Sterilisation by vaccines
Vaccination articles
[2016 April] WHO Caught Recommending Vaccinations Known To Render Primates Infertile What I have discovered, I am sure that many would agree, is absolutely horrific. Vaccinations known to cause infertility have been used intentionally for many years. It is obvious that the World Health Organization, who have stated on their website that they are “articulating ethical and evidence-based policy options,” do not practice what they preach.
[2015 Aug] Polio Vaccines Laced with Sterilizing Hormone Discovered in Kenya – WHO is Controlling Population? As they were in the process of negotiating joint testing, they took the liberty of collecting samples from the field from the new shipment brought in for a vaccination campaign planned for April, before any immunization took place. Dr. Ngare explained that when the KCCB tested a selection of polio vaccines from the field, they discovered that two of the six vaccines tested contained estradiol. He explained that while there have been no human studies to determine the effect that this could have on humans, in animal studies estradiol, when exposed to males, has been shown to damage the sperm-forming mechanism in the testes......''Not only do I believe the estradiol will render some of these children infertile, it will also cause a myriad of other endocrine–related disorders that will affect a child’s growth and maturation and other neurological and pathological disorders. Synthetic hormones have been found in a recent study to actually alter (shrink) the structure of the brain. Since the brain does not stop developing until approximately age 25, this could become a major cause for concern. There are three dominant systems in the body. The neuro-endocrine-immune system and when one of these becomes injured – it sets off a cascading effect in not only the other two systems but in every cell in the body.''
[2012] Rockefeller Anti-Fertility Vaccines Exposed The Task Force has succeeded in developing a prototype of an anti-hCG-vaccine.”
[pdf] Vaccines for Fertility Regulation by PD Griffin
[2014] UPDATED: Did the Kenyan Bishops Just Expose WHO & UNICEF? we shall not waver in calling upon all Kenyans to avoid the tetanus vaccination campaign laced with Beta-HCG, because we are convinced that it is indeed a disguised population control programme....Giving five doses of tetanus vaccination every 6 months is not usual or the recommended regime for tetanus vaccination. The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone – Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992. When tetanus is laced with HCG and administered in five doses every 6 months, the woman develops antibodies against both the tetanus and the HCG in 2 – 3 years after the last injection. Once a mother develops antibodies against HCG, she rejects any pregnancy as soon as it starts growing in her womb thus causing repeated abortions and subsequent sterility.
[2014 March] Tetanus Vaccines Sterilizing Women In Kenya? Catholic Church There Raises Suspicions A concerning new report from the head cardinal of the Catholic Church in Kenya alleges that a WHO/UNICEF sponsored tetanus vaccination campaign may conceal an agenda of forced contraception for over 2 million Kenyan women.
[2012 Oct] Gardasil Destroys Girl’s Ovaries: It Should Have Been Predicted
[2012] Teenage Girl Becomes Infertile after Gardasil Vaccination a 16-year-old Australian girl (has) suffered "premature ovarian failure" after receiving Gardasil. Her ovaries have shut down, her eggs have been destroyed, and she will never be able to have children.
[2012 June] Rockefeller Foundation Admitted
Funding, Developing Anti-fertility Vaccines Intended for “Mass-scale
[2008] Polysorbate 80 Causes Infertility by Joanna Karpasea-Jones
[2007] Gardasil shot implications
Vaccine Boycott Grows in Northern Nigeria
[2011 Nov] UN, Bill Gates Foundation Push Deadly HPV Shots on Poor Nations Under ‘GAVI Alliance’ by Anthony Gucciardi Organizations and governments around the globe should be banning Gardasil, not unleashing it on poor countries. It seems that GAVI, a multi-billion dollar merger of government and corporation, is not truly interested in improving the health of 3rd world inhabitants.
[2011 Oct] HPV vaccine
cocktail targets not only HPV By Cynthia A. Janak
Let me simplify this. What we have is a chemical
cocktail that has the very, very real possibility of causing vasodilation,
orthostatic hypotension (decrease in blood pressure, more specifically systolic
blood pressure, during change from a supine to an erect position), mental
deficiencies, auto-immune diseases, anemia, retard growth, infertility in men
and women, etc. It can also damage an unborn child. I believe that this
vaccine cocktail should be referenced as toxic because the
ingredients in the adjuvant and the carrier solution independently have the
potential to cause harm. You put all these toxic chemicals together and now you
could have a real vaccine toxic cocktail that could cause heart problems
and infertility besides all the other side effects is could cause. I can't make
this stuff up people. When I found it all and put it all together with the
articles that I have written in the last month all I could do is shake my head
and wonder. How the heck can they say that this vaccine is safe?
To me this vaccine looks like a chemical soup that was
not made to immunize but to sterilize the youth of the world.
Stop sending vaccines to Africa. Send them food and clean
water. I think that would have a more lasting impression when they do not go
[2010 Nov. Gardasil testimony. MS. BOYCE] Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting Transcript My daughter was actually sterilized by the vaccine....My daughter recently tested sterile at age 21, although she is still getting a relatively normal period. Could it be that Merck intentionally developed this vaccine thinking it would affect a small number of individuals with PK deficiencies? Is this what their intent was when they developed their recently approved fertility drug Aleva, which was just passed for European use? I wonder if Merck and other big pharmas have intentionally taken advantage of genetic deficiencies. I believe they have, and I believe this is what has happened many, many times over. ...After recent tests my daughter had done, I can now positively confirm that my daughter tested post-menopausal as it relates to her hormone levels, with no family history of early menopause. She is no longer ovulating and she has hormone levels of a 50-plus-year-old woman. My worst nightmares have come true.....I am pretty certain doctors aren’t even aware of the myriad of side effects they are saying are caused by PK deficiency. Remember, it’s relatively new, only discovered in 1996. It is horrifying to see previously perfectly healthy children now having seizures, migraines, pneumonias, personality disorders, fatigue, menstrual issues, vomiting, diarrhea, and the list goes on, post-Gardasil. This vaccine needs to be pulled immediately. Over 20,000 families are now begging for help, and no one is answering their desperate pleas.
