Wyeth Lederle

Oral poliovirus vaccine should not be given to adults or children who have had an allergic reaction to any type of polio vaccine, neomycin, or streptomycin, which are antibiotics in the vaccine. This vaccine should not be given to anyone who has a fever, severe illness, severe weakness, virus infection, diarrhea, vomiting, or persons with an immune deficiency disorder.

Package insert

[2008 Oct] Mo. court upholds $8.5M polio vaccine award  Cortez Strong contracted polio in June 1987, shortly after receiving a second dose of the vaccine Orimune, which was made by American Cyanamid Co. Strong said he was frequently teased, struggled to fit in with other children and now has limited use of his left arm and right hand.

Change in the storage conditions for ORIMUNE (feb 2000)

Polio vaccine litigation

Orimune litigation:

Fetick v. American Cyanamid Co., 38 S.W.3d 415 (Mo. 1978--2001)

Johnson v. American Cyanamid Co (Sabine oral polio vaccine---poliomyelitis)

Lisa Jones Panhorst, 2000 (contracted polio through contact with an unknown child who had recently been administered a defective dose of Orimune, a polio vaccine)

Brian Stuart (Orimune OPV/Cyanamid/American Home Products, 1978--paralytic condition)

DOMINICK TENUTO ET AL (Lederle, Orimune OPV 1997)

KATHERINE WILLIAMS 1998 [DPT, OPV 1984-- optic neuritis]