Edward Hendrie
[pdf] The
Israel of God By Edward Hendrie
[2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Edward Hendrie The truth is that the attacks on 9-11 were perpetrated by Israel, aided and abetted by high officials in the U.S. Government...He makes an irrefutable case that Mossad organized and executed the 9-11 attack. Senior members of the Bush administration were active collaborators.
[2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie
Antichrist Conspiracy by Edward Hendrie [whale]
[2005] The Anti Gospel by Edward Hendrie
The Jewish Tribune newspaper, in 1927, in an editorial, stated:
"Freemasonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the
Masonic ritual and what is left?" [2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the
Great by Edward Hendrie
'Talmudism is Communism.' ~ Antichrist Conspiracy by Edward Hendrie
Why do the Jews hate Christians so much? It is because the children of the flesh will always hate the children of the spirit. [2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie