“UNTITLED... as is God’s plan for me”
(By: Donna M. Cannain
I dedicate this Book to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus has
never left my side and I love Him for helping me to get through the
last 20 years while in the battle of my li
fe. I thank Jesus from my
heart for my Sons: Nathaniel Joseph, Matthew Allan, and Donovan
(.. as is God’s plan for me)
It was earlier today that I felt this nagging feeling, this nagging drive, that I had
to star
t writing this book and hope that at least one person reads it. The problem
with this is I was never going to write my story myself, I’ve been planning all
along to sell my story or have someone write it for me, until earlier today when I
got that feeling
, something telling me that I ‘have’ to write it, I ‘need’ to tell it, I
‘want’ to be the one to share my story with others and as many people as who
will read it, because now I understand why another can’t just write ‘my’ story;
unless you have been ther
e, unless you have fully accepted God into your life,
and unless you have witnessed what God can do in your life, then there’s no
other person to write this story, my story,
story but ‘me’ because I ‘have’
been there, I ‘have’ fully accepted God into m
y life, I ‘have’ and I ‘am’ witnessing
what God ‘can’ and ‘does’ do for me and I ‘want’ to tell everyone.
Now that I know that I’m meant to write this, I need to come up with a ‘title’ for
it because as we all know when writing in Microsoft Words Documen
ts, you
need a ‘title’ to save it under, but I was struggling with what the ‘title’ of my
story should be. I have had a few ideas that I’ve run through my head, but none
really seemed to say exactly what I wanted. Then, right before I was about to sit
wn to start writing this today, it came to me what the ‘title’ of my life has been,
my life has been God’s plan and His Will, never at all what I thought it would be
or wanted it to be so I can’t put my own ‘title’ on this, this has all been God’s
plan for
me, and it’s ‘untitled’ because God isn’t finished in my life yet.
Now, what I’m about to write, what you are about to read, may be too graphic
for some people to handle, so make your decision now if you want to continue
on and if you want to know the T
ruth. I’m writing about what I’ve been through,
what I’ve suffered, the life I used to call a ‘nightmare’, and I can’t ‘sugarcoat’ it
for anyone because it surely wasn’t ‘sugarcoated’ for me. For 20 years, I suffered
intense pain and agony in more ways t
han one and I had many times of
hopelessness and doubts, but to me, this nightmare that I have suffered was
worth every single day of it just to be able to sit here today to share with all of
you all what God has given to me and share that God never left m
y side. So no, I
won’t be ‘sugarcoating’ anything that has happened in my life, I want all to read,
and see, and literally feel inside down to your own bones, the agony that I’ve
been put through, feel the pain that I’ve suffered, and feel my heartache fo
yourselves. Then, you will all see the truth for yourselves, nothing will be
‘sugarcoated’ (not the pain nor the truth of how powerful God is), and all of you
will truly see for yourselves the miracles from God and you will all be able to see
how the pa
in was worth it. God has a plan for each and every one of us, and if
me suffering through such evil agony was part of the plan God has for my life,
then it was worth every single day and I would do it all again. I’m closer to God
today than I’ve ever bee
n and I thank God for picking me to go through this
‘nightmare’ because I’ve learned so much and I’ve grown even closer to my Lord,
my God. I do believe it’s true, that God only chooses those to go through such
nightmares that God already knows is strong
enough to handle because God has
faith in us, we just need to learn to have faith in God. After what I’ve survived
and after what I’ve been through, God is truly the greatest and only reason as to
why I’m alive today to be able to share my story,
y, with the world today,
20 years later...
