Don Croft |
Site Admin
Joined: 07 Aug 2004
Posts: 529
Location: 628 N Hayes, Moscow, Idaho, 83843
Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:18 am
Post subject: Godhead |
I imagine
that something or other in this
essay will tread on every single
gouty toe but I sense that humanity,
even materialistic, jaded and
pigheaded Westerners, are ready to
start talking openly or at least
hearing about God again without
resorting to sycophancy, ostracism
or tiresome cultish mummery.
Pekka Martinen, a young gifter in
the Arctic Circle who loves and
appreciates God very much, as I do,
challenged me to write something
about my personal beliefs (I’ve
skirted around this subject since
the beginning, four years ago, of
this network) and I figure that it
won’t do any harm to express them,
since my basic belief is that no
institution or ideology is capable
of standing in between our Creator
and ourselves.
I’ve referred now and then to ‘The
Operators,’ because I’ve felt that
mentioning God much would drive away
the more faint hearted but well
meaning. After this, I’ll probably
go back to being circumspect about
God and religion but, in fact, I
believe that there are many
hierarchies in the unseen realms who
more directly serve God than we do
and who have sometimes a vested
interest and sometimes a selfless
interest in helping us succeed in
driving the occult/corporate world
order into prison cells and potters’
fields in the near future, thereby
paving the way for the long-promised
Golden Age of dynamic human unity,
freedom and prosperity. By
volunteering for this work we become
cogs in a machine, granted, but what
a glorious machine it is!
I’m certainly convinced by now that
if we don’t choose to be part of
God’s machine we’ll just end up
playing an unwitting part in the
sickening machinations of the
occult/corporate dung beetles, the
part likely being either cannon
fodder, couch potatoes or livestock.
No tyrant has ever given up power
willingly, of course, so we’d be
pretty neurotic to hold out for that
massive, mostly unseen body of
tyrants who make up the
occult/corporate world order to hand
us their sabers any time soon. At
least we know by now that we can
bring them to account without
shooting physical bullets at them,
or at least perhaps not many bullets
The traits that The Operators all
share and demonstrate are
commitment, humor, unconditional
love, selfless service, wisdom,
artful synchronicity, harmony,
timeless knowledge and
understanding, compassion,
generosity, intelligence and
resourcefulness and we’re gradually
learning to be more like them and
less like our fragmented, unhappy
and rudderless old selves.
Coincidentally, these are among the
characteristics that all of the
Manifestations of God have
demonstrated and taught us,
throughout the ages, how to achieve,
so I think Their missions are all
reaching fruition now.
Read this as just one fellow’s
considered opinions and take what
you like, then leave the rest in the
‘wait and see’ bin, okay? It feels
to me like I can write about God
without alienating you or ‘preaching
to the choir.’ For one who pays
attention all of the revealed
religions are rich mines and anyone
can come away with
priceless gems after approaching any
of them without prejudice.
The hatred of religion and even of
God in recent generations is a
pretty weird phenomenon, I think,
and it’s obvious to me that most of
that happened by design. There seems
to be some wiggle room, though,
despite the finality with which so
many people have condemned religion
and the worship of God.
Have you noticed that everyone who
parrots these formulaic
condemnations of religion and/or God
seems to honestly believe that
he/she came to those convictions
independently? It’s the lockstep,
herding nature of this system of
belief that shows that its army of
proponents were artificially
inseminated with it. Clearly, the
intended goal was for these
unwitting pseudo intellectuals to
effectively silence all rational,
open, candid public and even private
discussions of religions and God.
Thanks to the internet, though, one
can casually display one’s
considered thoughts and views
without interruption. It will be fun
to see if there’s any backlash to
this essay by the inebriated but
well-targetted cruise missiles of
the world order, those clamoring,
deeply programmed and sociopathic
Monarch saboteurs who are present on
every single board where they
haven’t yet been expelled on account
of bad behavior, because I’m not
arguing in favor of any particular
ideology; I’m only stating my
subjective view of reality.
The rebellious occult/corporate
world order has taken its best shot
at the Godhead and widely missed the
target in recent years, hence the
near-universal rejection of Maitreya,
their Wizard of Oz styled,
Theosophical/Masonic false prophet,
along with the rest of their stable
of charismatic fakers. This, to me,
is another clear evidence that the
occult/corporate order is not only
hopelessly behind schedule and
ultimately can’t understand humanity
but have gotten entirely off track,
in spite of perhaps millennia of
careful plotting and exploitation,
during which time they at least got
almost complete control of the
clergy of every major religion. This
world order and its institutions are
hopelessly centralized, so of course
they needed to offer a monolithic
ideological framework in order to
get the rest of us to swallow their
ill-prescribed medicine.
What will Christianity, Islam,
Buddhism and Hinduism look like,
perhaps very soon, after people have
finally decided that the role of
clergy must be no more intrusive
than the role of the unassuming
people who keep the internet up and
running? My sense is that everyone
will then recognize the common
Source of all these and other
revealed religions and one’s
religious preference will be no more
or less significant than one’s
nationality or ethnic origin in
terms of relating to the rest of the
world. It’s time to stop letting
religion be rather a source of
division and paranoia, serving only
the clergy and their corporate
sponsors by keeping us artificially
divided along ideological lines.
It’s a simple fact that all human
cultures are fashioned around the
framework of one or another genuine,
revealed religion so religion’s not
something that will go away just
because we click our heels three
times and wish. So, why not look at
it with new eyes, instead?
