Jimmy Savile
PEDO BROS. SMOKING GUN: The Podesta Brothers
Did Jimmy Savile kill Suzy Lamplugh?
Prince Philip, Filthy Secrets, Princess Diana, Jimmy Savile and the 100 Year D-Notice
Hiatus and the Jimmy Savile Affair
MI5 & MI6 Start Writing 'Allo Allo' Scripts To Keep The Savile Story Buried
[2013 Jan] Pervert MP Cyril Smith was pals with satanic child sex monster
[2013 Jan] JIMMY SAVILE WAS PART OF SATANIC RING “She recalled being led into a room that was filled with candles on the lowest level of the hospital, somewhere that was not regularly used by staff. Several adults were there, including Jimmy Savile who, like the others, was wearing a robe and a mask. “She recognised him because of his distinctive voice and the fact that his blond hair was protruding from the side of the mask. He was not the leader but he was seen as important because of his fame. “She was molested, raped and beaten and heard words that sounded like ‘Ave Satanas’, a Latinised version of ‘Hail Satan’, being chanted. There was no mention of any other child being there and she cannot remember how long the attack lasted but she was left extremely frightened and shaken.”
'AIR FORCE BROUGHT ABUSERS TO CHILD SEX ORGIES' If you check the comments made by convicted abuser and MI5 "agent" William McGrath to author Chris Moore, it tells you everything you need to know. He spoke of "wheels within wheels." I think this was in 1991. The book can no be read online. What McGrath meant was each paedo ring was a "wheel" al co-ordinated within a bigger "wheel." The individual "wheels" covered the whole of the UK.
[2012 Nov] Savile’s Travels: How Sir Jimmy Was Fingered as Peter Sutcliffe’s Accomplice Sutcliffe victim Irene Richardson was killed in 1977 – only yards from where Jimmy Savile demanded oral sex from his paperboy, and another murder victim was knifed by the Ripper in front of Savile’s other Leeds home at the time....But we have an even bigger theme now in play with the Savile-Sutcliffe link. If Savile is eventually linked to Sutcliffe or any other Savile murders turn up, then anyone who covered for Jimmy – including the BBC, would, in theory, be guilty, in theory, of aiding and abetting a mass murderer.
[2012 Oct] Jimmy Savile and British Establishments Paedophile ring
[2012 Oct] Jimmy Savile: 'He
was the tip of the iceberg’ Lenny Harper agrees: “Savile chose his
victims with great care; vulnerable and often troubled youngsters many in care
homes. If they complained they were labelled troublemakers, or brutally put
down. We know from court cases and statements made to my team [during the 2008
inquiry] that children in Jersey care homes were 'loaned out’ to members of the
yachting fraternity and other prominent citizens on the pretence of recreational
trips but during which they were savagely abused and often raped.
“When these children complained they were beaten and locked
in cellars [at Haut de la Garenne], which the Jersey authorities denied existed
in 2008, but which can still be seen on YouTube footage. What chance did they
have? This would have been the perfect hunting ground for Savile. The great and
good of Jersey fawn over anyone with even loose connections to British royalty.
Saville would have been a VIP to them and children would not have stood a dog’s
chance of complaining about him. It would have been so easy for him.”
SAVILE, GEORGE THOMAS, LEO ABSE, POLICE "Jimmy Savile cultivated the friendship of a group of senior police officers through weekly meetings at his penthouse apartment, while being investigated over a string of abuse cases, a friend of the star has told The Times. "The broadcaster’s 'Friday Morning Club' included up to nine serving and retired police officers. The meetings were held regularly for almost 20 years until shortly before his death."
Sir Jimmy Savile in Israel in 1975. SAVILE
THATCHER'S PEOPLE Savile's Scottish cottage was in Glencoe, the place of the infamous McDonald massacre. One wonders if there some sort of "evil" still hanging around there. The massacre was allegedly to do with disrespect to William (and Mary) of Orange althoughn was probably more some sort of "black magic" sacrifice. Note that William's coronation was on 11th April 1689, same date as current Prince William got his RAF "wings". Note too that on 11th April 1951, the alleged Stone of Destiny (Jacob's pillow stone) was left at the steps of Arbroath Abbey after being repatriated on Christmas Day 1950. No doubt we will see the current Wills crowned upon it, in the forseeable. Anyways, perhaps Savile was lapping up the Glencoe "atmosphere", so to speak
CHILD ABUSE LINKED TO GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE John Gibbin was sexually assaulted in the back of Sir Jimmy Savile's Rolls-Royce at the age of nine. "John Gibbin, of Redcar, also said he reported the matter to the Metropolitan Police in the 1980s – but officers did not even call him back."
[2012 Oct] Jimmy Savile: Labour faces embarrassment over former child sex claims
BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, CROWLEY, SAVILE, DEMMINK "Hattie Jacques ... used to chat to me at the doctors surgery where I worked. "She told me that, on the set of the Carry-On films, Frankie Howerd said that Tom Driberg and Jimmy Savile were satanists who abused kids boys and girls..."
Jimmy Savile was given the keys to Broadmoor under Ken Clarke's watch
Savile with his friend Mick Starkey, a West Yorkshire police inspector
On February 5, 1977 Peter Sutcliffe murdered 28 year
old Irene Richardson. He murdered her in Roundhay Park, directly in front of
Jimmy Savile's home! 9 Months previous he attacked Marcella Claxon on the exact
same spot! Marcella thankfully survived.
1987: Sadowitz Outs Jimmy Savile As A Paedophile.
[2011 Oct] Death of a Showman: Jimmy Saville 1926-2011 by T Stokes
[2011] JERSEY: Children were loaned to rich paedophile yachtsmen A source spoke to one of his victims and he said about others who were present, and more important, who was supplying the children to him. The person bringing children for him to abuse is Sir Jimmy Saville. He was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys onboard Heaths yacht the morning cloud when they were at party conference. Saville is known for supplying a number of high profile MP’s with children for them to sexually abuse.
[2009] Pete, Frank...Frank, Pete. And I'm Jim
Sanpaku eye (Yang)
Savile claimed not to have visited the school at Haut de la Garenne but The
Sun newspaper then published an old photo of Savile at the school (see
above) . Savile’s reaction was to slap an injunction on The Sun who had
to withdraw the picture