- May 12, 2003 10:43 am
From Jon Rappoport's NoMoreFakeNews.com:
May 12. Toronto will suffer half a billion dollars worth of lost business. Economies in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and mainland China are taking heavy hits. Global airline $$ have fallen off.
And all because of a germ that isn't there, or is only there in the most minute quantities once in awhile.
It's quite sobering to see what a scare campaign can really do once it gets rolling, with major PR machines cranking out daily chunks of fear.
Trade wars go on all the time, and the US versus Asia is no exception. The US CDC has pitched in to put a major crinkle in Asia's economies.
All sorts of manipulators at various levels of power have sat up and taken notice of the effects of SARS.
Even the PR on AIDS has to take a back seat to SARS.
But look at the background that has allowed false SARS PR to cause these economic smash-ups. 9/11, the anthrax scares, the DC sniper episode, the war on Iraq, terror alerts, the smallpox scare, endless declarations of the endless war on terrorism.
Armed with such scare material, a PR person could make Mickey Mouse look like Dracula.
A good fear-PR campaign gets much better if a generalized swamp of fright is established first.
REPETITIVE MESSAGES---the first lesson in PR 101.
Hit them with fear on Monday and fear on Tuesday and fear every other day of the week. Don't let up. Make the fear vectors come from various directions.
If AIDS came along now, instead of 20 years ago, you could put the whole planet under quarantine.
Science also takes a major hit in a climate of fright. It's much easier to say WE FOUND A NEW HORRIBLE GERM, and to stop objective assessments from taking place.
Notive that, as I predcited, Dr. Frank Plummer' somewhat sane voice has been ignored in the current hysteria. Plummer most recently said that ZERO percent of new Canadian SARS cases are being found to have the coronavirus---and yet no one is paying any attention.
Plummer is steamrollered flat by the PR machine.
I've been able to obtain a few words from another SARS researcher in Canada. This man stays off the record:
"It's insanity. The crazy science of the moment takes a front seat, while the actual findings go begging. I have no doubt that regular pneumonia/influenza is being characterized as SARS. Under ordinary circumstances, no one would be able to say that the coronavirus---if it exists at all---is causing a new disease. But every shred of rationality is being swept away. One gets the feeling that some larger agenda is on the table. But no one is talking about it."
I asked him about the American press reports of ten days ago that were characterizing Toronto as a ghost town, with anyone on the streets wearing a mask.
"That confounded me," he said. "Anyone there could see that was not the case. It's occurred to me that this may have been our punishment for not supporting the US war in Iraq."
Economic wars, lies about disease, hysteria, stepped-up medical control of political situations. The new landscape.
James Whitehead - May 12, 2003 6:01 pm (#1
of 1)
London (UK) sars SCARE being USED for more Human Rights Violations forced testing for hiv/aids ,TB, sars
London (UK) "sars" Scare being used 4 Human Rights Violations forced testing Taken from the forum section on www.aidsmythexposed.com
From: respect11 (Original Message) Sent: 30/04/2003 08:25 The following was taken from Londons Evening Standard, this edited toned down version was taken of there site. The artical in print goes a hell of alot further. It calls for compulsory testing, stopping health tourism, stopping immigrants "milking/draining" NHS, and reduce THE SPREAD OF DISEASE. All this crap and 50 , 60, 70% of "sars" cases dont even have the "virus" thats supposed to be the cause of "sars", and what are all the suspected cases of "sars" if they are not "sars" ? Why dont they just bring back the pink triangle/star of david triangle system based on the equaly discredited skull measuring system. Containing Sars 28 April 2003 To combat the risk that Sars, the potentially fatal new strain of pneumonia, may spread, some boarding schools have already chosen to impose a 10 day quarantine period on pupils returning from the Far East.
So far, all six British cases of Sars have recovered, and even in the areas most affected such as Hong Kong, the disease has been diagnosed in only a tiny proportion of the population.
Public awareness of Sars as a disease introduced to Britain from abroad has given added interest to the sensible proposal by Dr Liam Fox, the Shadow Health Secretary, that there should be compulsory health checks on would-be immigrants and asylum seekers, but since only a period in quarantine would identify a Sars victim, Dr Fox's suggestion has much more relevance to more serious conditions, such as TB and AIDS.
However, the question of whether to impose a quarantine period is an urgent one for universities and colleges whose students are now returning. Such has been the success of British universities in attracting foreign students, particularly from Asia, that there can be few institutions for which this is not an issue. Already the Department of Education has alerted university umbrella organisations to take note of official advice on Sars.
But that advice, to date, only extends to guidance on identifying symptoms and a warning not to travel to the worst hit regions of the world. Universities bring young people together not only in classes but in halls of residence and dining halls. Hence the risks of disease spreading fast are higher than in the population as a whole, a fact recognised in the case of meningitis by government vaccination programmes.
Of course, no-one wants to see education disrupted. Alternative accommodation outside halls of residence for students from affected areas, along with visitors to those regions, would need to be found and paid for. But the quarantine period is only 10 days - better than running the risk of having to return home anyway if Sars should spread at their college.
No-one wants to spread panic. But vice chancellors and college principals should urgently consider whether the special circumstances of their communities merit imposing quarantine on students returning from the most affected areas.
• The race against time
Douglas Bishop - May 14, 2003 11:04 am
Email from Dave Rasnick:
I have thought from the beginning that SARS is a fraud fabricated by the US government but I couldn't figure why. What was the purpose behind terrorizing the world with yet another phony plague? Why now and why target China? Just this morning a possible motive occurred to me after reading the short article reproduced below.
People living on the west coast of the US are very aware of the surging economic engines in Asia. Many, perhaps most, west coast businesses have some ties to Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, or CHINA. While the economies of some of these Asian countries are growing very rapidly, the same is not true for the USA. In fact, certain high-tech sectors of California, for example, are in the midst of a depression.
The $80+ billion war against Iraq will redistribute US taxpayer money to only a limited number of US businesses that either supply the military or will rebuild parts of Irag that we destroyed with the $80 billion. And then there is oil of course.
Bush is preoccupied with war, terrorism, and getting re-elected. I don't think he has either the inclination or the talent to deal with economic issues. Lacking the energy and imagination to rebuild the US economy, I think the Bush administration invented SARS in order to cool down the rapidly growing Asian economies--especially China.
That is my hypothesis. Time will tell if it has merit.
Dave ------------
Business Day (Johannesburg) May 14, 2003
China economy grows 8.9% despite virus
BEIJING - China's economy grew 8.9% in April compared with the same period last year, despite an ongoing economic downturn caused by the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Sars), state television said.
"According to the State Statistical Bureau the national economy grew by 8.9% during April as the economy sustained healthy and sound development," China Central Television said.
China's economy expanded by 9.9% year-on-year in the first quarter of the year, significantly higher than the seven percent growth rate targeted for the year.
China rarely issues monthly GDP figures, but due to concerns of the Sars outbreak that has infected 5,124 and killed 267 nationwide, the government has appeared eager to downplay any expected economic downturn.
China's industrial output rose 14.9% in April from a year earlier while fixed asset investment grew 28.9% and retail sales rose 7.7%, the television said.