It’s typical of the world weird
order’s dialectic approach to both
undermine humanity’s religious
institutions and, when possible, to
pollute the Scriptures; and then put
on another face and advise
intellectuals that religion (and by
extension, God) are essentially
horrific and exploitive. This
criminal class created Theosophy,
atheism and the other popular cults
in the last century and a half in
order to sponge up the less
discerning intellectuals among the
people who had become disenchanted
with the world’s revealed religions.
Trapping people in these looped
ideologies which explain everything
but answer nothing essentially
guarantees that they won’t pursue
the higher path of intellectual
integrity, of course, and by getting
them to parrot these limiting
formulae they are able to reinforce
their old, meticulously built house
of cards that’s based on Luciferic
rebellion. To the untrained or lazy
intellect reality is determined by
what ‘the majority’ of their
particular demographic believe and
think, after all, and how many
people, by now, have rejected
clergy-canned religion along with
its ‘alternatives:’ cults or canned
intellectual cynicism? Not very
many, which is one reason I’m
writing this little essay.
In simpler, more graphic terms, the
world order are like someone who
silently stinks up a crowded
elevator, then, drawing attention to
himself first with histrionics,
stage-turns to glare at the innocent
person next to him.
When I was twelve I was advised that
I needed to choose between the
Biblical presentation in Genesis and
Darwin’s theory, strange to tell,
and at the time I believed that this
was a valid choice—boy, was I
depressed and it turned me into a
little atheist! That was in 1961,
before genetic science had disproven
Darwin’s basic thesis and pointed
toward a purposeful organization of
flora and fauna, though of course
Darwinism is still being presented
as the ‘correct’ paradigm in funded
schools and universities because his
theories are just as spiritually
enervating as Marx’s dribble is.
Because I was brought up under
fascism/materialism and religious
hypocrisy it took several more years
before I finally figured out that
the truth in this issue is to be
found somewhere else.
Note that fundamentalist Christian
‘scientists’ are presenting
‘Creationism’ as a viable
alternative to Darwinism and the
strange part of that is that some
folks who ought to know better have
bought into that. Honestly, though,
mainstream scientists are just as
superstitious because they
aggressively ignore the etheric
aspects of reality in favor of
infantile materialism. I think it’s
long past time to knock that
plagiaraist, Newton, off his
pedestal and pay more attention to
Tesla and Reich, genuine scientists,
than to Einstein, the mere
I think that devotion to priestly
fakers is just evidence of the
schizoid nature of western
civilization in its receding
paradigm, though, and no matter how
intricately they might explain away
the obvious, such as the fact that
the earth is billions of years old
and that matter and energy are
manifestations of hyperdimensional
ether/orgone, the vast body of good
scientific evidence that supports
these simple truths will not go
According to IN QUEST OF EDEN, which
is a speculative but well-documented
book about the origins of the Bible,
the version of GENESIS that’s used
in Jewish theological seminaries in
Israel, at least, is a huge volume
carried over into Judaism
(eventually) by Abraham, Himself,
from the Chaldeans. His father was a
high priest in that older religion,
of course, and it was on account of
the older religion having been
corrupted that Abram was initially
inspired to destroy the idols in the
main temple, for which he was cast
into the desert—a fate worse than
death in those days, we’re told.
Muhammad later did that in a shrine
in Arabia which Abraham had
established, by the way.
GENESIS was whittled down to the
slim, hard-to-swallow bit of the
Bible that we’ve all seen. In the
unedited version, Adam was
apparently a great scientist; a
Prophet who survived a global
cataclysm and re-established
civilization in the world. Also, in
that book the author (I can’t
remember her name) quoted evidence
in the Bible that Israel was trading
with Eden in the days of Solomon and
that Eden was by then called, ‘Dilmun,’
and was located at the headwaters of
the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers,
near or including Mount Ararat.
Also, a favored import from Dilmun
at the time was apparently dried
Another wonderful book which I no
longer have and which name I’ve
forgotten argues that each time
Religion is renewed by a new Prophet
institutional usury is destroyed and
that the (at least temporary)
destruction of usury as a formal,
legally supported practice is
largely responsible for the periodic
advance of human civilization. It’s
said that the ultimately parasitic
City of London still enforces old
Babylonian land rent policies on the
rest of the planet, by the way.
No matter how much the programmed
cynics carp about the nature of
civilization, by the way, it’s a
fact that one can now travel freely
throughout most of the world without
risking being murdered by bandits,
plundered by pirates, starving,
dying of exposure or being tossed
into a dungeon by tyrants and that’s
real human progress, nor are we
anywhere near the fulfillment of
that depressing Orwellian paradigm
that’s been force fed to us in our
schools and media since America
became a fascist country in the 30s,
despite the presence of the new but
(for now) impotent Homeland Security
Abominations, many of whom are
Russians, by the way. I think we’re
now witnessing the demise of the
current usurious world order, in
I feel kind of like the guy on the
mountain top who can see the dawn a
little bit sooner than the folks in
the valley can. You might think I’m
crazy for saying that this old world
order is collapsing around us but I
see the evidence and I’ve been
trying to convey that for a few
Many of us in the informal, global
orgonite network have been
witnessing genuine miracles,
sometimes caused by our own efforts,
and it’s been a window on another
realm that religionists have mostly
been afraid to explore due to the
interference of self-serving clergy:
genuine self-empowerment. The less
disciplined and rebellious among us
become kind of egotistical when
these things happen and the ones
among us who have more integrity are
rather humbled by it and even driven
to explore the true source of these
wonderful manifestations.
