The Powerwand by Don Croft

   The Powerwand is a synergistic combination of the Succor Punch and orgonite in a copper tube. I owe the basic idea to Bruce Stenulson, Ben Morton and Suze Hooten, who made previous combinations of the two components.

   This device, though, is specifically designed to disable predators. We made it available after we ascertained that no person who is not exhibiting murderous behavior will be harmed by it. For those who have chosen a destructive and exploitive path in life, the energy from this device easily prevents them from doing harm to others. Without getting too specific, it apparently dissembles anyone who identifies strongly with a predatory thoughtform. This seems to happen without any conscious thought or will from the operator other than to prevent the target from doing harm. The energy is intelligently directed to create a balance within that person, however that may be accomplished. I see its action as a function of natural law, not as judgement from us or an inappropriate use of personal power.

   I tested it first on myself, of course. At full blast, my energy sensitive wife, Carol, only say cobalt-blue energy flowing all over the outside of my body. It felt awfully nice.

   We did a series of tests after that for friends among the active members of the cloudbuster forum from around the world who were under attack by the NSA, the Montauk consortium and other predatory agencies because of their successful atmosphere-healing and awareness work.

   It's not necessary for a person to be psychic to use this. I know that because I was able to get the same apparent results without my wife, Carol's, help as with it in most cases.

   In those cases, I did the work, then told Carol about it and asked her to look at the results. There are some others who can do this astral looking, of course, but if you decide to hook up with a person who is talented this way, make sure he or she has an adequately strong character and spiritual integrity first if you want reliable data.

   If you perceive a threat, simply turn the Powerwand on and imagine the energy going to the source of the threat. Just the same as with the Succor Punch, there's no distance barrier and no entity can hide or shield from this energy.

   Unlike the Succor Punch, though, this device has the ability to do more than just stop the predatory activity. What's remarkable, but not surprising, is that as we move up the chain of command we encounter people who are more and more bloodstained and bloodthirsty. Needless to say we haven't encountered many elected officials in these food chains. About half of them here are Men in Black, military officers and secret brotherhood adepts, though of course the first two categories are nearly always in the third one, too, and at that level it indicates regular human sacrifice, including infants.

   These are the folks who now run the world. Stopping them in any moment is stopping a monstrously big crime in progress, since the world order is intent on killing most of the people on the planet right now, and they've killed countless millions already with starvation, warfare, poisoning, plagues, and mass executions throughout the world.

   Carol and I truly believe that a small number of Powerwands in willing hands will terrify and dissemble the entire predatory apparatus in fairly short order so that we can have our governments back. Without the sponsorship of these predators, who literally own ALL elected officials right now through extortion, bribery and other manipulations, these politicians will be answerable to nobody but us, at last. Think of the implications.

   AS with the cloudbusters, this is your invitation to experience your deserved level of personal freedom and responsibility. Since I know that it simply won't work inappropriately in the hands of anyone who isn't ready to accept responsibility for it, I feel justified in making it available to the open market.

   We haven't explored the healing potentials of the Powerwand yet, but judging from what I felt when I turned it on myself, I suspect that it will be a powerful tool for rejuvenation and healing on many levels.


[April 24, 2003] Non-instructions for the Powerwand By Don Croft,  
[March 11, 2003] Powerwand, Shiva and the Death of Arch-Predators by Don Croft
[January 26, 2003] The PowerWand Everyman's Weapon Against Tyranny By Don Croft

[Trick weaponry]