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Dear friends of Orgonise Africa,
Again and again new proposals for "improving" orgonite are being circulated on the net. Some of these ideas are driven by genuine motives, some seem to be promoted by those powers that would love to see the orgonite movement disappear rather yesterday. (The notorious agencies and their paid disinformers) Often the intention of these campaigns seems to be to sow
doubt in the minds of those beginning to become interested
in the orgonite phenomenon, thereby limiting the spread of this
amazing technology of etheric self empowerment and healing. The
general aim of disinformation
campaigns is confusion - In this case: make it look like
there is dissent in the orgonite camp, create the impression
that some orgonite could be dangerous to your health and you can
prevent a few newbies from taking the first step. (As usual the
battle the
illuminati are fighting here is a rearguard action as their
paradigm is fading fast) Aluminium vs other metalsSo, for years a "fraction" of the orgonite using community is
promoting that aluminium as a main constituent of orgonite is
harmful. They mostly base it on a small remark by
Wilhelm Reich in which he observed some negative effects
with an aluminium based orgone accumulator, I think in
connection with what he called the Oranur-effect. Firstly, Wilhelm Reich
was constantly researching at the cutting edge of his time. So,
many of his observations were later refined or revised by
himself. He did that constantly. Even his evaluation of the "Oranur
effect" changed over time when he noted that radioactive Uranium
after initial violent and sickening interactions could be
orgonised (Orur) and be used to tickle the cosmic life energy as
he did in his desert greening operations (Orop) in Arizona and
elsewhere. Secondly, we have never found such negative effects after years of getting fantastic results with aluminium in the orgonite. The Kirlian photo above shows the radiant aura of a pendant with aluminium orgonite. Aluminium in orgonite has some distinct advantages:
Of course, all metals have different energy signatures. It
would be naive to deny that. On a certain level all matter is consciousness, right? (Even
a rock has/is consciousness) But this does not mean that aluminium is "negative" or copper
or gold is "positive". Just like the
addition of healing gemstones adds "colour" and rich
overtones to the basically always positive etheric vibration of
any orgonite, using different metals can enhance certain
healing aspects of the orgonite. The way I understand it is that there are finer and finer
levels of perception. (like the layers of an onion or the famous
Russian dolls with a doll within a doll...) The level of "Orgone Energy" is almost protophysical, it visually affects clouds and has other very easily observable physical effects. Gemstones and other additions to orgonite - also when used on their own - work on a much finer vibratory level. For this reason we add copper, gold and silver to personal healing tools in order to bring in these finer healing vibrations where it's appropriate. The beeswax deceptionAnother well known stream of disinformation is the "beeswax dis-info" whereby beeswax is promoted as a more sympathetic replacement of synthetic resins in making orgonite. Make no mistake: Beeswax is of course a lovely material and
has a nice and positive energy signature. But just like lovely
scented woods or beautiful gemstones on their own don't
show the powerful characteristics of orgonite, beeswax has been
found to be much less effective in the orgonite mix.
Furthermore it is totally unsuitable for environmental
gifting because it will melt and disintegrate under real
life weather conditions. Orgonite in the strict sense is the matrix of resin and metal filings, most often aluminium, and some quartz crystals. This material mix has been found and demonstrated to effect some unique and wonderful things. I think that our expedition reports provide ample demonstration for the efficacy of this simple but oh so effective mix. Plasterite - the new Orgonite?One of the latest fads in this line of deceptions is called "plasterite".
To make a longs story short: Plasterite has nothing to do with orgonite at all. It's just gypsum with some crystals. Any perceived healing effect would be from the crystals added to the gypsum and that would be on a quite weak and very subtle level. The Kirlian photo above speaks a very clear language in that
respect, I think. The Easter bunny is still at it