Were the Fred West killings in truth ,satanic ritual murders?

Jim Cairns

Can we add the Fred West murders to the ever growing list of satanic type murders which have taken place across the world since the early 1970s.

The author of a web page has put forward a very credible argument which would suggest such a scenario.

I have to admit that I have personally suspected for some time that there could be a ritualistic connection to these murders.

The author has noticed that there has been a cover-up of certain information regarding these crimes and he was able to recognise the likely connection with witchcraft and human sacrifice. The author recognised the occult significance when he read the autopsy reports of the murder victims.There were certain fingers missing from the bodies of the West's murder victims which were found under and around the West's Cromwell Street home. Witches, he explains , remove the fingers and hands of the "sacrifice" and are buried close to the body for the purpose of "enchantments". "The Magic Hand ".

Fred West commited "suicide" on new years day 1995 , found hanged in his cell!

How was Fred West able to hang himself in a prison cell which is designed to thwart any attempt at suicide, especially by hanging! UK prison cells have no places on the ceiling or on the walls where a rope or torn bed sheet can be attached. So how did Fred West hang himself in a UK prison cell?

My mind goes back to an old World War 11 photograph of a notorious Nazi and concentration camp commandant who was found "hanged" in his prison cell . He was seen sitting on the floor with the rope around his neck and attached to the metal bed frame six inches above his head.

Does one get the picture?

Maybe this can explain how Fred west commited "suicide"!


Fred West married Rose after his first wife conveniently disappeared.

Rosemary West worked as a prostitute and entertained many people in their house at Cromwell Street , Gloucester. They made videos of sexual acts and Rosemary was photographed in various degrees of undress.

West let out rooms in his house in Cromwell Street and the rents were so low that they attracted many people down on their luck , such as pregnant mothers and the unemployed. Between the 1970's and onto the time the West's were finally arrested ,12 people , including Fred's daughter Heather , were to fall victim to the owners of "The House of Horrors".

The author says that there are strong grounds to believe that the West's were used by a coven in the Gloucestershire area to supply them with suitable persons for sacrifice! He also contends that the West's were unlikely to have been members of the coven because they were working class! It is known by many that witchcraft covens normally recruit from the professional classes and from those at the top of the "pyramid" in society.

We can surmise ; at what point did Fred, and possibly Rose, get involved with a coven? The author suggests that Fred catered for a Black Magic coven in the Gloucestershire area. Whether the author has good grounds to believe this or not is uncertain .The reason for his suspicion could be the fact that Fred told a journalist that "he was covering for others and it would all come out in the end". He also suggests that this was why Fred was silenced once and for all in his cell before he could name names in court. The author also puts forward a very credible explanation for the murder /suicide of Fred's brother John who was believed to have assisted Fred and Rose in the murders of some of the victims . John West was due in court on multiple rape charges but he was found hanged before he could tell all.

This argument and Fred's unexplainable suicide by hanging gives credence to the authors contention that there could be a satanic connection to these crimes!

I suspect that the author could be on the right track for one good reason ; I myself was told in 1996 that Fred West's brother was silenced because he knew too much and to conceal the identities of more powerful people. My source is a Born Again Christian in Ireland who is a member of a large Irish coven consisting of so-called respectable people in Irish society. The Born Again told me in telephone conversations that the West's had connections with the city of Cork , Ireland. The Born Again also said that John West was found hanging in a garage!

I have no way of confirming these facts or not ; maybe someone can shed light on them!


This is the authors web page:

Did Fred West Murder to Order?