Chapter 1
When I was a child, I was the typical child with religious parents that ‘make’ you
go to Church, but I believe I was around 8 years old when I knew I ‘wanted’ to
go to Church. My parents had me baptized
before I turned 9, and I’m not sure if
you have been baptized or not and fully put your heart into it and into all of
those wondrous feelings running through you at that moment, but at age 8, I
swear I felt God’s presence all around me and inside me. We m
oved again to
another home, which of course, meant we were changing Churches again, but
this time wherever we moved too, which I can’t tell you where at all because I
have no memory of it, but what I do remember for sure is that we no longer went
to a Chur
ch ‘together’. My parents then moved us again, but this time, we
moved to Riddle Street in Manchester, New Hampshire. I was very happy to
live on this street because at first, our parents were shipping my brothers and I
off on a Church School Bus for Chi
ldren’s Sunday School with Church Service to
follow, which of course, I was very happy to go too and then our parents would
show up at the end of Service to pick us up. I don’t know why they didn’t attend
with us other than the occasional Easter holidays,
but I was happy anyways
because I was going. Then the bus stopped coming and my parents stopped
bringing us or sending us to any Church. I missed it, I really can’t tell you all of
the people I knew at these Churches but I can tell you that I missed goi
ng to
Church until one day when I was riding with my Mother and I saw the Church
that was 3 blocks away. I asked and my Mother gave me permission to walk the
streets to the Church. Maybe 3 blocks doesn’t mean anything to walk to an
Adult, but for a 9 or
10 year old child it was a distance, especially in the winter
time, but I never minded the walk and looked forward to it because I was going
to Church. I knew what it was that I missed and the walk it took to get there was
worth it because I missed that f
eeling you have when you have God with you.
Everytime I was in Church, I felt and I knew I had God with me. I was involved
in every single thing that I could possibly be involved in within this Church. I
helped in the Nursery, I was in the Choir, I join
ed the Youth Group; I became a
Missionette; I couldn’t do enough and get involved enough. I knew I found God
and had God in my life from a very young age and I wanted to have God in my
life so much, that to me at that time as a child, a Church was the onl
y place I
could grow and learn to be closer to God. Now remember, I was only 8 to 11
years old, so I’m not saying that the only way to have God in your life is to go to
Church, it does help to go and go regularly, but at the time, it was my way of
to absorb as much as I could because I couldn’t get enough. I can sit here
right now with my hand on a Bible, and swear to all that I’m one of the lucky
ones to have found God so young and I can’t do enough as a Mother to give this
gift to my own Children
, give them that feeling that’s higher than adrenaline
when you know you have God in your life; but then life got in the way, chaos
erupted, I started having doubts (never about God, just everyday life doubts)
and these doubts started getting in the way of
really truly finding and listening
to God and God’s plan for me.
Chapter 2
From the age of 11 to 19, I continued to go to Church when I could, we had
moved to Maine and lived pretty far out of town, but as soon as I got my Driver's
License at age 15 and
a car, I started driving into town when I could and go to
Church. Prior to getting my License, my parents were also holding Bible Study
groups with other Members of the Church so I would hang outside of the
window to listen in, listen to them read from th
e bible, and then listen to their
beliefs or opinions about what God wants. By the time I had my License, I was
not only driving myself to Church, but I also began driving my Memere to her
Church. She was Catholic and had moved in with us upon my Pepere’
s death,
and even though I was bringing her to a Catholic church, I never minded
bringing her and worshipping with her, because even though I was raised a
Protestant, I believed in my heart that we are all of One faith, Christianity, with
one true purpose,
to spread God’s word, so I actually enjoyed going with her to
Church and have great memories of it.
