American Cancer Society (ACS)
[back] Medical Charities
[The American Cancer Society was founded at the New York Harvard Club in 1913
by none other than John D.
Rockefeller Jr, which tells a story. You
would be hard pressed to find a more service to money outfit than this, putting
it politely, apart from the AMA. King of the Pharma shills.]
[2009 Nov] Risks of Mammography: Hidden Role of the American Cancer Society
[Chapter 10] The Hoax Of The "Proven" Cancer Cures by G. Edward Griffin
The American Cancer Society: The World's Wealthiest "Nonprofit" Institution for every $1 spent on direct service, approximately $6.40 is spent on compensation and overhead. In all ten states, salaries and fringe benefits are by far the largest single budget items, a surprising fact in light of the characterization of the appeals, which stress an urgent and critical need for donations to provide cancer services.
ACS quotes
"As you undoubtedly know, there is no evidence at the present
time that any food or any combination of foods specifically effects the course
of any cancer in man." -- Statement by the American Cancer Society, July 8,
1957. Dr. Gerson's Suppressed
1946 Congressional Testimony
" diet has ever been shown to cure cancer."---Barrie Cassileth, Ph.D ---American Cancer Society Spokesperson (2007) Dr. Gerson's Suppressed 1946 Congressional Testimony
Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D.
"They (ACS) lie like
scoundrels."----Dean Burk, Ph.D., 34 years at the National Cancer Institute
(Peter Barry Chowka, "The Cancer Charity Rip-Off," East West Journal,
July 1978)
[2011 Oct] Half Truth is No Truth at All Overcoming Bias Against Nutritional Medicine by Andrew W. Saul An internet search for "orthomolecular medicine" can bring up some remarkably official-looking misinformation. A prime example is the American Cancer Society's webpage on orthomolecular medicine, which is incomplete, negative and fallacious.
"We have had 50 years of American Cancer Society (ACS) brainwashing on the question of cancer, so most people out there believe we are making progress in the war on cancer. We are not, we are losing the war."---Interview of Dr Ralph Moss, Ph.D.
[2009 Nov]
Risks of Mammography: Hidden Role of the American Cancer Society
Five radiologists have served as presidents of the American
Cancer Society (ACS). In its every move, the ACS promotes the
interests of the major manufacturers of mammogram machines and
films, including Siemens, DuPont, General Electric, Eastman Kodak,
and Piker. This bias hypes
mammography, which Dr. Epstein and Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D. of the
International Physicians for Humanitarian Medicine emphasize is an
avoidable cause of breast cancer.
"The mammography
industry conducts research for the ACS and its grantees, serves on
its advisory boards, and donates considerable funds," they warn.
"DuPont also is a substantial backer of the ACS Breast Health
Awareness Program; sponsors television shows and other media
productions touting ACS literature for hospitals, clinics, medical
organization, and doctors; produces educational films; and
aggressively lobbies Congress for legislation promoting the
nationwide availability of mammography services."
In virtually all its
actions, the ACS has been and remains strongly linked with the
mammography industry. Meanwhile, it ignores or attacks breast self
examination (BSE), following training by expert nurses or
clinicians, which is the safe and effective alternative, say Drs.
Epstein and Bertell.
In 1993, The Chronicle of Philanthropy published a statement that the ACS was “more interested in accumulating wealth than in saving lives.” Fund-raising appeals routinely stated that the ACS needed more funds to support its cancer programs, all the while holding more than $750 million in cash and real estate assets.” ---- Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. Chronicles Of Philanthropy, 1992
"The American Cancer Society is one of the most powerful and corrupt organizations in American society. It operates as a behind-the-scenes force, influencing powerful politicians, imposing its views and prejudices on governmental research, instigating government suppression and harassment of independent researchers, making newspaper editors cower, and all the while asking the public for money through its public relations image as the leading cancer fighter. Its key people must bear heavy responsibility for the millions of American lives lost while potential alternative therapies for cancer were "ground under" the ACS's heavy boot."---Barry Lynes (The Healing of Cancer p39)
"The American Cancer Society tried to ruin my research foundation." -Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, discoverer of vitamins C and P, 1937 Nobel Prize ," for his discoveries in connection with the biological combustion process, with special reference to Vitamin C and the catalysis of fumaric acid.".
"When Dr. Manner reported on the total remission of breast cancer in lab animals (Using 'Laetrile in conjunction with vitamins and enzymes')..., ACS President, Ben Byrd, criticised (him) for making his announcement in public, and said such announcements should be made only in a proper scientific forum."
"We don't have any pesticides showing up in the food chain anymore." - NCI Director and ACS vice president, Dr. Frank Rauscher.
The FDA told
one of the doctors, so I hear, that they had run a clinical trial on CanCell.
They found that it did everything I said it did. They figured there had to be
something in the solution so they admitted that they tried using every known
filter and couldn't filter anything out of it. Then they made a conscious
decision that they would use the power of the US Government in order to prevent
the American citizens from knowing anything as simple as pure water that had
been programmed could cure many different illnesses. This is the condition it is
in today.
........The second point in this case is that they proceeded without a
plaintiff. There was no harmed party. The FDA actually went out and tried to
solicit a harmed party. They got names of people I sent CanCell to through the
United Parcel Service, which was unlawful, but they did it. They went out and
interviewed these people and none of them would sign or testify against me.
Almost every one of them said that they would testify on my behalf.
So it is at a standstill and it's obvious that it has to be a conspiracy
since you have involved in this the FDA, the AMA and the American Cancer
Society. You have Judge Friedman knowingly breaking the law and the appeals
court knowingly has jurisdiction but says that they don't. When you get all of
this together, it's obvious that there is a conspiracy to prevent the people
from being able to use something that would benefit them.
.......It is not legal. Actually, it is legal but the US Government is using
the full power of the government to prohibit people from exercising their first
amendment right to freedom of speech or freedom of choice. They have unlawfully,
without jurisdiction, prohibited me from giving this to people. Before the
government felt they didn't want the competition from something that was
effective, people would call me on the phone or write and inform me that they
were diagnosed with terminal cancer. At that point I
would send them CanCell with instructions and diet. If they followed the
routine, about 8 out of 10 people ended up without cancer.
Curing AIDS and Cancer.
Interview with Ed Sopcak
American Cancer Society: This Carcinogenic World According to Elmer Bobst
"Laetrile: Laetrile is
one of the best known alternative cancer treatments. Proponents of Laetrile claim it
selectively destroys cancer cells and relieves pain, although three clinical trials, as
well as studies supported by the National Cancer Institute, have found it to be
ineffective in the cure, improvement, or stabilization of cancer."---American Cancer
Society (ACS) 1998
See: National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Szent-Györgyi, Ph.D.,
Albert von