I think it’s convenient and
appropriate to refer to the few
rebellious, vociferous, self-seeking
and omnipresent folks on our planet
as ‘Luciferic,’ though I have never
seen any indication that ‘pure evil’
exists or has an archetypical
representative. If we are willing to
consider that allegory, parables and
allusions are more effective
spiritual teachers than literal
description can be we’re not put off
by the presentations in religious
Scriptures that would be an affront
to our rational minds if we were
expected to believe them literally,
any more than a painted picture
would put us off by being two
In real terms, the only way to
convey spiritual truths is through
allegory. James Clerk Maxwell, for
instance, who used mathematics and
poetry to describe the etheric
realm’s parameters, apparently knew
that his mathematical equations
would later be corrupted beyond
recognition by the dung beetles of
academia, so he also published his
findings as poetry, which the dung
beetles simply lack the intelligence
to corrupt.
I think that rational people have
always realized that these
descriptive elements in old
Scriptures were not to be accepted
as literal truths but clergy have
corrupted that simple process--and
ostracized & silenced (murdered in
many cases) rational folks--and,
whenever possible, have even changed
religious Scriptures in order to
diminish the light of the creative
nature of the Works. The older the
religion, the more chicanery has
been accomplished by clergy, I
think, but the priesthood have
always been aware that to completely
obscure the life-giving principle of
Scriptures would ensure their own
downfall because people are
essentially spiritual enough to be
fundamentally attracted to whatever
remains of the Creative principle.
If that were gone from religions
people would stop subscribing and I
think the fear of losing a following
is more horrific than the fear of
death for most clergymen.
Clergy are kind of like medical
doctors. Many folks who regularly
visit MDs say, ‘My doctor is SOOO
nice!’ but they’re obviously being
murdered by expensive installments,
even so. In other words, charisma is
more important to these fools than
Let’s face it, if these characters
weren’t charismatic how could they
get so much money and devotion from
the incredulous Pajama People who
will probably always be the
majority? Sure, it’s relative; the
PJ man of today probably knows more
and is more socially advanced and
less prejudiced than the savvy man
of ancient Rome.
In other words, clergy mostly behave
as any other kind of parasites do:
they will delay the death of the
host (in this case, the creative
Core of the religion) for as long as
possible because the host’s survival
ensures the parasite’s vitality.
Hinduism is a special case because
it wasn’t a homogenous religion
before the British set up ‘Hindu
Theological Seminaries’ in Calcutta
in the late 1700s in their insidious
effort to subvert, then bleed the
subcontinent dry. That mass mind
control effort was the root of
Theosophy, by the way, which is the
pseudo-Hindu/Buddhist religion
through which this occult/corporate
world order tried to subvert the
entire planet.
A friend of mine took a tour in
India of a vast cave in which
hundreds of intricate statues were
carved from the rock. The Hindu
guide was explaining the
significance of the art and one of
the tourists asked, ‘Why do Hindus
worship so many gods?’ The guide
said, ‘There’s only one God, of
course—we just like to call God by
many Names. For instance, Shiva the
Destroyer, alone, is capable of
destroying our bad qualities.’
I think the artificial ‘world
religion’ effort was doomed to fail
from the beginning because the light
of creativity is entirely absent
from Theosophy and the other
occult/corporate artifices. I think
that Marjorie White, who publishes
under Franklin Press, has done the
most to uncover and document British
neo-aristocracy’s role in
undermining the world’s religions
for the past two centuries. By the
way, Lord Thomas Huxley, who was the
head of Britain’s spy network at the
time, directly employed Marx and
Darwin to write their ideas down and
it’s been reported that he paid so
little that one of Marx’s kids
starved to death. I guess ‘the
dialectic of materialism’ dictated
that only the strongest in Karl
Marx’s family (i.e., Karl) should
eat in that situation
The logical outcome of Huxley’s
Marxism was Pol Pot’s regime, I
think, which preyed on children on a
massive scale in its depopulation
Karl Marx, who had been a Lutheran
Seminarian as a young man, later
stated, ‘I will strike the face of
God in his high heaven!’ Aren’t
commies supposed to be atheists?
Along with these two, some of the
founders of the Western cults,
including Christian Science,
Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day
Adventists, Scientology, Church
Universal and Triumphant (!) and
Mormonism were also directed and
financed by British Intelligence
and/or their Masonic (later,
CIA/NSA) American subgroups. The
newage movement (regurgitated
Theosophy) is another one, of
course, as is the latest form of
Christian fundamentalism, which is a
thinly disguised cargo cult.
A fellow once told me he wanted to
make up this bumper sticker: What
Would John Frumm Do? I don’t think
most folks would get it, though. If
you examine the cargo cult of the
New Hebrides Islands (I once shared
a home with some of those Melanesian
vine jumpers from Tanna when I
worked in Western Samoa) during and
after WWII you will find some
interesting parallels to what’s
happening in your local, massively
attended, ostentatious, usually ‘non
denominational’ fundamentalist
church, though.
Televangelism, the ultimate cargo
cult, is set up that way, generously
financed by mostly nice folks who
just can’t tell the difference
‘between knealing down and bending
over.’ Here’s a case where a little
bit of intellectual self development
might have saved these devotees from
penury and having to sit on an
inflated donut cushion.
Most of what’s called Chritianity is
actually just regurgitated Mithraism
(the bloody, Roman soldiers’ cult)
and much of Tibetan Buddhism is
obviously just a refurbished version
of whatever was being practiced in
Tibet before Buddhism came along.