By age 19, I met Jason. Jason Allan Farris of Pittston, Maine. It was the end of
December of 1993. This is the beginning of my 20
year ‘nightmare’. I
was in
College and lived with other College roommates when he visited one of my
roommates one day. The second I saw him, as Jason was walking in the door, I
noticed him look at me with such an odd expression. Little did I know what
Jason was thinking th
at moment as he walked in that door, but I found out 3
months later, and it was 3 months after I met him that I knew it would take a
Miracle to ever truly leave him. By the end of only spending 3 weeks with Jason
and thinking he was the ‘One’ because he m
ade me feel that way, I agreed to
move to Texas with him. I agreed to up and leave my life as I knew it, which
included giving up an incredible dog who was also my best friend at the time,
but I agreed after only 3 weeks of knowing him that I should move
to Texas with
him. I was ignoring God, literally, I can’t even tell you if I said even one prayer
in that first 3 weeks of meeting Jason and what this really means to me. It’s
almost as if I left God for those first 3 weeks. So, I moved to Texas and it
around our 3
month mark of being together that I really started getting to know
who Jason really was and what I was dealing with. Here’s a man that screams at
me to get a job, stop being lazy and sitting around the apartment, get out there
and make so
me money because he is sick of paying all of our bills, but then I get
a job and he either gets me fired because of his own behavior at my work or
forces me to quit out of jealousy towards ‘male’ customers or co
workers. I went
through over 13 jobs from F
ebruary of 1994 until April of 1995 and all because of
Jason. Also, at the same time, this same man that screams and belittles me about
work just to get me fired or force me to quit, but this is the same man who is then
telling me that he looked at me str
ange or odd on that very first moment that he
met me 3 months ago because for him, ‘it was love at first sight’ and he knew he
would ‘never let me go’...
Chapter 3
I knew after 3 months of being with Jason, I knew that I needed to leave him but
I also knew
it would not be easy given the type of person I was dealing with.
Even though I was no longer holding true to my faith as I’ve always known it, I
wasn’t praying often at all or speaking to God, I was still somehow being shown
by God as to what I should do
. I need to add in here that I also believe that it
was during my early time with Jason that I left God, I allowed the chaos of life to
take over. I was, in essence, ignoring God, but want to know the incredible part,
God never left my side or I wouldn’t
be here today writing my story,
After 3 months of being with Jason, I had this nagging feeling, not nagging in a
negative sense, it was more of a drive, something telling me to go and get away
from him, but I refused to listen and didn’t reall
y know what to do. I had doubts,
I doubted Jason really was that bad because when he was nice, he was so nice
and kind and sweet, but when his darkness came through, that’s when I could
see the clearest. Jason was becoming more dark then nice. I managed
to stay
with him in Texas until something happened that woke me up. I will admit that
I started drinking more, and Jason was drunk all the time to passing out, black
outs, or even to the point of still being so drunk in the morning that I had to
drive hi
m into work because it wasn’t safe for him to drive himself. It was
during these ‘drunken’ nights, which became far too often, that I really needed to
figure out how to leave him, but fear kept me there. I struggled with feelings of
fear of change, such
as what would I do once I leave, or fear of him, what will he
do once I leave, or just fear of the unknown of anything that would happen if I
leave so I began having doubts about leaving him until that night; my last night
in Texas.
On my last night in T
exas, in April of 1995, I was working and we only had one
vehicle so Jason and my brother, who only lived with us for a short time, agreed
to come and pick me up at 2AM when I got out of work. However, once they
showed up, I could see that both of them we
re falling down drunk. I asked to
drive, because my brother was driving and shouldn’t be, but Jason told me ‘no’,
told me to ‘shut up’, and to ‘get in the truck’. Riding in the middle of my brother
and Jason in this truck, panic was running through me as
I watched my brother
drive all over the road. I kept asking my brother to just let me drive as I was the
only sober person with Jason continuously screaming at me to ‘shut up’ and my
brother refusing to hand over the wheel. So, then I asked my brother n
icely to
pull over and let me out, that it was a nice night out and we weren’t far from the
apartment, so I can just walk the rest of the way. My brother pulled over, Jason
let me out while telling me he was going to 'kill me' for this, for ‘embarrassing
him’, and as I started to walk I could hear footsteps pounding on the pavement
behind me. I didn’t even get a chance to turn my head around to see who was
coming up behind me when I was suddenly on the ground. My face and part of
my forehead smashed into
the pavement and I had such an incredible amount of
weight on top of me that I couldn’t breathe. I could hear my brother screaming
in the background, almost as if he was quite a distance away, but I could hear
him screaming ‘she’s not worth it, leave her
alone’, when I suddenly felt the
weight lifted off of me, I could catch my breath but it was only momentarily
because then I felt a sharp pain right in my gut as Jason kicked me as hard as he
could with his steel
toed boots in my stomach which turned me o
ver to my back.
