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Joined: 09 Aug 2006
Posts: 57
Location: Western Montana
Posted: Mon Feb 26,
2007 11:09 am Post subject: Vortex
Jackpot |
Our Saturday, February 24
chat yielded another incredible vortex experience, at least for
me. After boosting the Baghdad vortex again (we decided to do
this weekly) we were looking for vortexes in Iran, since it's
apparent that the warmongers want to bomb there next. One of our
members, Nancy, reminded me that she had sent me a link about a
spot in Iran that could be very interesting. I hadn't taken the
time to look at the link yet, but I did so immediately during
the chat, and I'm glad I did. This spot,
, is the site of a major vortex under a ziggurat. In fact, Carol
and I feel that it is the original creative vortex on the earth.
I felt that it has never been corrupted like the other vortexes
that we find and heal. In fact, we believe it is uncorruptible.
I saw it as the home base for the Lemurians and whales and I was
able to re-energize myself while focusing on this vortex. Don
mentioned that Susa, where the vortex is located, is alleged to
be the oldest city in the world.
Carol and I both felt there was some other beneficial entity
there besides the whales and Lemurians, but we didn't know who.
I felt the wormhole in this vortex and it went on and on, and I
was afraid to explore it. Carol said the reason it felt so big
was that it was infinite and we aren't meant to explore it. In
any case, it's chock full of good energy and I've been using it
the past few days to re-energize. The color of this vortex is
pure gold and I've been using it to heal other vortexes.
We found a bunch of HAARP towers in the ocean off the coast of
Africa in the EW chat yesterday, and I saw black, negative
spinning vortexes around the towers. I healed them using the
"creator vortex", as I've come to call it, and the POR of the
towers started draining down into the center of the earth.
So needless to say, I'm really into vortexes right now.
vortex and the dodec work together and I'm still exploring those
connections. I really want to thank Nancy for pointing us to
this vortex. This is not the first time she has come up with
spot-on intel, and I'm sure it won't be the last. Great work
Last edited by dooney on Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:51 pm; edited 1 time
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Oregon Orgonizer
Joined: 06 Nov 2006
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon Feb 26,
2007 2:27 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the kind words and I'm infinitely grateful that my
cue for this "piece of the puzzle" was timely to move things
along for ever more positive resources - and I'm excited about
the HUGE potential for healing that this vortex may contribute.
I'll be so happy to hear of your and Carol's further insights
about it.
This might be a good moment to emphasize a take-home message for
everybody: TRUST YOUR INNER CUES AND ACT ON THEM. The sharing of
this information led to it's relevance being known because
Dooney and Carol could perceive that - I couldn't. The magic is
in this collaboration. I'm hopeful that continuing to access
this vortex will help open me up to further perceptions.
I want to briefly describe my process of getting the cues for
this piece of intel because it may be useful for others to feel
more comfortable following their own cues. These will seem very
unexciting by themselves but, when you tune into the
synchronicity (meaningful coincidences), there is a greater
pattern that emerges and then, for me, THERE is the "piece of
the puzzle" (Hopefully, this will be reassuring/empowering to
anyone who thinks there is only one way - e.g., nice, clear
visions - to get useful information of this sort):
1) On a trip to Lisbon, Portugal 30 years ago I didn't go to the
Gulbenkian Museum - I regreted not doing so and vowed to do so
"next time."
2) Two years ago again went to Lisbon for a work related
conference - and to the Museum.
3) The current Museum "special traveling exhibit" was: 7000
YEARS OF PERSIAN ART. It was a breathtaking exhibit and I was
moved to tears over both the beauty and the thought that the
originators of the exhibit likely wanted the world to see this
before possible destruction in war.
4) I was MAJORLY cued to buy the exhibit catalog book - (this
took SOME strength of cuing since it was about $50 AND only in
Portuguese - I tried to resist that one but luckily did not -
probably because I recognized the emotional charge on this was
so strong).
5) A few weeks back I was doing the dreaded vacuuming of the
bookcases (trust me, as rare an event as I can make it) because
of a friend emergently coming to visit and was cued to rearrange
the books that I have turned out toward the room (so that the
covers are decorative) - This exhibit catalog NEEDED to be so
placed (thereby reminding me, bookaholic personified, that I HAD
6) In the Saturday chats vortex work was being done and the
relevance for Iran was brought up - the question of where
vortices were was also brought up. At this point a light globe
went on and I knew there was somethint of strong significance in
the catalog which I then grabbed, said a heartfelt request to be
shown what I needed to see and opened the book to an apparently
arbitrary page (NOT) containing the Ziggurat of Choga Zambil.
7) I then forwarded the info to Dooney - which, I'm betting, she
was cued to ignore until just the right timing (after other
recent quantum leaps in connections, etc, for her). Saturday was
the "right timing" for me to bring it up again. (I think there
is also something special about the website - and its originator
- that included pictures and comments on the Ziggurat that I was
cued to find and send on to Dooney - please check it out).
Again, please see this as empowering (a different form of
training wheels, if you will) - we have a LOT of help supporting
us and we will likely be able to access even more of it if we
pay attention and access it in this way as well as the others.
Nancy |
Site Admin
Joined: 09 Aug 2006
Posts: 57
Location: Western Montana
Posted: Mon Feb 26,
2007 4:54 pm Post subject:
Thanks for giving the
history behind this information Nancy. It's fascinating to see
how this stuff gets to us exactly when we need it! This kind of
synchronicity has happened to me so many times in the chats that
I no longer think of it as happy coincidence. Stevo and I have a
running joke with Don and Carol about "just in time solutions".
Many times we figure out how to take care of a problem just in
time. Three weeks ago I apparently wasn't ready for this vortex
information. It wasn't until I started perceiving the vortexes
in this new way that I would have been able to fully appreciate
the creator vortex in Iran.
The same thing happened when I received the dodec-building
information from the dolphins. Stevo was being attacked and I
was desperate, so when the information came I was ready for it.
I think a lot of times we discount stuff that doesn't "make
sense" to us instead of waiting for the rest of the message. It
reminds me of how etheric work and tossing orgonite go
hand-in-hand. Getting an intuition and waiting for the 3D
purpose it will serve is kind of the same thing. Trust, faith,
patience, attention, action.
Dooney |