That’s not to say that Mithraism and
the other were not originally, at
least partially, derived from
revealed religions, of course, and
there’s plenty of genuine wisdom in
Asia that’s not particularly
Lao Tsu, for instance, had written
down some very ancient and
accessible teachings about the
empowering nature of humility that
I’d never found so explicitly
explained in religious scriptures. I
think this just points up the fact
that we need to diversify our
investigation of reality and not
just try to get all of our
information from one Source.
It’s worth mentioning that a group
of Tibetan Buddhists have been
aggressively blasting the Bush
Administration cadre on a regular
basis, as some of the network’s
intel/blasting cells also have been
doing here and abroad. A fellow who
visits them sent us a lovely
orgonite casting of an icon of one
of the fierce ‘deities’ whom these
fellows subscribe to. I think that
entity (thoughtform; elemental?) was
around a very long time before
Buddha was but we sense that these
Tibetans are our close, cordial
allies in making this world better
now and we look forward to meeting
them one day and learning more,
first hand, about their beliefs and
Lao Tsu also notes that , ‘When the
foolish man hears about the Tao, he
laughs out loud,’ and how many
people do you know who turn into
obtuse village idiots whenever
anything important or timely is
mentioned in their presence?
Muhammad said of the rebellious
that, ‘Whenever they hear the truth,
they thrust their fingers in their
ears,’ and ‘They perceive the
straight to be crooked and the
crooked to be straight.’
Most of Mithraism came from Persia.
Zoroaster was a Persian Prophet
descended from Abraham through his
third wife, Khatura, who was an
Aryan by the way. The Magi who
showed up in Palestine to be present
when their Messiah was born were
Zoroastrian priests, as everyone
knows. I have a theory that Buddha,
a Brahmin (Aryan, so not
characteristic of the population of
Ceylon in those days) also descended
from Abraham through Khatura but I
haven’t come across any evidence
that this is so. Abram was not
Semitic, of course, though some of
his descendants, including Jesus
Christ, the Prophet Muhammad and the
Jewish Prophets, perhaps mostly
were. Most western Jews, for that
matter, are much more Aryan than
Semitic so an ‘anti-Semite’ would
apply more to one who hates Muslims
rather than Jews
since so many Muslims are Semitic.
All of humanity are like the varied
flowers of a garden, though, so it’s
impossible to support racial
There are more Satanists, per
capita, in America’s Bible Belt than
anywhere else in the world,
apparently. Since there are also
quite a few documented cases in
which Christian ministers in some
prominent churches in that region
double as satanic priests, using the
same altars, it’s not hard to see
how the overlaid blood cult of the
Romans just sort of blended into the
more overt satanic organizations in
the West later on. If one were to
take the ‘red letter’ quotes (Jesus’
recorded statements) out of the New
Testament and compare that to the
larger body of writing by a few of
the Apostles the schizoid nature of
fundamentalism is more obvious.
That’s even more evident when you
read the alleged writings of some of
the more honest Apostles who didn’t
get published, by the way. If you
compare Jesus’ own sayings with the
recorded sayings and writings of the
other Prophets, on the other hand,
you’ll easily see that all of this
is from the same authoritative
I grew up in the South and a lot of
gifters are Southerners and genuine
Christians. I don’t mean to
disparage anyone’s faith and the
satanic/fundamentalist churches in
that region are surely the
exception. Religious prejudice,
though, is still as rife in that
area as racial prejudice had been
and I think I’m performing a public
service by pointing that out.
When people argue about religion,
they’re mainly focused on the
artificial trappings and conditional
social teachings. It was conditional
for Moses and Muhammad to be
particularly decisive with
punishments for crimes, for
instance, because the world in those
days was pretty vile, socially, and
the early Jews and Muslims needed to
overcome that social tendency just
to survive as besieged communities.
Both cultures went on to spread
peace, education, hygiene and
prosperity in their part of the
world and beyond, of course. Others
who are better writers than me have
written extensively about this. As
history progressed, religious laws
got more lenient and progressive.
Muhammad was the first to support
the right of women to own and
inherit property, for instance, and
He also made it harder for men to
divorce women. He also forbade
forced conversions and protected the
Christians and Jews, whom He called,
‘the people of the Book.’ The
majority of Muslims (Sunni) are
eagerly expecting for ‘the Return of
Christ,’ by the way, as are many
We’ve been led to believe that
‘rebellion’ is to go against the
established order but, in fact, the
established order is founded in
rebellion and by opposing it we’re
solidly on the side of the rule of
law. To rebel against universal law
is ultimately like rebelling against
gravity by leaping from the top of a
tall building. The old order
apparently confuses falling with
One who is rebellious against the
notion of an All-Powerful,
All-Loving but essentially
Incomprehensible Creator doesn’t
like to consider terms, like ‘The
Creative Word,’ because that doesn’t
fit in his essentially Luciferic
paradigm but in fact it’s the
creative principle that ties all of
the genuine religions together and
marks them as being in a higher
category than mere human philosophy,
self-aggrandizement or cultism.
There are common features in genuine
religions and in luciferic cults
that are amazingly consistent for
each, in fact.
1) All religious Scriptures indicate
that divine grace and forgiveness
can overturn one’s self-inflicted
limitations and that spiritual
attainment is asked for and freely
given by
God to a genuinely humble person;
luciferic doctrine states that
spiritual advancement
comes only through one’s own efforts
and that ‘karmic law’ can’t be
overturned . They also put no
premium at all on genuine humility,
though some fakers give it lip
service ad nauseum in order to rope
in the unwitting. The story of Cain
and Abel illustrates the distinction
between salvation by grace and
attempted salvation by ‘works.’ I
favor the second definition in my
dictionary of ‘salvation:’ The
saving from danger, difficulty or
evil. That’s a practical
consideration, not an ideological
one per se.
