Vitamin C for viral hepatitis
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"Viral hepatitis of all types is one of the easiest diseases for ascorbic acid to cure."---Dr Cathcart, M.D.

Levy, MD, JD, Thomas E.

[1978] Vitamin C for Prophylaxis of Viral Hepatitis B in Transfused Patients: Morishige, Journal of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, 1978

“... by 1974 the value of ascorbic acid had become so clear that the decision was made, for ethical reasons, to give vitamin C in large amounts to essentially every patient.

“Over the whole period 1967 to 1976 there were 12 cases of hepatitis among the 170 transfused patients who received little or no vitamin C (incidence 7%) and three cases, all non-B, among the 1,367 who received 2 g per day or more (incidence 0.2%).

“The results presented here support our earlier conclusion that vitamin C given in large amounts has a significant prophylactic effect against post-transfusion hepatitis, especially type B.”

[AscorbateWeb Editorial: One wonders what ethics today’s doctors (outside of Japan, that is) subscribe to in handling their patients receiving transfusions.  Could any of those 1980’s cases of transfusion-borne HIV — and today’s hepatitis-C — have been prevented by a few cents’ worth of ascorbate?]

[1960] Acute Hepatitis Treated with High Doses of Vitamin C: Calleja et al, Ohio State Medical Journal, June 1960

“We used 5 grams of vitamin C ... in 1000 cc. of 5 per cent glucose in water given intravenously in four to five hours daily for 24 days.

“The salutary effects from this treatment were dramatic. The anemia was corrected; the leukocyte count and differential returned to normal; the ascites disappeared; the patient gained weight, and his appetite improved. A feeling of general well-being was evident after the first few days of treatment.

“The liver function tests which were deranged prior to treatment returned to normal except ... [an] abnormality ... consistent with his moderate portal cirrhosis. The absence of neutrophilic infiltration in the last liver biopsy done immediately after the termination of treatment with vitamin C was striking.”

[AscorbateWeb Editorial: As of February 2003 there is no known effective vaccine or other treatment for hepatitis C.  No published accounts of ascorbate treatment of HepC have surfaced, although anecdotal communications have been sent to AscorbateWeb.

At least one orthomolecular practitioner (on shaky ground with their local licensing board) has been administering ascorbate-based HepC treatment; meanwhile the mainstream profession continues its adherence to the latest glamorous, costly and profitable patent antivirals — to no apparent long-term patient benefit.]

[1957] Treatment of Epidemic Hepatitis in Childhood with High Doses of Ascorbic Acid: Kirchmair, Medizinische Monatenschrift, 1957

“Therapy with high doses of vitamin C showed the following effects: Already during the first few days marked subjective improvement was noticed, followed by good appetite and weight gain...

“The swelling of the liver subsided rapidly. In previous cases it took an average of 30.3 days until the liver regained normal size in contrast to 8.6 days under ascorbic acid treatment. At the same time the jaundice disappeared rapidly.

“Fat-containing diet could be started in all cases during the second week and was well tolerated without exception. Clinical relapses ... did not occur. Whereas with the usual therapy hospitalization lasted an average of 64.9 days, only 31.9 days in the hospital were required for patients of the described series.”

[AscorbateWeb Editorial: Much emphasis at the turn of the 20th & 21st centuries was placed on hepatitis B vaccines. Considerable controversy surrounds these vaccines, with charges of adverse reactions, infant deaths, long-term and lifelong illness and limited efficacy being leveled at manufacturers, who indirectly lobby for compulsory administration (in the USA, at any rate) to all children, whether they are at risk or not.

Orthomolecular treatments of the kind described in this study are practically unheard of; none are recognized or allowed by the corporate pharmaceutical-medical industrial cartel. Still, it is worth keeping in mind that for a short time even ascorbate was the darling of the pharmaceutical industry — until the patents expired, that is.]

[1954] Hepatitis Therapy With Ascorbic Acid Infusions: Baur & Staub, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 1954

“Investigations ... showed that the intravenous infusion of 10 gm. ascorbic acid ... accelerated decrease of serum bilirubin and increase in weight, reduced the period of urinary excretion of bilirubin, urobilin and urobilinogen, shortened the duration of dysproteinemia and illness. ... The ascorbic acid infusions caused no undesired side-effects.”

[AscorbateWeb Editorial: Yet another successful therapy, long ignored or forgotten, which used ascorbate to accelerate recovery from hepatitis.]