Michael Smith
Cross (broken)
Tyr He is forming a runic
‘t’ with his body...going so far as to lower his head, to round off the top of
the ‘t’...AND is standing on top of this chair which forms a runic ‘m’.
"In this pose, Smith is making the sign of Tyr (the Sky God), who
(according to Norse mythology) sacrificed his hand to the Fenris Wolf in order
to save others. It is also a warrior symbol of great courage, and of overcoming
death. He is standing on an M, which is the rune for Mankind. I don't see that
as sinister but make of it what you will." http://themurkynews.blogspot.com/2008/03/wolves-in-sheeps-clothing-research.html
Lucifer the light bearer
V Sign
All seeing eye symbol
(i2 Eye) Eye name on top of
All seeing eye (people)
(Single eye in corner/top of pyramid)