Compulsory vaccination

Irish Court Rules Against Mothers Right To Refuse Vaccination
A young mother, Clare O Sullivan from Waterford, Eire, who has refused consent for her young five year old son to be vaccinated was before the high court on the 18th of June 2012 in Dublin.
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She was there to seek an injunction on an order from her local district court taken by the father of her child.

Ms O Sullivan, who was main organiser of the Awaken Ireland event in Waterford earlier this month, travelled in the early hours of the morning to Dublin from Waterford in an effort to seek an injunction on the order made by the district court. By the afternoon, in a private sitting, Clare invoked Article 41.1.1 of the Irish Constitution in the original direct literal translation:

The State acknowledges that the family is the basic primary group-unit of/for society according to nature, and that it is a moral institution which has inalienable invincible rights which are more ancient and higher than any human statute.

However, the judge refused to accept the invocation of the article 41.1.1 of constitution and refused an injunction on the previous order.

This is clearly not only a violation of Ms O’Sullivan rights as a mother, but also a violation of the Irish Constitution itself.

Ms O Sullivan stated:

these vaccinations are NOT  mandatory in the Republic of Ireland. All parents are given a consent form to sign in a consent or 'I do not consent section'. I chose not to consent, I feel that I am acting in the best interests of my child and my decision is to protect him. I have every right to make this decision as the primary carer, natural mother, sole custodian and legal guardian of my son.

Alarmingly this is the second time in a week that the members of the BAR (British Accredited Registry) have refused to recognise the Constitution of Ireland. Last Friday Ben Gilroy invoked Article 40 Habeas Corpus in the High Courts in Dublin, which was passed between seven high court judges and completely ignored.