Dr. Kelly assassination
See: [2008] An Act of State, the execution of Martin Luther King by William F. Pepper [2012 April] Suicide riddle of weapons expert who worked with David Kelly: Scientist tells wife he is going for a walk, then takes his life in a field... just like his friend
Pathologist: Dr Nicholas Hunt
[2011 Aug] European Unrest: Entirely Staged
Political Theatre By Gordon Duff As background, Britain and America didn’t invade
Iraq looking for chemical weapons. The real reason is because three Hiroshima
sized nuclear weapons had been stolen, weapons built by Armscorp in South
Africa, the Pelandaba plant, designed by Israel. There had been 10. One was
tested in September 1979 off Prince Edward Island, south of Capetown. The US
discovered it, we have all the data on the explosion, all the signatures. South
Africa ended its WMD partnership which included huge operations in conjunction
with both Israel and Colonel Gaddafi of Liyba, someone else with nuclear
weapons. The last 9 weapons were to be decommissioned. Dr. David
Kelly, the murdered scientist and a young assistant, now current British Prime
Minister David Cameron ran the operation.
.....Dr. David Kelly, once considered a suicide, now known to be a murder
oversaw the project. The bombs were stolen, Kelly knew and kept his mouth
for awhile at least, and then threatened to go public, not just about the
but about a 17,8 million pound “kickback” (backhander) paid by the bomb
thieves to certain prominent British politicians.
[2011] Britain: Fraudulent Iraq Enquiry by Peter Eyre The nuclear bombs arrived in Oman and were put into an insecure compound and checked by Dr. David Kelly who had the responsibility to look after the weapons and check that they were in good condition prior to the release of the money. (So you see dear Dr. Kelly knew too much).
[2011 May] Dr Kelly police probe thrown into doubt over riddle of prints on 'missing' dental records Dr Kelly’s dental records went missing for 48 hours before being found again inside the surgery. Assistant Chief Constable Michael Page of Thames Valley Police had previously told the Hutton Inquiry there was ‘no evidence’ of any unidentified fingerprints being on Dr Kelly’s file....But Freedom of Information requests have revealed that, in fact, there were six unidentified prints on the dental records and the file which held them. Campaigners say the discrepancy raises doubts about the evidence given to the Hutton Inquiry.
[2011 May] Mystery of the helicopter that landed at scene of Dr Kelly’s death
[2011 Jan] David Kelly death riddle grows as it emerges personal items found on his body did not have fingerprints on them two personal items found with his body – his mobile phone and a watch – did not have any fingerprints on them....the other three being the knife he allegedly used to slash his wrist, the packs of pills he is said to have overdosed on, and a water bottle.
[2010 Dec] Riddle of missing fingerprints on Dr David Kelly's 'overdose' pill packs
[2010 Aug] Pathologist 'trying to stop inquiry into Dr David Kelly's death'
[2010 Aug] A textbook suicide? The intriguing file on Dr Kelly that tells a different story
[2010 Aug] Weapons expert was allowed to see secrets far outside his brief
[2009 Dec] Dr Kelly WAS murdered and there has to be a new inquest, say six top doctors
[2009 July] Did MI5 kill Dr David Kelly? a senior policeman ..... began to create a restricted file on his secure computer. Across the top he typed a code name: Operation Mason.....it would detail the overnight search for Dr Kelly. Incredibly, he created this file an hour before the scientist even left home. ....Most intriguingly, at 8am, half an hour before Dr Kelly's body was discovered under the tree, three officers in dark suits from MI5's Technical Assessment Unit were at his house.
[2009] In memoriam Dr. David Kelly. RIP
[Aug 2008] David Kelly's closest female confidante on why he COULDN'T have killed himself
This article describes how the Dr David Kelly truth movement evolved
Iraq whistleblower Dr Kelly WAS murdered to silence him, says MP[Oct 2007] Police could not find any fingerprints on Dr Kelly's 'suicide' knife
[April 2007] Murder theory
that just won't go away
[Nov 8, 2006] The Hutton Inquiry and the Murder of Dr David Kelly by Ken Welch
[19 Oct 2006] THE DAVID KELLY ‘DEAD IN THE WOODS’ PSYOP by Rowena Thursby Any intimation of state-sponsored killing on British soil was politically seismic.
[Media May 2006] MP to investigate Dr Kelly's death
[Media May 2006] MP investigates Dr Kelly's death
Dr David Kelly - Conspiracy. Rowena
Thursby and MP Norman Baker on the death of weapons inspector David Kelly.
Interview with Retired Surgeon David Halpin
(Dr David Kelly case)
External links
[Kelly Investigation group]