2) Religions indicate that the
Godhead is easily accessible through
the human heart (by sincere asking)
but is otherwise unapproachable and
incomprehensible; rebellious
doctrine states that we’re all at
least part of God and that we are
potentially able to encompass ‘God’
through effort and knowledge. The
principle of ‘selfless asking’ is
contrary to their paradigm, though
of course they talk this up, too, as
though they know.
3) A genuinely spiritual person who
embraces religion considers virtue
to be its own reward and is easily
capable of showing selfless love and
self sacrifice; luciferic folks
won’t give you the sweat off their
privates unless there’s something to
be personally gained from it, and
although they talk endlessly about
love and service in order to gain
your trust they’re not capable of
demonstrating much or any of that.
4) The spiritual adept who gets
inspiration from religious
Scriptures considers the ego to be
something that has to be reined in.
That one is well informed of
principles like personal
sovereignty, the worth of one’s
character, and accountability.
People who seek integrity vie with
each other to be the most genuinely
humble. The most apparent feature of
one who has embraced a luciferic
attitude is the prominent ego and in
any group of them all you’re likely
to see is a parade of egoists and
sycophants, all of whom avoid
personal accountability and
integrity like genital warts. Each
is either constantly looking for an
advantage over the rest or seeks to
find charismatic others who will
take responsibility for their own
5) Religionists know that right and
wrong are real principles and that
one’s own heart and instincts are
designed to guide us through life;
cultists are not genuinely
empowered, so they are incapable of
embracing simple truths like these.
Instead, they subscribe to a lot of
‘conditional’ paradigms and so are
easily capable of rationalizing and
justifying even the most heinous
acts and practices.
6) I don’t rightly know what
specifically happens to the human
soul after the death of the body,
perhaps because the finite mind is
incapable of grasping it, but I’m
quite sure that the stilted, linear
view of reincarnation is just as
inaccurate as the literal belief in
heaven and hell. For some reason I
can’t figure out rebellious folks
are passionately devoted to the
notion of linear reincarnation and
all of them, of course, were someone
very important or notorious in their
past lives. I haven’t yet met any
who had been Chinese peasants or
African hucksters. I remember that
in the hippie days any time I openly
questioned linear reincarnation or
the belief that we are God I was
instantly shunned by individual
hippes and groups of them. I think
hippies were prototypical newagers.
In re: faux-Biblical immortality
paradigms, LaRouche states that
‘Christians have traded eternity for
a bad infinity.’
Are you getting the picture? I’m
sure that I could come up with other
clear examples but the point is that
I encourage you to think critically.
Nothing that’s irrational is worthy
of the human mind or heart and
whatever we can know can be
explained in our own terms or at
least described in allegory.
The best that the old world order
and their clergy have ever been able
to recommend is blind acceptance of
irrational principles. Did you know
that the early Theosophists called
their belief system,
‘Irrationalism?’ I think they
eventually were forced through
embarrassment to drop that silly
label, just as they were later eager
to change the name of their book
company from ‘Lucifer Trust’ to
“Lucis Trust’ in the 1940s when they
were featured as the United Nations’
official publishing house.
You might marvel that something as
ingtellectually and spiritually
bankrupt as Theosophy could ever
have gained so much prominence in
the West but bear in mind that the
people who created this fake
religion also own most of the media,
gold mines, diamond mines, oil
fields, universities, hospitals,
seminaries, corporations, armies,
navies and air forces on the planet.
I’m telling it openly but they’re at
least prudent enough, by now, not to
stick the outmoded name, ‘Theosophy’
on any of their many banners.
Mark Twain wrote, toward the end of
his life, a speculative work in
which he questioned the paradigm of
a Biblical heaven. He noted that
most people in this life have no
musical talent to speak of, so
giving them all musical instruments
in the next life would create a
cacophony in heaven. Also, he
wondered how heavenly the next life
might really be without sex. He
wasn’t able to publish that book; it
wasn’t published until fifty years
after he died.
I’ve heard that astral sex is
awfully good. The fellow I heard it
from was unable to maintain an
earthly love relationship, in fact,
because 3D females couldn’t measure
up to his expectations. He wasn’t
happy, by the way.
I bet you know people who fit in
both of these categories (spiritual
and rebellious) and if you’re fairly
objective you can assess your own
orientation, assuming that you
consider these and similar
observations accurate or valid.
Since the occult/corporate dung
beetles have essentially destroyed
the vitality of just about all
religious institutions in the past
few generations the external
constraints on human behavior that
these represented have been removed.
The downside of this is that human
degradation has reached an all time
low, sometimes on a massive scale,
as happened in previously Buddhist
and peaceful Cambodia; the upside is
that what’s left, which is internal
restraint and decisive, informed
action based on conscience, sort of
gets highlighted and this, by
contrast with how the world has
become, takes on a renewed force of
example. That’s the form of
empowerment to which I’m hoping the
gifting and predator blasting effort
will help lead humanity.
Spirituality was never an
institutional prerogative. It may be
that humanity’s growth and
development required the role of
clergy for a period of time and it
may be that when this time was over
and humanity reached the next stage
of development clergy itself became
more aggressive, insidious and
corrupt in an attempt to retain the
power it was losing. Popes were not
considered infallible, for instance,
until Pope Pius IX had lost his
political/economic influence in
Europe by the 1860s and became known
as ‘The Prisoner of the Vatican.’
