surface of the planet. Countless individuals and families in Western nations are financially destitute. The peoples of the Third World have long since been impoverished.

5) People are “De-Educated.” The Educational System is run by Behaviorist and Psychologist who utilize Skinnerian techniques. As a result entire generations of people are absolutely incapable of independent thought. The series of tremendous geological cataclysms resulting from comets and perhaps interplanetary wars are dismissed as absurdities by Quackademics in the Educational System. The meanings of words have been twisted and perverted. Full scale military invasions are described as “humanitarian interventions.” Anti-War protestors are described as “Terrorists” and people who believe in The Truth (i.e. any verifiable Truth which conflicts with the corporate media consensus) are demonized as “Extremists.”

All of the above and much more could be attributed to purely human masters were it not for the countless well documented accounts of abductions of humans by reptilians.

The reptilians are an objective reality. There are countless videos on Youtube and Google video which show reptilian human hybrids with vertical pupils on television manipulating and lying to the public. Their vertical pupils and occasional shape shifting gives them away. The ratio of reptilian human hybrids in positions of power and influence compared to “normal humans” should give anyone pause for thought as to who or what is really in control of this planet. We must first recognize the state of Cosmic Vassalage we are in. If enough people wake up to the reality of the Reptilian Overlords in time, we may still assert our freedom and throw off the yoke of reptilian oppression. It is not too late. If you think I am making all this up, just look up at the Moon.