Feelings & Emotions
[Emotions have been put in with feelings, probably as the ruling Psychopaths don't want anyone to know they just run on emotions and don't feel. Emotions come from the lower 3 chakras, feelings from the Heart and above.]
Emotions (Humans, Psychopaths, Reptoids) | Feelings (Human) |
Apathy Boredom Lust Anger Fear Joy Sadness |
Love, Tenderness Beauty Perfection Tranquillity |
[2008] The
Canaanite Response by Don Bradley
"Beware of emotions. The emotional person is turned off sensually. His body is a churning robot. Emotions are addictive, narcotic, and stupefacient. Moods such as sorrow and joy accompany emotions. Like a junkie who has just connected, the emotional person feels good when he has scored emotionally, i.e., put someone down or been beaten down. Conscious love is not an emotion; it is the serene merging with yourself, with other people, with other forms of energy. Love cannot exist in an emotional state. Emotions are emergency alarms.....The presocial wily-animal god of emotion-locomotion resides within our nervous system, ready to pour out flight-fight endocrine juices (p97)."—T. Leary
“Romantic poetry and fiction of the last 2000 years has blinded us to the fact that emotions are a low form of jungle consciousness. Emotional actions are the most contracted, dangerous form of fanatic stupor.” -T. Leary