[2010 Feb] Bill Gates: We can lower the world's population with vaccines “if we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [his initial 2050 global population projection of 9-billion] by perhaps about 10 to 15 percent.”....We proposed several years back a birth control vaccine which induces the formation of antibodies against the human pregnancy hormone, the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
[2009 July Swine flu vaccine] Natural Solutions Alert by Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
[Aug 2008] Massive
Brazilian Vaccination Raises Suspicions of Covert Sterilization Program
[2008] Polysorbate 80 Causes Infertility by Joanna Karpasea-Jones
[Video] Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda David Ayoub, M.D.[2006] United States Funding Sterilizations of Philippine Women
[pdf 1986 WHO] Development of immunological methods of fertility regulation by J Spieler
[1995] Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs? By J.A. Miller
[Media Feb 2004] Province at heart of outbreak alleges anti-Muslim plot
Vaccine Boycott Grows in Northern Nigeria
Vaccines and the Akha People of Thailand. Tetanus Toxoid and spontaneous abortions
Parenting with Deadly Timely Propaganda --Dr. Len Horowitz
Genocide in a
vaccine: Pantheism's moral Chemistry by Suzanne Rini
Vaccine fertility control: the last mass control weapon of the establisment
Supplementary information on vaccine safety WHO/V&B/00In its 1997 review of anti-fertility vaccines, Indian based International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology didn’t forget to acknowledge its main benefactor: “The work on LHRH and HCG vaccines was supported by research grants of The Rockefeller Foundation, (…).”
[pdf] Vaccines for Fertility Regulation by PD Griffin
[pdf] 1989 Rockefeller annual report, funds were allocated to several research institutions to see how this “dose reduction” could best be accomplished without interfering with the ant-fertility effects of gossypol. (1988- $ 400,000, in addition to remaining funds from prior year appropriations) To support research on gossypol, its safety, reversibility, and efficacy as a contraceptive for use by men (…).” Mention is made on money allocated to the University of Texas, “for a study of gossypol’s effects on DNA replication (…).”
In the RF’s 1988 annual report, gossypol as a contraceptive was also elaborated upon (page 22): “Gossypol, a natural substance found in the cotton plant, continues to show promise as an oral contraceptive for men. Because it suppresses sperm production without affecting sex hormone levels, it is unique among the experimental approaches to fertility control in men. Foundation-funded scientists worldwide have assembled an aray of information about how gossypol works, and studies continue on a wide variety of its clinical applications. Dose reduction is being investigated to reduce health risks associated with the use of gossypol.”
1986 Rockefeller Foundation annual report, the organization admits funding
research into the use of fertility-reducing compounds in relation to food for
“widespread use”:
“Male contraceptive studies are focused on gossypol, a
natural substance extracted from the cotton plant, and identified by Chinese
researchers as having an anti-fertility effect on men. Before widespread use can
be recommended, further investigation is needed to see if lowering the dosage
can eliminate undesirable side-effects without reducing its effectiveness as a
contraceptive. The Foundation supported research on gossypol’s safety,
reversibility and efficacy in seven different 1986 grants.”
[pdf] 1985 Rockefeller Foundation’s annual report underlined its ongoing dedication towards finding good use for the anti-fertility substance “gossypol”, or C30H30O8 – as the description reads. Indeed, gossypol, a toxic polyphenol derived from the cotton plant, was identified early on in the Foundation’s research as an effective sterilant. The question was, how to implement or integrate the toxic substance into crops. “Another long-term interest of the Foundation has been gossypol, a compound that has been shown to have an antifertility effect in men, By the end of 1985, the Foundation had made grants totaling approximately $1.6 million in an effort to support and stimulate scientific investigations on the safety and efficacy of gossypol.”
The 1935 Rockefeller Foundation annual report acknowledges funding Dr. Corner’s research: “To the University of Rochester, for research on the physiology of reproduction under the direction of Dr. G. W. Corner during the threeyear period beginning July 1, 1935, and ending June 30, 1938, there has been appropriated the sum of $9,900. Dr. Corner’s activities are concentrated on a study of the oestrus cycle, using monkeys as the experimental animals. A colony of about thirty monkeys has been maintained, and experiments have furnished information on the normal histology of the reproductive cycle, the time of ovulation, the relation of ovulation to menstruation and other anatomically detectable correlations of the oestrus cycle. Work is continuing on two main lines: normal sex reproduction in the monkey, including the histology of ovary and uterus, and, secondly, the effects of the ovarian hormone.”
In the annual report of the previous year (1933), the Foundation stresses the fact that work on the reproductive hormones of primates serves to experiment on man in the future: “(…) much work has been done in the formulation and solution of basic problems in the general biology and physiology of sex in organisms other than man. It was essential that this fundamental work on infra-man pave the way for that on man.”