Caduceus & Staff of Asclepius

[The snake and staff symbol of Satanic Snake gods Osiris, Enki, Ishtar, Quetzalcoatl & Ningishzidda, which is no surprise considering the nature of the Satanic outfits who us it: Allopathy Inc, WHO, & AMA. Enki was the snake/Satan in the Adam and Eve story, the staff of Asclepius looks more like a small tree (as does the AMA logo).  The fact the shape of a Caduceus is similar to Ida and Pingali could be the fact the snakes stopped the natural energy rise in those channels (hence the use of the snake head at the top, also found on Church religious staffs, hence belief in religions), into the Pineal gland which represents the third eye, our spiritual sight (represented by the Pine cone), which gives us natural Wisdom or Knowledge (as told in the Adam and Eve story).  With the ETA using the Asclepius sign, makes you think they are a snake operation, a False flag outfit like Gladio.]

See snake symbols: Snake Snake eyes (poker)  Snake/reptilian eyes (slits)  Snake legs  Snake swallowing human Snake swallowing tail (Oroboros)  Dragon Dragon slaying

Staff of Asclepius
    Adam and Eve tree snake
    Staff of Asclepius

   Lilith (with Satan the serpent)
    Asclepius logos
      Masonic/Knights Templar

    Osiris caduceus staff
    Ningishzidda Caduceus

     Enki double-helix snake
Indian & Russian Orthodox Church staff


Satans symbol of modern medicine, do you go to satan to be healed?

Mercury (Hermes) & merchant approach disapproving Asclepius (Physician) and the naked Graces (Meditrine, Hygeia and Panacea) [Engraved from an original in the then Museum Pio Clemens in Rome Galerie Mythologique, Recueil de Monuments by Aubin Louis Millin, Paris 1811.]


"The two serpents are the same as the emblem of Freemasonry-the double-headed eagle."--Tex Marrs

Ishtar/Inanna Again, in her aspect of Warrior Queen, Ishtar held a labrys, scepter or a staff with either one or two snakes coiled around it.  In this aspect, the snake stood for the ability to take a life. It seems that this staff/scepter started out with only one snake and then ended up with two.  The healing god Ningishzide, who goes back to Mesopotamia, was a lover of Inanna/Ishtar.  He carried a single-serpent wand, but this snake had two heads and both male and female sex organs in the one body.  This kind of Mesopotamian snake was called a Sachan, and was Ningishzide’s symbol. Regardless as to how many snakes, there were, the staff, which became the healing caduceus of Hermes, was a symbol of Inanna/Ishtar’s power to grant life, to heal, or to take life away.  Before it became the Greek caduceus, this staff had a solar disc on top with two snakes that looked like horns (see below for “cow”).  Later, Hermes came to own the staff, by this time it had two snakes intertwined around it, and this was his symbol as the Psychopomp, the Conductor of Souls.

Staff of Asclepius

Adam and Eve tree snake

Adam and Eve (similar snake, tree staff)

Adam and Eve painting

Staff of Asclepius




Lilith (with Satan the serpent)

Lilith (with Satan the serpent), painting by John Collier (1892)

Fillippino Lipi's


Hugo van der Goes

Asclepius logos

Masonic/Knights Templar [Knights Templar]

Star of the Order of Knights Templar. It is usually worn by Sir Knights on a piece of Regalia called The Baldric.



ETA terrorist group




"The two serpents are the same as the emblem of Freemasonry-the double-headed eagle."--Tex Marrs

Allopathy  [Allopathy Inc]

Mercury  Caduceus Entwining Hypodermic on Mercury Background (background by Patrick Hoesly

Baphomet  [Baphomet]

Osiris caduceus staff

Pine Cone Staff of Osiris surrounded by the two serpents of the Kundalini. The staff represents the spine and the pine cone represents the pineal gland.



Citing the history of the caduceus, some physicians are critical of the symbol, because Hermes also happens to be the god that leads the dead to the underworld and is not only associated with wealth and commerce, but happens to be the patron of thieves (he is a classic trickster figure in Greek myths). It only makes sense that doctors wouldn't want to be associated with trickery, death, and the accumulation of wealth! Medical purists suggest we should go back to the staff of Aesculapius, which is depicted as a single serpent coiled around a cypress branch.

Ningishzidda Caduceus

Seal of Ningishzidda as entwined snakes around a rod

drawing (1928) from a cylinder seal of King Gudea of Lagash, ca. 2100 B.C. shows Ningishzida as a human with serpent-dragon heads erupting from shoulders and as a fourlegged beast with horns and wings (cf. p. 57 for the below illustration in Sir Charles Leonard Woolley. Vor 5000 Jahren. Ausgrabungen von Ur. Stuttgart, Deutschland. Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung. 1928. [A German translation of his English edition of 1928 titled The Sumerians. The drawing appearing on p. 89, figure 21A. Oxford, England. The Clarendon Press. 1929 reprint]).

stela showing Lagash's King Gudea/Gudaea (his face hacked away apparently by a non-admirer) being grasped by the hand by the god Ningishzida and led to a seated god (?) who dispenses life-giving freshwater needed for Lagash's crops. Ningishzida has serpent-dragon heads erupting from his shoulders. The god standing before Ningishzida is unidentified, but he "might be" Dumuzi, who, with Ningishzida in the Adapa and the Southwind Myth brought man (Adapa) before Anu to receive the "water of life" (for the photo cf. figure 189. Anton Moortgat. Die Kunst des Alten Mesopotamien, Die klassische Kunst Vorderasiens. Darmstadt. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1967. Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg. Koln). Gudea holds a palm frond in his hand, perhaps from a date palm? Date palm plantations existed in antiquity in Mesopotamia and were an important food source. The Bible suggests for some scholars the "Tree of Life" planted in the Garden of Eden may have been a Date palm as Solomon's Temple is described as having Cherubim and Palmtrees lining its walls (1 Kings 6:32) and God stations the Cherubim to deny man access to the "Tree of Life" in Eden's Garden (Genesis 3:24).

Enki double-helix snake

Enki His image is a double-helix snake

Ningishzidda in human form with horned snakes on his shoulders

Quetzalcoatl  [Quetzalcoatl]

Caduceus Statue of Quetzalcoatl with entwined snakes around a rod

Hermes [Hermes]

X sign

Mithras  [Mithras]

Pine cone  Lightning bolt  Vulcan


The Bishop of London’s crosier designed by Paolo Guidi, made by Nicholas Plumber, London 1992

 Indian and Russian Orthodox Church staffs [Luciferian symbols]

Eastern Orthodox Church, also note the screw thingy in the middle of the hat.

 Indian Orthodox Church

 Russian Orthodox Catholic Church Dragon

The Mace  [Mace]

The Mace, which is the symbol of the Office of the Sergeant at Arms, is placed by the Sergeant at Arms on a pedestal at the Speaker's right each time the House convenes. The MAce is also used in the British and Australian parliaments and is also a Nazi symbol of power.

St. George’s University created the Order of the Mace four years ago, coinciding with its 30th Anniversary




Tiananmen Square




Hermanubis, Greco-Egyptian syncretic diety (Hermes + Anubis...)


??? Source:


Alice in Chains


Earth, Wind and Fire

Satans symbol of modern medicine, do you go to satan to be healed?