Jeanice Barcelo quotes
Jeanice Barcelo

My name is Jeanice Barcelo and I am a researcher, writer, educator, and activist dedicated to exposing and transforming the dark side of modern medicine. I am especially concerned about the violence being perpetrated against mothers and infants during hospital birth, but I also speak out about other evils, such as vaccines, GMO foods, chemtrails, nuclear power and radiation, child abuse, pornography, animal abuse, and the satanic takeover of our planet. My use of the word "satanic" has nothing to do with me being a fundamentalist Christian, and everything to do with my awareness that there are people in very high positions of power who worship evil and who will stop at nothing to create chaos, suffering, deprivation, and destruction of our host planet and all of life. It is time for humanity to wake up and reclaim its power. And it is time for us to take our planet back and to re-establish human love as the primary purpose for existence. This blog is dedicated to that end. For more info about me, please visit my website at and/or my youtube channel at
    Also, I am excited to announce the completion of my first book entitled "Birth Trauma, and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine:  Exposing the Systematic Violence During Hospital Birth and the Attempt to Hijack Our Souls," which describes my own personal story of birth trauma, viewed within the context of our technologically based birthing culture. The book focuses on the dark side of modern medicine, especially as it pertains to the ritual abuse of mothers and infants during hospital birth. There is also important information about prenatal trauma in the book, along with statistics regarding how many people are struggling with postpartum depression and post-traumatic stress, including fathers, and the way all of this is causing a breakdown in human love. 
    The book is an intense read, but the revelations presented are so important that I hope many people will read it.

So how does the medical system do it?  How do they turn good and decent people into biological robots who parrot nonsense and can’t seem to think for themselves?  The answer lies in the indoctrination process that medical students are put through, which process is set-up to systematically break down the morality and the will of medical students and, if all goes according to plan, will cause a split in their psyche that will result in dissociation and the assimilation of an alter personality that will be willing to conform to medical norms.  This indoctrination process involves repeatedly exposing medical students to high levels of stress and trauma as well as sleep deprivation, nutrition deprivation (i.e., junk food and fast food are the norm), sunlight deprivation, shaming the non-conformists and taking away any privileges they may have gained through conforming, and keeping the students enclosed in artificial and toxic settings for days, weeks, and months at a time so that they cannot connect with nature or any semblance of their spiritual and ethical identities. [2015 Jan] THE MIND CONTROL OF MEDICAL STUDENTS ~ Jeanice Barcelo

   what does it do to the psyche of a child when it is conceived through the merging of a sperm taken from a man who had only pornographic thoughts at the moment of release -- and merging that sperm with an egg taken from a woman who willfully chose to "donate" her genetics and her body in exchange for about $15,000? Surely, it must be detrimental to the child to be "conceived" in an environment devoid of human love, yes? And what of the fact that most of these children are gestated in wombs where their "mother" has no interest to bond with them. Wouldn't that further compound their trauma by reinforcing an already loveless beginning?......."...The facts of my conception are that my father was paid to abandon me. There is no dignity in that. I suffered from debilitating identity issues, mistrust of the opposite sex, hatred and condemnation of the opposite sex, feelings of objectification – like I only exist as a play – toy for others, and feeling like a science experiment.......If people can take away something so precious as a mother or father and make us feel like we should be grateful for the loss, what else can people take away from us? How do you expect the next generation to fight for things like freedom, democracy, clean air, clean water, when something as precious and basic as your mother or father is stolen from you? Removed by the state… Removed by a fertility industry that forces you into existence and then doesn’t return your calls when you grow up and start banging on their doors asking for records… Removed by a commissioning parent, often your other biological parent who vowed to protect and provide for you, but only on the contingency that you show gratitude for your life and don’t ask questions about the other missing parent…..."[2014] ISRAEL AND THE DARK SIDE OF REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES - REVIEW OF THE FILM "FROZEN ANGELS" by Jeanice Barcelo

  Every single hospital birth protocol undermines the capacity for mother, father, and child to bond. Damaging technological interventions disrupt the production of natural oxytocin, and these include (but are not limited to) induction, amniotomy, fetal heart monitors (especially the internal ones that are literally SCREWED into the baby’s skull), the use of cytotec, pitocin, demerol (or any drugs whatsoever) during labor or immediately after birth, c-section, the unnecessary, sadistic, and violent clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord, the theft of infant cord blood, oral suctioning, putting ointment in the baby’s eyes so that his/her eyes burn and he/she cannot make eye contact with his/her parents, infant swaddling (which prevents skin-to-skin contact, restricts all movement, and causes baby to go into parasympathetic shock), highly toxic vaccinations immediately after birth, so-called vitamin k shots, separating mother and child for any length of time during the first hour after birth, neonatal intensive care unit (which are brutal), circumcision, and the list goes on.[2013] OXYTOCIN, HUMAN LOVE, AND HUMAN BONDING by Jeanice Barcelo

   Cytotec/Misoprostol is a ulcer drug. Despite the fact that the makers of this drug have warnings on the label saying the drug should not be used during pregnancy, it is nevertheless being used off-label in hospitals every day to induce labor and force babies to come before they are ready. It is an extremely dangerous drug and is killing women and babies. [2013] INDUCTION WITH CYTOTEC/MISOPROSTOL IS KILLING WOMEN AND BABIES