Killing Bees and Butterflies: The Case Against the U.S. EPA and Monsanto, released by Elect A New Congress, Super Pac for All Americans
Elect A New Congress, released today its report on CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) ravaging the nations honey bee population. The report focuses on the continued breakdown of America by the nations governing institutions over-run by private corporations that are allegedly, unconstitutionally wielding the powers of Congress.
won't be known as Silent Spring. It will be called the Silent Summer." - Terry
Ingram, editor, The Small Beekeepers Journal
Galena, IL (PRWEB) March 22, 2013
Elect A New Congress, released today its report on CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) ravaging the nations honey bee population, especially in southernCalifornia's almond crop. The report focuses on the continued breakdown of America by the nations governing institutions over-run by private corporations that are allegedly, unconstitutionally wielding the powers of Congress and the States.
In an interview with Professor Terrance N. Ingram, environmentalist, conservationist, founder of the Eagle Nature Foundation, of Apple River, IL, founder and editor of the "Small Beekeepers Journal", and master beekeeper with over 50 years of experience operating and advocating the proliferation of honey bees, Wm W. Fawell, founder of EANC was able to get to the heart of the CCD.
"It won't be known as the Silent Spring. It will be called the Silent Summer," said Terry Ingram, shared in reference to Rachel Carson's environmental benchmark, "Silent Spring," of the 1960's.
"Professor Ingram shared this insight with me recently, while I was interviewing him in regards to an Illinois Department of Agriculture raid on the bee hives at his farm last year," noted Wm W. Fawell, author and founder of EANC.
"The deaths of the nation's honey bees can be laid right on the front door step of the U.S. EPA, the USDA, and Monsanto and it has been going on since 1996, when Roundup was first introduced. That's when CCD started," quoted Professor Ingram.
"June 20th, 1996 was my first experience with Roundup being broadcasted in the fields around my hives," Ingram continued. "I had 3 supers on every hive, over the next 10 days I lost over one million bees. The spraying continued through the summer every 3 weeks, 4 times. If you understand that the 6 week life cycle of bees, you can see how it took until October to kill every last bee, 2,500,000 of them. But most of them were killed in the first dosage.
"Now that was Roundup, a herbicide," Professor Ingram shook his head. "Now we're talking about new pesticides that make Roundup look like child's play. It's an environmental desert out there in the farm fields of America. They're killing everything where they grow the food we eat. Think about that for a moment. Roundup is a derivative of Agent Orange from the Vietnam War, and these neonicatoids are far, far worse. And now its progenitor, Monsanto, has coaxed the U.S. EPA to endorse the release of these poisons, and they are decimating not only the bee population, but birds, crickets, butterfly's, worms... everything."
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is in reference to an officially designated cause in the massive die off in honey bees. Bees, responsible for up to 30% of the nations food production, have been dying off in alarming number for a number of years, gaining particular notice over the last 7 years. This has led to a depletion of hives available to pollinate the almond crop of southern California and has caught world headlines.
"What is important to understand is that Killing Bees and Butterfly's is another symptom of the systematic failure in our government that is responsible for near every problem facing America today," Fawell pointed out. "A power of Congress has been compromised and assigned to the U.S. EPA, that has allowed lobbyists from Monsanto to infiltrate and destroy our nation's soils and poison the nations food stock through their access to the U.S. EPA and even the FDA."
"However," Fawell thrust. "The key point EANC wants to make here, is that the problem underlying this gross violation of trust by the U.S. EPA is symptomatic of the state of tyranny all American labors face today. Ultimately, the problem of CCD is the same systemic problem that is at the heart of every other problem in American today. We are ruled by a tyrannical state subject to the influence of faction. America's only way out is Liberty. We must strike at the root of the problem, and call back all the constitutional powers of Congress, and those who don't belong to the Congress, we must restore those to the States where they belong."
"We must place the people back in control over our government, because today our government rules the people. Killing Bees and Butterfly's is what happens when a constitutional power is usurped from either the states or the Congress, power that always ends up being abused by the hands of "unprincipled men." Fawell explained. "There is no way this could have happened if the power to rape America were conducted on the floor of the Congress in full view of all. The people would never put up with it."
"The problems in America are so far reaching, entwined, and systemic in nature, nothing but a total reset of our government will suffice," Fawell closed. "Fortunately, all American's need to do is to reach out and press the Big Red Reset Button on our government and its institutions, and restore the constitutional powers of Congress and the States to the full light of the Public Forum."
THE BIG RED RESET BUTTON. EANC has a fully operational 2014, Congressional campaign up and running to Elect A New Congress, committed to the Reset and Restoration of America, defined in The Declaration of American Liberty. Rest assured, you can always find the home of Liberty and the Big Red Reset Button at