He’s the one who then issued the
Papal Bull, declaring himself
infallible. One of the genuine
miracles of Catholicism, perhaps, is
that Catholics swallowed that
Padre Pio was just made a saint.
Carol tells me that he had stigmata
on his wrists rather than on his
palms and this was one evidence that
he was a genuinely saintly man. She
says that the main evidence is that
he boldly advised Catholics not to
accept the idea that the Church
somehow represents Jesus Christ
and for that reason he was
apparently shunted around to the
more remote areas of Christendom. We
plan to visit the place in Barto,
Pennsylvania, where this Italian was
a pastor for a little while. I
absolutely honor people of integrity
in any religion and of no particular
It’s been said that the universe is
holographic and that everything
that’s outside of us is also inside
of us. Lately, some gifted
scientists have been telling us that
but the Prophets have always told us
that, of course, none more
eloquently than Muhammad: Dost thou
reckon thyself a puny form whilst
within thee the universe is
enfolded? (Rodwell’s exquisite
I think that was more explicit than
Jesus’ statement: In my Father’s
house are many mansions. A mansion
is bigger than a house, of course,
but the Creative Word has many, many
meanings and synergistic levels of
It’s perhaps because humanity’s in a
period of dynamic transition that
I’ve noticed that some of our
network’s more selfless and powerful
contributors who are not
particularly religious are
exhibiting traits that I had always
assumed only came through one’s love
for and knowledge of God. Mostly,
anyone who drops God’s Name much
without demonstrating that
unmistakable, selfless love creeps
me out and I avoid them. In their
case I think the world would be a
better place if they didn’t have
religion. Those are the ones who
smack you on the head with their
ideologies when your back is turned
Any religionist acknowledges that
one’s acts are more significant than
one’s words or even beliefs and I
think we’re witnessing the rise of a
new, vital demographic: genuinely
spiritual, self-empowered,
discerning and humble people who are
not religious. I’m actually not
writing this for their sake because
they’re already on the right track.
I’m rather writing this to encourage
people to stop allowing religious
prejudice to be a spiritual handicap
and social menace.
If you think your own religion is
better than someone else’s or if you
assume religion is worthless or
vile, you’re suffering from
religious prejudice, in my opinion.
Consider this: If Muhammad, Jesus,
Buddah, Krishna, Zoroaster and Moses
are in a room and there’s only one
chair, Which One will sit in the
chair? Answer: None of Them, because
They are all the Essence of
humility. You can bet that if any of
the London dung beetles’ infantile
gurus were let into that room they’d
knock Anyone down Who stood in his
path to the chair
Arrogance always cost something, as
in the following old joke:
An African pagan died and went to
heaven, where he was met by the
African pagan equivalent of St
Peter, who told him, ‘Welcome to
paradise! You lived a life of
personal integrity, selfless
service, and of benefit to others
and paradise is your reward. Come
on, I’ll give you a guided tour!
They floated along through a
verdant, fruitful and flowering
valley under a brilliant blue sky
and along the way were beautiful
villages and towns full of strange
and wonderful things. The guide
introduced him to some Hindus, some
Buddhists, some Taoists, some
Muslims, Sabeans, Sikhs and
Zoroastrians, all of whom lovingly
greeted the new arrival, visited and
traded with each other and
appreciated the diversity of their
rich, progressive, vital and
peaceful community in paradise. All
this time, though, the African kept
glancing at a grey fortress on a
ridge of one of the mountains. He
finally asked the guide, ‘Who’s in
that fortress? It looks like it
doesn’t belong here!’
The guide, after some hesitation,
said, ‘Okay, come on and I’ll show
you, but be very quiet when we get
there, okay?/
The African agreed, so they floated
up to the fortress and peeked over
one of the parapets to see a group
of unhappy people huddled around a
fire in the courtyard, muttering to
each other and glancing furtively
over their shoulders now and then.
The guide said, ‘These are the
Christians; they like to believe
that they’re the only ones in
I’ve mainly focused on Christian
subjects because the Christians,
generally, are the most prejudiced
and their clergy have done the most
to give religion a bad reputation in
the world.
Jesus had said, when He was asked
whether He were the promised Prince
of Peace, ‘I bring not peace but a
sword,’ and He made it very clear
that He sanctioned no formal
religious organizations so we
mustn’t ever blame Him for what has
been done in His Name. It seems
obvious to me that His main Message,
which revolutionized the fortunes of
humanity, was about individual
salvation, accountability, and
empowerment through faith and in
spite of what clergy have done over
the millennia to obscure His simple,
powerful message with hideous
trappings anyone can still go to the
Gospel and ‘get it.’
Observing the transformation taking
place in so many gifters’ hearts has
proven to me that faith itself has
very little to do with rational
thought and has almost entirely to
do with the heart, which is ‘an
organ of fire,’ by the way, and can
easily burn away the mental dross of
dogma and enervating ideologies.
Faith, which is only ever a gift
from God, is something that nobody
can steal or fake. The only way one
will lose faith is to allow fakers
into one’s confidence (heart). God
seems pretty particular about that
and if we allow any ringers in
there, He exits. Wouldn’t you? I can
barely stand to be in the same
parlor with a manipulative,
saccharine newage nazi or a
religious fanatic, for instance.
