Lucifer (Satan)
Shadow government
[Lucifer the
'light bearer', the heartless non-human horned God of the
Satanists/Luciferians. Lucifer could be a
Shapeshifting Draco (winged)
Reptilian from Sirius, hence all the Vampire stories
(Movies with
Shapeshifting) and
Satan has been called his dark side.
Brother is Hesperus
wife/twin sister: Lilith.
[1938] OUTWITTING THE DEVIL by Napoleon Hill
Lucifer, anti-Christianity (Music, film industry)
See: Ahriman Isis, Horus and Seth Triad of Lucifer
Aka: Nimrod Baphomet BAAL Moloch, Satan, Devil, Horus, Isis,
[vid] Behemoth - Making Of Lucifer Behemoth
Lyrics [Lyrics]
Amos, Tori
[vid 1991] Amschel
Says Rothschilds Meet with the Devil Published on 8 Apr 2016.
Amcshel Mayor James Rothschild (1955 - 1996) explained in an interview with a
Magazine called Progress For All that he had personally met with the Devil or
Lucifer in Colorado, and that the eye on the American $1 Bill is the eye of
Lucifer and that the Seal was taken to America by Benjamin Franklin and
Alexander Hamilton before 1776. Amschel who was the acting successor of Evelyn
de Rothschild was regarded as not having the killer instinct required by a
Rothschild paid the ultimate price with his own life.
The following is from the magazine Progress for all January
1991, an interview regarding the clarification of the Pyramid and the shining
eye on the back of the US One Dollar Bill: "The seal of the pyramid was created
by the Rothschild family and brought to North America by Benjamin Franklin and
Alexander Hamilton before 1776. The Rothschild family is the head of the
organization in which I entered in Colorado. All the Occult Brotherhoods are
part of it. It is a Lucifer Organization to install his reign in the
whole world. The eye on the pyramid is the eye of Lucifer. Supposedly the
Rothschilds have personal dealings with the Devil. I have personally been in his
villa and have experienced it. And I know it is true". Source - John Todd - ("ex
Masonic Council of Thirteen")
[vid] Satanism In The Music Industry: Lucifer Shows up at Super Bowl 47- Beyonce EXPOSED
Hollywood Latinos & Latinas of Satan. (Satan, Sex, Blood & Gang Bangs in Hollywood)
Duplessis, Nicolas [2012
Feb] Who Killed Whitney Houston? Death Was On Her & Illuminati Contract Expired.
Kanye West used to complain that his contract said that he couldn’t promote or
talk about Jesus but once he got really famous, he made a track called Jesus
Walks. And what people may not know, is that in 2009, when Kanye West, was
forced to take back his comments about the Bush Administration & racism, it was
because he was two seconds away from being killed. Look at Kanye West in the
ABC Interviews around this time and you see sheer panic and fear in his glossed
over eyes. It was the same thing with rapper Ole Dirty Bastard. Now Kanye
West, is promoting the gay agenda and even flashing Satanic Illuminati hand
signs on stage and he is doing this because Kanye West isn’t trying to wake up
dead like Whitney Houston in some hotel room in Beverly Hills.
....In the music industry, everyone knows that you can not
promote Christianity. It simply isn’t done. Lucifer is the lord in Hollywood
and everyone knows it! Kanye West, before he was nearly killed by the
Illuminati, used to bitch about this reality constantly and now we see that
Jay-Z, the biggest black rapper Illuminati Satanist of all, was asked to take
Kanye West under his wing and to make him understand what his objective are or
else. OR ELSE! OR ELSE! OR ELSE!......How does the Illuminati kill you? Well
they make sure that you have all of the drugs that you can have and they get you
addicted to drugs (legal or illegal).
......In the music industry, everyone knows that you can not promote
Christianity. It simply isn’t done. Lucifer is the lord in Hollywood and
everyone knows it! Kanye West, before he was nearly killed by the Illuminati,
used to bitch about this reality constantly and now we see that Jay-Z, the
biggest black rapper Illuminati Satanist of all, was asked to take Kanye West
under his wing and to make him understand what his objective are or else. OR
[2012 Feb] Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Denzel Washington & Hollywood’s Black Illuminati Satanist. Lucifer was the most beautiful angel and he was also the angel of music, so there is no way of being a famous musician and not getting your power from Lucifer. You wanna make it in the music industry? Ok, well I just told you who will give you the power.
Chapter 7: The Devil’s Priests by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
[2012] Is Lucifer the God of Judaism?
Luciferian Report by Jim Stone
Lucifer and the Anunnaki Diversion through Barbara Hand Clow
The Origin of the Secret Government: Atlantis, Lucifer and Light Skins by Zoosh
The Lucifer look
Lucifer the light bearer
[1915] Christ in Relation to Lucifer and Ahriman by Rudolf Steiner
The Balance in the World and Man, Lucifer and Ahriman by Rudolph Steiner
Masonic Grand Lodges promote the teaching that Lucifer is the Holy Spirit.
[1976] The Hidden Tyranny: The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview
This huge advertisement for the TV series “Lucifer”, Lucifer is telling award
nominees in the entertainment industry to thank him. It is basically the occult
elite telling it like it is. In this show, Lucifer is played by a charming, good
looking guy with whom viewers sympathize with. #LuciferIsComing. It is all out
in the open.
Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Says "I Swear to Lucifer"
Symbols: Phoenix Lightning bolt Light/flame
Phosphorus and Hesperus, by Evelyn De Morgan
(1855-1919), English Pre-Raphaelite painter
2nd-century sculpture of the moon goddess Selene accompanied by Hesperus
and Phosphorus: the corresponding Latin names are Luna, Vesper and
The Sigil of Lucifer ("Seal of Satan") a magical sigil used occasionally
as an emblem by Satanists
The AT&T Building in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Three pentagrams multipled by five points gives us the sacred
number of Lucifer being fifthteen coming from the five (1+2+3+4+5). Note
the circle between the two phallic pillars of
Boaz and Jachin. We see the use of the colour blue of Isis.
A statue of Lucifer, by Guillaume Geefs (Cathedral of St. Paul, Liège,
Belgium), from the 19th Century
The Sigil of Lucifer, used by Theistic Satanists and some Luciferians and
Gnostic Luciferians
Monte Kristo