Some New York Times Reporters are Just Ignorant
There's a reporter named Gardiner Harris who writes for the New York Times. I've probably talked to a hundred or so reporters in my time and he is unquestionably the biggest jackass I have ever encountered. Aside from being snide, cynical, wildly biased, dismissive, and arrogant, there's also this ditty, in a private email to me that explains it all:
"but scaring parents away from life-saving medicines is no way to improve this terrible situation. i have met parents who lost their children to vaccine-preventable diseases, and they are haunted. if you had your way, there would be far more of these haunted souls. i hope to prevent that from happening." – Gardiner Harris
So, he's also a vaccine zealot.
Needless to say that when I got the message that Donald McNeil from the New York Times had called on Friday for an interview, I just shook my head. Do I really have the time to waste on another trap at the New York Times, so I can see whatever I say put in the worst possible light in print no matter what I do? Stubbornly, and probably against my better judgment, I called him back.
"Donald G. McNeil Jr. is a science and health reporter specializing in plagues and pestilences. He covers diseases of the world's poor, AIDS, malaria, avian flu, SARS, mad cow disease and so on. He also writes features and first-person pieces for other sections. He joined the Times in 1976 as a copy boy and has been a night rewrite man, an environmental reporter, a theater columnist and an editor. From 1995 to 2002 he was a foreign correspondent based in South Africa and France and has reported from 49 countries."
Plagues, diseases of
the poor, SARS, and mad cow disease? I held
no hope - most journalists who specialize in
these topics believe vaccines are the answer
for all the ills that face the world. It got
worse when I started to read the articles
Donald McNeil had actually written. Just
consider some of these headlines:
Sharp Drop Seen in Deaths From Ills
Fought by Vaccine
New Vaccine Said to Offer Hope Against
Deadly Bacterium
Avian Flu Pandemic Still Possible, Experts
Study Casts Doubt on Theory Of Vaccines'
Link to Autism
Oh good God, I thought, this guy is drinking
the kool-aid like the other New York Times
reporters. Just for fun I Googled "Donald
McNeil New York Times Paul Offit" and
wouldn't you know, the quote machine has
been very busy with Mr. McNeil, featured in
nearly every article he has written on
anything anywhere to do with vaccines. See
for yourself.
My cell phone rang. It was Donald McNeil. He
tells me he's writing a review of Paul
Offit's book. Interesting that a book
sitting at #8,219 on sales rank at Amazon
hits the New York Times radar, but there you
The interview began. Unlike Gardiner, Donald
McNeil was a pleasant guy from the outset,
clear and straightforward in his goals. He
mentioned Offit's book, that there was
certainly some controversy, and what did I
think about it all.
I think my initial answer surprised him. To
paraphrase myself I said:
"Offit's book is a disappointment. For
something like autism, where none of our
health authorities have any explanation of
cause or cure, we have a whole community of
doctors and parents who are actually
recovering children. And, without ever
treating an autistic child, interviewing a
DAN! doctor who treats them, or exploring
the several hundred case reports of complete
recovery and thousands of stories of
improvement, without ever looking into any
of this, Offit says its all bullshit. I just
don't understand how someone who considers
themselves a doctor could do that."
And here is what I am going to tell you
about Donald McNeil: he was completely and
utterly clueless. He'd never heard kids
actually recover. He'd never heard of cases
of children, now neurotypical, with detailed
medical records and case reports charting
their recovery. He didn't know tens of
thousands of kids are truly recovering from
autism and being treated by doctors with
medical degrees just like Offit. From his
perspective there's a lie by Andy Wakefield,
one death from chelation, and a bunch of
quackery. Substance to what we are actually
saying and doing? He had no clue.
The conversation continued. He said Offit
has a simple position on our community:
greedy lawyers and opportunistic doctors
prey on desperate parents, and that's all we
are. What did I think of that?
I told him Vaccine Court lawyers are paid by
the hour, as far as I knew, so hard to
fathom they are chasing a great fortune. On
the quack doctor side, I took him through my
own neighborhood. Six kids with ASD at my
son's school. Three completely recovered,
all from the same doctor. Doctors don't stay
in business very long without results, and I
have seen some great results. Has he ever
looked? Of course he hasn't. He had no idea.
He then asked the annoying question, the one
that Offit deems important to tell every
reporter he talks to. He said Offit can't do
a book tour for his book because of his fear
for his safety because he has gotten death
threats. What did I think of this?
My first answer, which is probably the one
he'll use, came from the instinctive side of
my brain:
"Many of us on our side of the debate get
threats, too, we're just not wimps who whine
about it. It comes with the territory."
I went on to say that a death threat is
never OK, I condemn it, and whomever did it
should be prosecuted. At the same time, what
I wish I'd said was, "What the hell does
that have to do with whether or not he is
right or wrong?"
We went on to the next topic, which was
probably my favorite. I took him to task on
the sweeping statements he and his
colleagues make that the science proves
"vaccines don't cause autism." I took him
through how every single study Offit and
others cite only compare vaccinated kids to
other vaccinated kids. I asked him to try
and name any other drug on the planet where
they try to assess adverse events by only
looking at people who have received the drug
in question. I explained how important it is
to look at unvaccinated kids, something
people like Offit never advocate doing.
His answer?
"Looking at unvaccinated kids would be
Now, let me explain. Donald McNeil, senior
medical writer at the New York Times, didn't
even know unvaccinated kids exist. He
thought I meant you would do a study where
you told parents not to vaccinate their
babies. The idea that unvaccinated kids live
in the US or that they need to be considered
came from left field. He'd simply never
considered such a simple notion and, I'm
guessing, never realized all the science
from the other side only looked at
vaccinated kids.
By the end of the call, it hit me – vaccines
are the Bernie Madoff of the drug industry.
Madoff could do no wrong. Don't understand
how he makes his money? No problem. Seems
impossible for him to generate the returns
he generated? No problem. Government
agencies have taken a look and found nothing
wrong? No problem? Everyone else who matters
says he's the real deal? No problem. $50
billion in losses later, big problem.
Donald McNeil, a reporter for the New York
Times, believes vaccines can solve many of
the world's health problems. Paul Offit, who
he has quoted in many of his stories, is a
trusted source and insider. Autism is up
60-fold? So what? Offit will explain it to
him. Offit can be trusted. He's a doctor.
We're crazy, desperate parents. We think
some vaccines or too many vaccines might
actually cause side effects. Our position
can't possibly be believed, he just calls us
for a quote.
Donald McNeil doesn't strike me as a zealot.
I don't think he writes his articles so
pharma will buy ads or take him on junkets.
He's simply ignorant of this topic, and his
preconceived notion that he understands
what's going on leads him down a certain
path of who to trust and what to write. Did
I succeed in changing his understanding? I
doubt it. Expect a glowing review on False
Prophets soon.
Author's note: More information on my own
experience with Paul Offit's new book will
be forthcoming shortly.
J.B. Handley is co-founder of Generation Rescue and a contributor to Age of Autism.