Christopher Onyango had been pining to take a trip to Congo with
some orgonite and finally got his wish granted, last week, after the
rush of producing enough orgonite to satisfy the market demand in
Here's his initial report:
Dear Sir,
Much thanks i am so much pleased to let you know the progress
of farming in Congo eventhough most of the time they live under fear
of invasion by other opposing groups.
This people are good farmers they plant maize bannanas coffee and
onions I had introduced to them the orgonite so that they may start
using to improve their harvest. They took some for trial if it
could be beneficial in iproving their production.Accurding to my
analysis they like the product.
When i was in Congo for the first time i got affected by malaria
but i only used the zapper i never consult any medical Doctor and
now i am well.
Otherwise stay fine all the photos which i took while in Congo i
will send soon.