Lora Wright MMR/DTap/IPV Vaccine Case Won 2008
On April 9, 2008, the parties filed a stipulation on damages, in which they
agreed to settle
this case and described the settlement terms. Petitioners allege that Lora
Wright suffered from
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (“ADEM”) and optic neuritis allegedly
resulting from a
measles-mumps-rubella (“MMR”) vaccination, a diphtheria-tetanus-acellular
pertussis (“DTaP”)
vaccination, and an inactivated polio vaccine (“IPV”). Respondent denies that
Ms. Wright’s
alleged injury was vaccine-related, and denies that she suffered any
disabilities that were
sequelae of her alleged injury.
Damages decision based on
* stipulation; ADEM and optic
* neuritis following MMR vaccination,
* DTaP vaccination, and IPV
* vaccination; attorney’s fees and costs