Dr. Harold  Manner
[back] Laetrile    Nutrient doctors

Interview by Acres USA.

Manner Interview by PLOWBOY November/December 1978

Metabolic Therapy in Cancer by Harold W. Manner, Ph.D.

Harold Manner Memorial Hospital http://www.manner.com.mx/

The Death of Cancer by Dr Manner

The Cancer Industry on Dr Manner:
1997: "Dr. Manner (claims) cancer can be controlled through nutritional guidance, a positive attitude, and changes in lifestyle. His metabolic program includes the use of natural foods, lessons in the preparation of a "low-stress" diet (one that requires less body energy to digest), enzyme and vitamin therapy, fasting, and coffee enemas. There is no scientific basis for these treatments, and none has been shown to be an effective way to prevent or treat cancer."—NCI 1997.

1998: Dr. Harold Manner The NCI is currently revising its presentation of information on complementary and alternative approaches to cancer therapy. We are working with the Office of Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health, and with the PDQ Editorial Boards and the Cancer Information Service. Information about complementary and alternative medicine is available at the National Institutes of Health Office of Alternative Medicine web site (http://altmed.od.nih.gov).