Graham Wilson

Diphtheria vaccine deaths 1919-1948

[1967 pdf] The Hazards of Immunization by Sir Graham S. Wilson  Ref

[1967] Wilson, Sir Graham S. The Hazards of Immunization. London: The Athlone Press, 1967.
   Wilson's book won't interest the general reader. In fact, the general reader will find its full-blown medical terminology so entirely daunting that it is a virtual certainty they'll give up on it after going unconscious attempting to follow the first chapter. The information in this book, however, supplies infinite ammunition to anti-immunization activists and its presence in this library is primarily to serve this cause. Thanks are owed to Gary Krasner, founder and director of Coalition For Informed Choice in New York City, for urging this books inclusion. Wilson, a medical doctor himself, who believes in the efficacy of vaccination, provides a full historical survey of all immunization disasters, details the often catastrophic side effects. Downloads as a PDF of 1.68 mb.The idea of doing an OCR on the multi-lingual reference section was so daunting that no attempt was made; instead the references are offered as a separate download in the form of slightly fuzzy bitmap images on the order of a poor-quality photocopy. It is assumed that very few readers will be interested in following up on these citations. To download the references, click here and receive a 1.09 mb PDF. OUT OF PRINT.

"Smillie (1952) related how in Rialta in Italy in 1861 no fewer than 46 children and twenty nurses were infected with syphilis from a donor who formed the start of a series of arm-to-arm vaccinations."--Sir Graham Wilson (p107)

“The risks attendant on the use of vaccines and sera (plural of serum) are not as well recognized as they should be. Indeed, our knowledge of them is still too small and the incomplete knowledge we have is not widely disseminated . . The late Dr. J. Hutchinson of the [U.K.] Ministry of Health collected records of fatal immunological accidents during the war years and was kind enough to show them to us. We were surprised to learn of the large number of persons in the civil and military populations that died apparently as the result of attempted immunization against some disease or other. Yet only a few of these are referred to in the medical journals.
    “When one considers that Dr. Hutchinson’s records covered only four or five years and were limited to Great Britain and that in other countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Australia, probably much the same proportion of accidents were occurring—and further that such accidents have been going on for sixty or seventy years—one realizes that a very small proportion can ever have been described in the medical literature of the world.”— quoted in The Hazards of Immunizations, 1967.

“When a vaccine is injected into the tissues during the incubation period of a disease or during the course of a latent infection, it may bring on an acute attack of the disease. That is to say, the incubation period is shortened, or a latent infection that might have given rise to no manifest illness is converted into a clinical attack. The two diseases in which this so-called provocation effect has been most studied are typhoid fever and poliomyelitis, but evidence exists to show that it may be operative in other diseases such as tuberculosis and rickettsial infections.
    “Numerous factors such as exposure to cold and wet, excessive fatigue, overindulgence of various sorts and certain chemo-therapeutic agents, are credited with playing a similar role by lowering the resistance of the host to the causative bacterium or virus in question. Certain vaccines appear to have a similar effect, though probably more specific.”—Sir Graham Wilson, M.D., The Hazards of Health, 1967.

[Vaccine Disasters] Typhoid vaccine: Colombia, S. Carolina, 1916

"In this incident a number of persons injected with a particular batch of typhoid vaccine suffered from unusually severe reactions caused by contamination of the vaccine with Staphylococcus aureus. Four of the cases, all in children under five years of age, proved fatal, and many of the others suffered from local abscess formation."---Sir Graham Wilson (Hazards of Immunisation p75)

[Vaccine Disasters] The Lubeck disaster, 1930
"Between 10 December 1929 and 30 April 1930, 251 of 412 infants born in the old Hanseatic town of Lubeck received three doses of BCG vaccine by the mouth during the first ten days of life. Of these 251, 72 died of tuberculosis, most of them in two to five months and all but one before the end of the first year. In addition, 135 suffered from clinical tuberculosis but eventually recovered; and 44 became tuberculin-positive but remained well. "---Sir Graham Wilson (Hazards of Immunisation p66)

''There is no proof anywhere that the vaccines used (DTP/Hib/Polio) cause death but the pertussis component was the whole cell preparation are known to be associated with apnoea, shock, encephalopathy, and very occasionally with deaths, which led Sir Graham Wilson, former and first Director of the PHLS, to say in his book on Hazards of Immunization that life-spoiling and threatening reactions, especially after pertussis vaccine and in the context of incomplete or non -protection were too frequent to justify mass vaccination. These features, widely-recognized internationally, led some countries in the 1960’s and others later to omit pertussis from childhood programmes and to replacement of the whole-cell vaccine with an acellular replacement. In the UK, this did not happen until 2006.'' Stewart, Prof Gordon  [2008] Rapid Responses to Does cot death still exist?