Reptilian hosting

The Body Snatchers
A True Story of Body Snatching by the Reptilians 
A Real Alien Conspiracy

a book by Susan Reed BSC

Susan Reed has a Bachelor of Science in nutrition and has worked for eighteen years as a nutritionist and hospital dietician. She worked in nutritional research for several years.

She became interested in higher consciousness and spent four years in an enlightenment and study course. She then met a man named Brian, who revealed himself to be a reptilian host. This catapulted her into the secret reptilian involvement on the planet.

TGS HiddenMysteries :: Conspiracy :: Alien - UFO :: Body Snatchers

Review  By James Bartley

[Whale copy]


[Good info on reptilian possession & body snatching, assassinations and plans.   The chip they want everyone to have is designed to kill.]

"This alien race is know as the reptilians; actually they are called the Draconians.  The Biblical term is the Nephilim or fallen angels and obviously satan....I had become involved with a reptilian who had taken over a human spirit and body (Brian), he had been body snatched...Brian is one of many such reptilians...there are politicians and even..actors
...A term ..for the Draconian organisation is the suppressive force with is descriptive.  they are also called the Illuminate, the global elite...they are using techniques to suppress us...our intellect (nutrition), suppressing our abundance (debt), suppressing our health as described under viruses and nutrition.....suppressing consciousness....

"There is literature that baby milks lack the oils essential and that  there   is   possibly  an   association  with   poor  brain development but nothing is done about it....Ettissh describes how baby milks are used to greatly reduce our intellect; they do not support proper brain development due to a lack of nutrients called essential fatty  acids, EFA'S.  These EFA'S  are   deliberately  excluded,  even  today Scientists are suppressed,  even killed:  'we don't add them do we- that's deliberate - we don't let the scientists find out - we suppress it - we are the baby milks - we are in all of the baby milks e. g. Nestle, cow and gate, any baby milk company, we're them.  We've killed a baby milk scientist - you'd know him, he's quite well known- heart attack, encircling stuff — he was convinced we were wrong and tried to tell other people.' "  The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed BSC  [See: Bottle-feeding]

"Another topic of great interest is what Ettissh discusses about wheat. There is a substance in wheat which causes hardening of the arteries and they promote wheat based products for this reason.  Thirdly our soils lack trace elements which further reduce are intellect, this is deliberate:  "Rice girl, no wheat, we don't want atherosclerosis that's what it does to you- scientists have discovered this and we hush them up - yes we've killed a few scientists because of this wheat thing. We promote wheat to debilitate you, hardening of the arteries.' "-- The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed BSC

"They are the banks and they control us through debt. They use a universal law of abundance which affects our prosperity when we are in debt, debt draws money and other things away from us. We have to work harder which leaves us with less time to question what's going on or raise our consciousness: "Debts a biggie for us- we are all the international bankers and if you are all in debt it means we've got the grips on you when the time comes- but that isn't why we're doing it.......if you are in debt things don't go your way. (A money law of abundance - anti abundance, debt draws things away from you-and it isn't just money) We know all the universal laws and we use them and it isn't just that one. We're behind most of the credit cards ......We want you all in debt so things don't go your way then -debt makes more debt, - we dig the knife in - negative spiral downhill and we help it on its way, taking more than is reasonable once you are in debt." The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed BSC

I have concluded because of these experiences that Brian is a combination of a reptilian spirit controlling a human spirit in a single human body and Brian has described this. They have body snatched a human but they keep the human spirit there. A worker in the Dulce underground base named Thomas 4 confirms this when he states " they know how to separate the bioplasmic body from the physical body to place an alien entity life-force matrix within a human body after removing the "soul" life-force matrix of the human. The life-force matrix would I assume be the spirit. I also have evidence that the reptilian and human spirits are technically joined at the mental level. Brian has in fact told me after the event "I'm the reptilian and I just use him (the human), I ain't no human, well he's part of me, but he ain't me, you know what I mean" and "they don't exactly coexist it's more like the alien has overwhelmed the human, the reptilian is now in the drivers seat." and by this I assume he means the mind of the reptilian is in control. I deduce that the human spirit is needed to coordinating the body which the reptilian can't do. How can this be possible? - With Spirit technology which they have.

We helped the ape man theory along, because we don't want you knowing about aliens because we are more believable then aren't we , maybe you'll put two and two together if other aliens are here then perhaps we are the ones fucking you up — Scientists we hush them up - genetic scientists know blonds can't come from apes, course they do - we ridicule them if we can — All alien encounters we cover up if we can, so you don't know we are around, otherwise you might put two and two together. The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed BSC

The author of this book was reported to have drowned off a beach in Nassau, Bahamas in October of 2009. Her true name was Jeannie Gospell. She was likely murdered. After you read this book, you will understand why. I will be gradually editing the English grammar in this posting (as time allows) to make it easier to read and understand what the author is trying to explain (currently, I've edited up to section 2.1). The original, unedited version is found at this link (
    This book is extremely important. It offers many insights into the psychology, methodology, motivations, and long term goals of the reptilian aliens who are engaged in an agenda that is threatening -in the extreme- the continued existence of the human race on this planet. As humans, we need to confront this threat and DEAL with it (as burying your head in the sand is NOT going to solve anything). If we don't stop this reptilian infiltration and takeover, our very existence as a race of people, living on our own mother planet, is in peril. This agenda must be recognized, and it must be exposed, and it must be stopped.
    It should be noted, however, that the author of this book is limited in her understanding of higher metephysical principles. She's perplexed by the apparent conundrum that reptilians think and behave with such evil intent and malice, yet they operate in in a "higher" dimensional plane. The author equates "higher" dimensional planes with higher spiritual advancement. It doesn't exactly work that way. Yes, when you go above a certain threshold of vibration, evil thinkers and evil doers cannot exist, but the fourth and fifth dimensions are not strictly bound by that limitation.
    A second problem to be recognized in this writing is the author's WILLINGNESS to participate in the subjugation and abuse which she experienced at the hands of her reptilian/human  lover (and abuser) 'Brian.' This woman was FASCINATED by the apparent power and APPARENT intellect of her abuser, thus she repeatedly accepted degradation, humiliation, coersion, and victimization as the PRICE she had to pay to be with him and acquire "inside" information. We need to remember that cooperating with evil, on ANY level, is a MISTAKE and it will ultimately come back to bite you. --Ken Adachi