The events which led to my consideration of the "114", and one
way to construct it, are related in the topic "108" posted in
this same forum.
When I constructed it outside, after disassembling the "108", I
found that the positive dome of qi was no longer there, nor was
there a cylinder of negative qi rising up from the center.
There was a strong line of positive qi rising up into the sky in
the center, and negative qi was being attracted to it, in some
way like the operation of a CB.
Thus the "114" was more dynamic than the "108" in that the qi
was moving rather than static (in the "108" the qi did not seem
to be moving in or out of the dome, or moving in or out of the
cylinder, at least from my viewpoint on the ground.
Two weeks later I visited Manfred in Pinkafeld, Austria, and we
built another "114", examining its properties with more care and
attention. This will be the subject of a subsequent post.
As before, I emphasize that I am
promoting nothing here -- just recording observations.