People who genuinely, selflessly
love, though, seem to share one big
heart and that’s very pleasant and
refreshing companionship which
pleases God, too. Contrast that with
how you feel dragged down, uncertain
and discouraged whenever you’re
associating with the rebellious,
okay? We learn best from personal
Something about tossing orgonite out
into the environment intelligently
and regularly seems to generate
genuine faith in some people. Maybe
the heartfelt desire to heal the
world and help humanity was their
request to God for personal faith. I
never get tired of hearing that
gifting has given an individual a
sense of purpose, better
discernment, a bigger sense of
accountability and a feeling that
this activity even has come to
represent something which we were
born to do. It’s the complete
absence of ideology from this
process that shows how little the
finite mind needs to be involved in
genuine spirituality.
As my good energy teacher, James
Hughes, is fond of saying, ‘The
embalmers in Egypt couldn’t figure
out what the brain was for, so they
threw it away and preserved the
organs, instead.’
I guess that in a similar way we all
meet on the internet but we don’t
consider our computers to be the
stars of the show; they’re fine
tools and necessary but only a
means, not an end.
Cultists consider ‘the mind’ all
important; spiritual knowers
consider the heart to be the main
focus. One of the Persian poets
wrote, ‘Heart to heart speaks the
language of the mystic knowers; no
missive can contain it and no pen
can bear it,’ and the more one
loves, the less one is able to
relate to the world. In a balanced,
worldly person the mind and heart
are best friends and help each other
out of jams daily. If we want to
keep and grow our faith we need to
develop our intellects, too, of
course, and not least because the
dung beetles are sleepless in their
efforts to destroy everyone’s
personal faith.
Hafiz felt that one’s love for God,
( the ‘barroom love’ version in this
should be just like ‘grabbing the
sore balls of an elephant and
hanging on even though one is
deprived of the sweet relief of
The metaphors used by poets are good
signposts, I think. Love is never
rational but to live without it is
pointless, I think—spiritual
starvation. This kind of love is not
at all susceptible to intellectual
sniping, of course, so it’s best to
lay this foundation before erecting
our personal sanctuaries.
I love my wife, Carol, with
white-knuckle devotion and blind
commitment and vice versa. We’ve
imagined, during times of trial,
that there are many reasons why we
should have broken up (none of them
come to mind at the moment
but you can say that of any other
happily married couple, of course.
Fortunately, we also have a good
working relationship and our senses
of humor are similar. We had both
been married to conscience-free
mates before, too. The
occult/corporate dung beetles have
made sure that there are more
obstacles in the Crofts’ married
path than usual due to our
activities, of course, but this has
only made us love and appreciate
each other more, ultimately.
I forgot to mention that rebellious
folks don’t comprehend commitment,
by the way. They consider commitment
to be a sort of mental illness.
Poor, sick bastards—notice that they
generally move in and out of love
relationships almost as regularly as
they change their socks and that
they consider it a lifestyle.
Notice, also, how empty their lives
actually are in spite of having all
the answers
How much love can you stand? The
ocean of God’s love is boundless and
only a heartbeat away. We all have
our inborn capacities for
experiencing love and knowledge and
yours might be a bucket and mine a
thimble but that’s all in order and
is part of the marvelous way the
universe is made and monitored.
According to the deluded, luciferic
self seeker capacity is not a valid
consideration but in real terms
everyone who wanders into a concert
hall is not a Beethoven; Gomer Pyle
won’t be given any honorary
doctorates at Harvard and Elephant
Man won’t ever be cast in a role
that’s more suitable for Brad Pitt.
That’s not to say that the guy who
cleans toilets in the opera house,
Pa Kettle and Quasimoto aren’t
reflecting (in their capacity) the
light of God, of course, or that
they don’t have unique, peerless
personal gifts to develop and then
offer to the world. They could all
be crackerjack gifters right now, at
When Reverend Jesse Jackson tells
assembled gangster crack addicts
that they ‘ARE… SOMEBODY!’ it seems
disingenuous to me but I’ve noticed
that even the most degraded human
being is capable, in any moment, of
demonstrating personal integrity and
thus being an example to others.
Carol and I have gone gifting with a
few active Monarch assets who made
the grade while we were with them,
for instance, and contributed
significantly to some viable gifting
campaigns. When I think of these
folks it’s their good acts that come
to mind, not the crap they threw at
us later on when the programming
kicked in again.
We’re not responsible for others’
spiritual progress but we are
accountable for how often we’ve
taken the opportunity to encourage
and empower others along the way.
It’s a practical approach, too,
because when we’re willing to ignore
ten bad traits and complement that
one good quality in someone we help
that person to identify more with
his good trait. How different and
more effective is that than the
old-paradigm approach of drawing
attention to the bad traits in an
effort to correct them? The old way
was just another habit of taking
responsibility for others’
development, of course, and that’s a
trap for both parties. It reminds me
of the way fundamentalists
constantly talk about the devil. I
sometimes tell them that they’re
devil worshippers but I do that in
jest and only when I don’t think
I’ll catch a beating on all four of
my cheeks.
I personally believe that only a few
people have consciences and the rest
rely on peer pressure, fashion or
external constraint to regulate
their behavior. Having a conscience
is more a burden than a distinction,
of course, and I’ve known folks who
have consciences and wish they
didn’t. If one doesn’t have a
conscience, why would we feel a need
to judge that person as though
he/she did? Why not just stay out of
crosshairs, instead? That’s to say,
why would you ever allow a
conscience-free person into your
confidence? It’s a fact that people
who have embraced rebellious
doctrines have done so mainly
because they lack a conscience and
personal integrity, which is another
way of saying that they have little
or no genuine discernment. Notice
how many of these claim to be able
to fix all your problems, by the
way, and to know all the answers
you’re seeking. They’re often
charismatic, lovely, witty, fun to
be with, perhaps psychic and even
informative, sometimes, but when we
trust them we get betrayed sooner or
later and that hurts in a way that
one won’t ever experience by
confiding in God or in people who
value integrity.