Then before I could catch my breath again, Jason is now on top of me, straddling
over me with his hands on my throat and squeezing my throat as hard as he
possibly could while all the while yelling insults and calling me a ‘whore’, ‘bitch’
‘slut’, ‘cunt’, and anything else he could think to call or insults he could yell at
me. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even fight back if I wanted too,
I couldn’t even talk, but I did look into his eyes and I looked at his face and I
atched his muscles. I saw darkness in his eyes, his face was bright red, he had
one particular vein popping out of his neck which seemed to pop out even more
the tighter he squeezed on my neck, I saw such anger in his jaw and in his eyes, I
saw how tight
his muscles were and how much tighter they got each time I felt
him squeeze my neck even tighter, and I saw pure hatred, anger, and rage
coming out of his very being. Jason wasn’t going to stop, he
going to kill me,
and I saw it screaming out of him.
My only saving grace as I felt my eyes closing
out of exhaustion or maybe it was by being put in a semi
conscious state by him
strangling me, but my only saving grace at that moment that I could no longer
hold my eyes open, was my brother pulling Jason of
f of me. Jason then ‘let’ me
walk, well more like stumble, the rest of the way home which was about 3 miles.
I will never forget this walk back to my apartment that I shared with Jason
because I prayed again for the first time in a long time...
Chapter 4
As soon as I got to my apartment, which did take me a while to get there given
that I stumbled and fell a few times on my way, but as soon as I got there, the
first thing I noticed was Jason passed out on the bed which meant I could make a
‘private’ phone
call. It was 3:30AM by this point and I’m tired, no I’m exhausted,
I’m beaten up and bloodied, and I have pains in places that I didn’t even know
had gotten hit but I was not going to bed, I’m going to make a call because
something is driving me too. I
called my Dad who is back in Maine, and as soon
as my Dad answers, he knows it’s me and he knows something is wrong without
me even being able to talk through the sobbing, so my Dad says ‘what do you
need baby?’, ‘need me to come get you?’, ‘are you ok?’ ‘
I love you’. My Dad
made a plan with me to leave and leave right there and then. With his strength
and encouragement, even 3000 miles away, I was able to pack everything into
my car and leave Texas, leave Jason, and did it by 4:00AM. Those feelings of
fear’ and ‘doubt’ had left me while talking to my Dad and I just knew I could do
it and leave Jason. I can’t tell you that feeling of relief that I had as I was driving
on the Interstate, heading north, leaving Texas, leaving Jason, and driving
straight t
o my family and back to my life as I knew it. I cried and I thanked God.
