Sandy Hook banners
Sandy Hook
See banners: Terrorism Bin Laden/Al-Qaeda 911 ISIS Boston Marathon
[2015 Dec viv]
Sandy Hook 'Dad' CAUGHT Playing FBI (NEWTOWN HOAX Proof)
Terror Drills that Turned live (also Sandy
Hook) [
(at 24 mins)]
FUGAZI: CNN Used Fake Sandy Hook Shooting Video; St. Rose of Lima School Video
Was Aired [VIDEOS]
Lt. Paul Vance Directs Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax
Crisis Actors and The News More photographic proof that Sandy Hook was
staged. Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill using Crisis Actors to portray the role of
victims, and their families, and was presented to the American public is a real
life tragedy!
Crisis Actors and The News David and Francine Wheeler are two of the foremost spokespersons for passage of the mental health bill, which includes provisions to completely usurp the Second Amendment by back door legislation. The wheelers have been featured on numerous television talk and news shows pushing for passage of the mental health bill.
Crisis Actors and The News Connection between the Sexton Greenberg
crisis actor family, Gabby Giffords, Curtis Dutiel and the Dutiel family, and
how they are connected to the DNC, and how all interconnected to these
mainstream media oriented mass casualty shooting hoaxes which were designed to
undermine our Second and First Amendment Rights!
Crisis Actors and The News David Wheeler giving a televised speech to
the Connecticut state legislature calling for Passage of the mental health bill.
The mental health bill would require every member of a household, in which
firearm is kept, to undergo annual mental evaluations! If any member of the
household is deemed unfit to possess a firearm. Then no other individual in that
household can possess a firearm!