Suppression of child
health knowledge
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"Early in my own pediatric training I was taught that if a mother questioned whether she should breastfeed or bottlefeed, the proper answer is: "The decision is strictly up to you; I will assist you in whatever method you decide to use."--Dr Mendelsohn MD
[Circumcision, the breakdown of maternal bonding, and high rates of bottlefeeding didn't just happen by accident, as you can see from Covert-genocide & DISEASE PROTECTION RACKET. Not to mention the suppression of vaccine disease, such as autism, see Vaccine autism proven.]
Persecuted doctors Covert-genocide Circumcision (male)Mostly sourced:
"Not only have politicians until today failed to acknowledge the scientific reality of somatosensory-affectional deprivation (S-SAD) and its devastating effects on the human brain, the pioneering research by Dr. Prescott and his colleagues has been cancelled and covered up, under the false pretext that research on the origins of violence and on child abuse and neglect was "outside the scope of NICHD responsibilities".
"There is literature that baby milks lack the oils essential and that there is possibly an association with poor brain development but nothing is done about it....Ettissh describes how baby milks are used to greatly reduce our intellect; they do not support proper brain development due to a lack of nutrients called essential fatty acids, EFA'S. These EFA'S are deliberately excluded, even today Scientists are suppressed, even killed: 'we don't add them do we- that's deliberate - we don't let the scientists find out - we suppress it - we are the baby milks - we are in all of the baby milks e. g. Nestle, cow and gate, any baby milk company, we're them. We've killed a baby milk scientist - you'd know him, he's quite well known- heart attack, encircling stuff — he was convinced we were wrong and tried to tell other people.' " The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed BSC The obstruction, cancellation, and cover-up of the research
The obstruction, cancellation, and cover-up of the research
James W.
Prescott, Ph.D.: Second Letter to Congressman Brian Bilbray
March 22 2000 letter regarding the White House history of indifference to
important research on the causes of violence. (last modified ).
James W.
Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director, National Human
Genome Research Institute, NIH.
Letter of 4 March 2003 concerning priorities of the genome project and why the
bonobo chimpanzee was not selected for study, as it is the most peaceful and
non-violent primate on the planet. It was emphasized that human violence is the
principal health problem of the world. A bureaucratic letter was received that
did not address the issues raised in the letter. (last modified ).
James W.
Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director, National Human
Genome Research Institute, NIH.
Letter of 14 March 2003 that was a follow-up of the letter of 5 March 2003 that
questioned the health priorities of the genome project. The bovine genome is
substantially less important than the genome of the bonobo chimpanzee (Pan
paniscus). No response received. (last modified ).
Duane Alexander:
Response to Dr. Prescott's letter
June 26 2003 response by Duane Alexander, director of the National Institute of
Child Health & Human Development, to Dr. Prescott which confirms the continuing
denial of the research conducted under Prescott's leadership in the past (last
modified ).
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
[See AAP]
James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to Dr. Gartner, Chairman, Section on
Breastfeeding, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Letter of 11 February 2005 requesting that he distribute my letter to Dr.
Zerhouni to the members of his Committee on Breastfeeding and to take corrective
actions. This letter went unacknowledged. (last modified ).
Dr. Alexander, Director National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
to Dr. Prescott
Letter of 17 March 2005 which was in response to Dr. Prescott's letter to Dr.
Zerhouni. This letter acknowledged that "I am unable to comment on the perceived
deficiencies and omission in the recent American Academy of Pediatrics Policy
Statement on Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk". No concern was expressed
on the relationship between low/impaired breastfeeding bonding and suicide that
was documented in the letter to Dr. Zerhouni and which begged the question that
such studies were too difficult to conduct since "two-thirds of all mothers in
the U.S. and four-fifths of African-American mothers have weaned their infants
by six moths of age" (last modified ).
James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to Dr. Gartner, Chairperson, Section on
Breastfeeding, American Academy of Pediatrics,
Letter of 3 Feb 06, that cites the negligence of his Committee to review the
relevant published scientific studies on the nutritional deficiencies of infant
formula milk for normal brain behavioral development, as contained in the AAP
Policy Statement "Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk" (2005) and to take
corrective actions. (last modified ).
"Studies have found approximately 230 baby boys die each year in the U.S. as a result of circumcision surgery. Another study published last week found at least 117 boys die annually from circumcision surgery as it is reported by hospitals. We're not alone in our estimation that there are likely at least twice as many deaths due to circumcision, because of our non-structured and easy-to-cover-up means of infant mortality reporting. But if we are only looking at research-based documentation, we find an average 174 boys die each year with the documented cause being circumcision surgery. Especially disturbing in these statistics is that the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) continues to issue widespread warnings about choking as one of the highest causes of death among children, despite the fact that a greater number of infants die from circumcision than from choking. [2010] Death From Circumcision By Danelle Frisbie
American Academy of Pediatrics
It's a national crisis that requires a unified national response from our
medical community. *** THE SMOKING GUN *** THAT PROVES THE American
Academy of Pediatrics has betrayed the American people by concealing the
well-known structure and function of the foreskin. This vital information was
deleted from subsequent editions of the AAP pamphlet. Ronald Goldman, Ph.D.
inquired eight times to four AAP officials about this deletion, and concluded
there was "no coherent explanation." You can read his correspondence with them
at this link...
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.]
James W.
Prescott, Ph.D. letter Dr. Charles H. Halstead, Editor-in-Chief, American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Letter of February 15, 2006 that alerts him to the dangers of infant formula
feeding for the formation of the brain neurotransmitters necessary for social
bonding and requesting his support for a national review of this subject by DHHS
Secretary Leavitt and the urgent need to take corrective actions. (last modified
Charles H.
Halsted, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
E-mail response to Dr. Prescott's letter of 15 February 2006 requesting his
support for national inquiries into the malnutrition of infant formula milk upon
brain-behavioral development, which contributes to the development of the
neurodissociative brain. Dr. Prescott's reply regrets his refusal to become
involved in this national public health issue that affects the lives of millions
of children. (last modified ).
James W. Prescott,
Ph.D. letter to DHHS Secretary Michael O. Leavitt
Letter of February 15, 2006 alerting him to the letter sent to Dr. Halstead