Vitamin C and Whooping Cough (Nutritional Medicine)
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See Vit C cures:  Addiction (heroin) Cot Death (Prevention) Drug addiction Heart disease Viral hepatitis  Pancreatitis Sepsis (Vitamin C)  Scurvy Measles 1949 Meningitis 1974 Pneumonia Polio 1949 Tetanus (1954)

[2012 June] Whooping cough treatment by Hilary Butler  Mainstream medical treatment of whooping cough is using antibiotics and "palliative" care. First up...., it doesn't work.  They know that..., I know that..., but they won't tell you that, for the simple reason that... they have NOTHING else to offer you....If you use antibiotics, you can just about guarantee your child WILL BE sicker.....NON-conventional treatment of whooping cough: Fortunately, there are two sorts of non-"medical" modalities which considerably reduce the coughing intensity and number of coughing spells per day.  Parents are usually delighted with the results.  If you expect your doctor to know them, you may be disappointed.  However, there are a few doctors who do, so if you happen to have your butt on the right chair, in the right surgery at the right time, and make the right unthreatening and encouraging noises, both methods may be whispered to you on the sly, but not written into your medical records. The first is those dreaded two words which the conformed in the medical profession hates to hear. Wait for it. Vitamin C. Some doctors have actually incorporated this into their practices in New Zealand, and one overseas doctor, has written a very good paper on whooping cough treatment with vitamin C. She at least is grateful that there is a tool available to her which actually WORKS.

[2011 Dec] The Vitamin C Treatment of Whooping Cough by Suzanne Humphries, MD  This is important. If you think that a vaccinated person cannot get whooping cough, in the most severe manner, think again. Most babies over the age of 6 months who get whooping cough are fully and “appropriately” vaccinated. Pertussis is admittedly, even by the vaccine enthusiasts, primarily spread by vaccinated children, adolescents and adults, who have inadequate immunity. Regardless, they will still say the problem is not with the vaccine, but rather with too few doses of vaccine. However, conventional medicine’s own scientific studies demonstrate that bacterial clearance and immune response is not as efficient in the vaccinated, in particular with the acellular pertussis vaccine. When pertussis is left to take its normal course in the community, the supposedly vulnerable infants that the vaccinationists scream and yell about, are protected by maternal antibodies and mother’s milk until they are old enough to process the disease on their own. After vaccines were introduced, this protection was vastly reduced, because the mothers were only having vaccine antibodies to pass along to their infants, and that defense is neither effective nor long-lasting. A recent study confirms that natural immunity to whooping cough lasts at least 30 years, whereas the immunity from a vaccine lasts 3 years, and after adult boosters, all antibodies have disappeared within a year. The risk of vaccination with unpredictable waning “immunity,” and vaccine failure, is not as reliable as what nature has set forth, and it never will be.

[1937] Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Treatment of Whooping Cough: Ormerod and Unkauf, Canadian Medical Association Journal, August 1937 “Ascorbic acid definitely shortens the paroxysmal stage of the disease, particularly if relatively large doses are used early in the disease.”


[1937] A Further Report on the Ascorbic Acid Treatment of Whooping Cough: Ormerod, Unkauf and White, Canadian Medical Association Journal, September 1937  “Saturation of whooping cough patients with ascorbic acid decreases markedly the intensity, number and duration of the characteristic symptoms.”