Leslie Howard

''Leslie Howard was also a homosexual who had a flat in Chelsea, London. He was caught in a sexually compromising act in a public toilet in London and arrested for homosexual behaviour. Instead of charged he was taken to a military base where he spent the next three months learning to imitate Winston Churchill. He was not told it was for a canned meat operation, but then again, they never told their flight crews either.  The military then dressed Leslie Howard as Winston Churchill and leaked it out through known double agents that Churchill was going to fly to Cyprus. The plane was then shot down by the Germans 40 km off the English coast on 1 June 1943 and Leslie Howard was killed. Meanwhile Churchill went by another route to the Middle East and for the next 10 days the Germans thought Churchill was dead (1-11 June 1943). Officially Leslie Howard was killed on a special mission flight from Lisbon to London. Winston Churchill had doppelgangers for voice and transport and probably went through them with alarming regularity.'' Hitler was a British Agent by Greg Hallett p.106

Crypto Jews In The Media, Hollywood, And The Music Industry