Pentavalent vaccines
DPT vaccines
[A pentavalent vaccine is five individual vaccines conjugated in one: Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus (DPT), Hepatitis B and Hib.]
[2016 Nov] 237 deaths by Pentavalent vaccine and still counting
[2014] After 54 Infant Deaths, Gov’t Finally Admits Pentavalent Involved
[2013 India] Expired vaccines enter city mkt, FDA clueless The original label on the vial shows the expiry date as March 2013, while in the new label, it has been changed to 2014
[2013 Jan] Vaccine deaths yet to show ‘causal links’
[2013 Jan] Pentavalent vaccine unsafe, say experts
[2012 Sept] Other illness, not the vaccines, causes boy's death
[2012 March] Four children die in Kerala after administration of pentavalent vaccine
[2012 Jan] Sweet Baby Girl Dies After Vaccination and Parents Being Gagged By Christina England