
Lincoln (film)

[2012 Dec] Spielberg’s Lincoln: Plenty of Negroes, But Why No Jews?

[2010] New Orleans Mardi Gras Mystick Krewe of Comus Secrets Revealed By Mimi L. Eustis  Both Albert Pike and Judah Benjamin participated directly in the killing of the United States President Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln became a threat to the House of Rothschild when he Abraham Lincoln began having the United States government print its own greenback currency. It should be noted that Albert Pike after the Civil War was indicted and sent to prison for treason by the United States government. After Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, Andrew Johnson Vice President became the United States President and pardoned Albert Pike. Albert Pike awarded Andrew Johnson for this pardon the thirty-third degree rite of passage.
..............During the Civil War (from 1861-1865), President Lincoln needed money to finance the War from the North. The Bankers were going to charge him 24% to 36% interest. Lincoln was horrified and went away greatly distressed, for he was a man of principle and would not think of plunging his beloved country into a debt that the country would find impossible to pay back.
    Eventually President Lincoln was advised to get Congress to pass a law authorizing the printing of full legal tender Treasury notes to pay for the War effort. Lincoln recognized the great benefits of this issue. At one point, he wrote: “… (we) gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they ever had – their own paper money to pay their debts…”  The Treasury notes were printed with green ink on the back, so people called them “Greenbacks”
    Lincoln printed 400 million dollars worth of Greenbacks (the exact amount being $449,338,902), money that he delegated to be created, a debt-free and interest-free money to finance the War. It served as legal tender for all debts, public and private .He printed it, paid it to the soldiers, to the U.S. Civil Service employees, and bought supplies for the War.
    Shortly after that happened, “The London Times” printed the following: “if that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will payoff debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent and then history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”

[2008] Illuminati Murdered at least Two More Presidents Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was a member of Pike's Knights of the Golden Circle. He was in New Orleans during the winter of 1863-64 and conspired with Pike, Benjamin, Slidell and Admiral G.W. Baird to assassinate Lincoln. Baird later identified the body of Captain James William Boyd as Booth's. (Boyd was in fact a Confederate spy who resembled Booth and was used as a patsy. His body was dumped into an Arsenal Prison sinkhole used to dump dead horses.) ......For assassinating Abraham Lincoln, Pike, Benjamin, Slidell and August Belmont (Rothschild's Northern agent) were made secret Kings of the Mystick Krewe of Comus. Andrew Johnson Vice -President became President and pardoned Albert Pike. Albert Pike awarded Andrew Johnson the thirty-third degree rite of passage.

[2004] The Fight Against USURY by  Jüri Lina The assassination of Lincoln was carried out by John Wilkes Booth (Botha), a Freemason of the 33rd degree, on April 15, 1865 in Washington, D.C., only six days after the end of the Civil War. Izola Forrester, Booth's granddaughter, stated in her book This One Mad Act (1937), that Booth belonged to the lodge Knights of the Golden Circle and also Giuseppe Mazzini's "revolutionary" movement Young America. Izola Forrester revealed in detail that the Freemasons were involved in the assassination of the president. Booth was soon eliminated.