
The Truth About Hair and why Indians would keep their hair long

Taqsir: Meaning a cutting of the hair. A taqsir is a partial shortening of the hair, whereas a halq is a complete shave of the head, except for women, as they cut a little amount of hair instead.

[2012 Feb] Sad Sag Nicki Minaj Unleashes Roman, Consumating The Seven-Day-Ritual, From The Super Bowl To The Grammys  Lourdes just shaved the right side of her head, which in Islam is called the “Taqsir.” This is done as part of the last stage of pilgrimage. The event that follows the “Taqsir” or “Halq” is the sacrifice of an animal or the stoning of it. Now I’m not saying that she shaved part of her head as part of Whitney’s sacrifice (I would never besmirch Islam), but the timing is fairly interesting to say the least.



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Hasidic, Chabad-Lubavitch Judaism