Lifting The Veil / Cullen Smith

[Behaves like controlled opposition, e.g. tried to argue (and abusively) against Flat Earth, failed miserably, exposing himself (they can't get pictures of the globe as it's too close to the Moon or Satellites!), and more so when he deleted two flatheads off that thread & his FB page.  Hardly 'lifting the veil'.]

Lifting The Veil / Cullen Smith

Petra Portal Petra  PLANE PERSPECTIVE.  Dear Globe-tards (eg. Cullen Smith) 
Citing this image does not prove Earth to be a spheroid. It proves the VANISHING POINT OF PERSPECTIVE (and the close proximity of the Sun). Ascending from SEE/SEA LEVEL at sunset brings the Sun directly back into view (ie. it has not disappeared behind an alleged curve). The higher you go, the further you see, the horizon line remaining fixed and aligned with your eye-line. Sending a camera up above Earth, you will notice that the Sun does not 'set' at all, but recedes into the distance, residing forever ABOVE the Plane..


The thread that started it all, red rag to a bull.  Maybe he is suffering from this effect?