My Dad had made arrangements earlier during our phone call for me to meet
him in New York State and I was so thankful that he had, even though I kept
trying to convince him that I
could drive all the way through to Maine myself,
but I ended up actually being so thankful that he insisted because I started to get
sick as I was driving and there was no way I was going to be able to drive all the
way to Maine alone. I had intense pain
in my stomach and started to throw up a
few times, but I did continue driving all the way, straight through, until I hit the
edge of New York and met my Dad. All my Dad did was look at me to know
what had just happened back in Texas, and then he gave me t
he biggest hug
anyone has ever given me, told me to go lay down because he had the bed down
and waiting for me. He had brought the Van with him just so I could lie down
once I made it to him and then he towed my car the rest of the way. I have no
after hugging my Dad and then getting in the back of the Van to sleep
on the bed, I have no memory of the rest of the ride from New York to Maine. I
didn’t wake up even once, and then after getting home, I went to bed again
because I was just too weak to
stand and my stomach hurt, which I thought was
just from sheer exhaustion. My Mother kept coming into my room to check on
me, bringing me some food or something to drink, and delivering the numerous
phone messages from Jason but I didn’t or ‘couldn’t’ get
out of bed for a day and
a half. After being in bed for so long, almost 2 days, I tried to get up to go out to
the living room and spend some time with my family when I started bleeding
and bleeding heavily. It seemed almost as if blood was just pouring
out of me
and I was doubled over in pain so my Mom brought me to her Doctor’s office
where I learned I was in the middle of a miscarriage when I didn’t even know I
was pregnant, 8 weeks pregnant with Jason’s child. I went home, went back to
bed, and this
is where I stayed for another 4 days. I couldn’t pray at this point
because I was upset, I was angry, and I couldn’t believe that God would take this
baby from me, a baby I didn’t even know I was having, but I was upset that I
was losing this child. I w
as allowing my emotions and my doubts keep me from
God because I was honestly upset with God at that moment and maybe I need to
explain a little more and give some background about what ‘Motherhood’ means
to me in order to provide a better understanding as
to why I was so angry with
God, but the great news is God never left my side, I just didn’t know it...
Around the age of 16, I began having these pains in my back, and after rounds of
Doctor appointments and Medical tests, my Mother and I were t
old that I have a
form of kidney disease and that this kidney disease could actually prevent me
from either getting pregnant or carrying a baby to term safely. This, of course,
was devastating news to me even at the age of 16 because I was only 4 years ol
when I had the name picked out for my little girl, my precious daughter, so I
knew from an early age that I wanted to be a ‘Mother’ and now this Doctor is
telling me that it would take a Miracle for me to conceive and for me to even
carry a baby to term.
It was like someone took so much life out of me on that day
that this Doctor not only told me this but then insisted that my Mother put me on
birth control so that there’s no chance at ever getting pregnant, even though I
was a virgin for a couple more y
ears, but it was like a ‘kick
gut’ reminder
going on those birth control pills that I was never going to be a Mother. Then
and also, each time I got those pains in my back, my kidney acting up, it was
another ‘painful’ reminder that I was never goi
ng to be a Mother. I was quite
devastated if you can imagine, so then on the day that another Doctor tells me 5
years later that I am pregnant but miscarrying, I became beyond devastated and
was, for the first (and last) time ever in my life, I was angry
with God.
Once I finally healed from the miscarriage and was back to work, Jason came to
visit from Texas. He kept apologizing, saying he has changed, he is moving back
to Maine soon, and wants me to give him another chance. He was the ‘nice’
Jason aga
in, he repeatedly stated that he even quit drinking, and pleaded with
me to just try ‘us’ one more time. I ignored that ‘nagging’ feeling to get away
from him, I ignored it completely, and gave him another chance. Jason did move
back to Maine a few weeks
later, and he and I moved back in together again.
Things were going well for the first few weeks, but then after he got a job, he
started staying out late, started coming home drunk, started yelling at me again,
it was like everything started again. By
July of 1995, I started to get that nagging
feeling again that I needed to leave Jason, and I wasn’t necessarily ignoring it this
time. Something didn’t feel quite right, something was different, and something
was telling me to end my relationship with hi
m, but on the morning that I had
finally convinced Jason to leave and he was moving out that day, I did a
‘pregnancy’ test even though the odds of me being pregnant were slim to none, I
did the test. Little did I know that Jason was behind me and had foll
owed me
into the bathroom when I went in to read the results in private and he saw the
test that I had hidden in the counter and we both saw that I was ‘pregnant’ when
he said, ‘I’m not leaving’ and he didn’t.
Meanwhile, I couldn’t believe I was pregnant
, I couldn’t believe that God was
entrusting me with another child, and the biggest Miracle is I couldn’t believe I
conceived so easily. I was so floored by the ‘positive’ pregnancy test result that I
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