If any of us evaluate our own lives
objectively we’ll see plenty of
gaping holes in our own personal
integrity at times. It’s helpful to
look at these holes and think about
how we can avoid creating them in
the present and future, which is
partly what’s meant by the
tradition, ‘An hour’s reflection is
better than seventy years of pious
When we respectfully draw attention
to flaws in a spiritual person’s
character that person thanks us and
takes steps to correct it; when we
respectfully and even lovingly draw
attention to a person’s rebellion,
that one attacks our character,
usually as publicly as possible.
The simple fact that none of us know
what our own end in this life will
be is one reason I shy away from
labeling folks as ‘agents,’ or ‘reptoids.’
I know an awful lot of people and
I”ve only known a few folks who seem
to be intractable, in fact. I can’t
honestly say that they won’t figure
it out at some point and start
working for the good side. These
usually seem to be enthusiastically
locked in an infantile behavior
pattern based on dissociative
programming and that programming
only ever takes hold in people who
have weak characters, which means it
works on most people, of course
But most people, even most of those
many millions of active Monarch
assets, don’t actually wish to harm
others, so what will the world (at
least the West) be like when
millions of Monarch handlers are
exposed and held accountable
(punished)? Only a few people wish
to harm others and they’re that way
by choice, alone. Ultimately, this
is the only real choice we ever
By now, the Monarch Program is so
vast in the West that I’d be
surprised to encounter an imbalanced
or parasitic person who doesn’t have
this personal history. The kids who
have consciences are spit out of
these various mind control programs
(if they survive) by the time they
reach adolescence, apparently. I
guess these few are considered at
Langley and Tavistock Institute to
be ‘intractable.’
and I run into an awful lot of these
in personal correspondence who are
finding ways up out of the
overwhelming self-sabotage
programming and dead-end,
destructive love relationships with
active Monarch assets which is the
invariable parting gift of their
handlers. I’m constantly amazed at
this world order’s ability to so
intimately and thoroughly screw so
many individuals’ lives up and use
them to pollute society further.
It’s not hard to see how the
intellectually lazy so readily
assume that a devil’s doing all of
A Hindu acquaintance in Tonga once
said to me, ‘The only devils are
flesh and blood.’
Waking up to personal accountability
is painful these days, though maybe
it was always like that. I feel
sorry for anyone who becomes aware,
as I did, of how comprehensive and
insidious the occult/corporate world
order is without first becoming
aware of how one may easily empower
him/herself with orgonite and the
timely art of predator blasting. I’m
also pained to know folks who are
coming to this awareness without
having had any personal experience
of God (conscious or otherwise).
They seem to suffer the most. The
best shortcut to reaching some
certitude in those circumstances
that I can advise is firewalking.
I did some firewalks while I was in
the middle of a long period of
personal torment relating to the
loss of my children. That happened
on account of having been married to
an active Monarch asset for 22 years
and then being betrayed and cast out
of my home under the auspices of the
City of London’s control of the
American courts and police.. That
grief experience made me a little
crazy and nearly suicidal and I was
unable to settle down for about ten
years. If you’ve lost your beloved
children to an unbalanced,
unfaithful and abusive mate who was
backed up by an unlawful government,
you realize that it perhaps feels
worse than if your children had
died, instead. The hardest part for
me to bear was seeing that my
children were the main targets of
this horrid global system and there
wasn’t a damn thing I could do at
the time except impotently witness
Walking on fire showed me that the
‘insurmountable obstacles’ of the
contingent world, like my family
situation, are only conditional and
just a matter of one’s point of
view. You should try it! Find a
proper teacher, though
It wasn’t very long after
firewalking that I decided that
destroying this occult/corporate
world order was the only practical
way to begin to fix the problems in
the world. For another year and a
half I didn’t have a clue how this
might be accomplished, then Carol
and I started experimenting with
orgonite on a large scale
Since then, too, the American
government has become so openly
treasonous, murderous and otherwise
menacing that it feels to me like
they’re inviting all of humanity to
hold them accountable. This fake,
London-appointed government in
Washington is the keystone of the
entire world order, of course. The
downfall of the City of London and
their other subsidiary regimes in
Russia and China will surely soon
follow the demise of this lawless
American government and its
unspeakably vast but hidden swarm of
Monarch handlers.
The curious thing is that I came to
love and appreciate God more during
that decade, even though I
recognized that these tests were
from Him as preparation for what
would perhaps come later on. That
torment was my sacrifice, in other
words, and His gifts/rewards to me
for passing those tests were to
finally have a loving, committed and
very interesting wife (like most
folks, I hate being lonely), the
creation of this astounding, vital
and diverse but informal global
network and finally meeting a few
people of conscience, certitude and
faith who are truly trustworthy.
This essay is a teaser, of
course—one guy’s story. The only
valuable information is whatever you
can gain from your own inspired
experience and unprejudiced
examination of reality. If I were to
lay out my feelings about God and
spirituality without offering some
dislaimers, please understand, the
sleepless Monarch vultures would be
able to pick this essay clean and
make me look like a mouth-breathing
simpleton, inebriated by the opiate
of religion
"We shall no longer hang on to the
tails of public opinion or to a non-
existent authority on matters
utterly unknown and strange. We
shall gradually become experts
ourselves in the mastery of the
knowledge of the Future."
~Wilhelm Reich |
cesco |
Etheric Warrior
Joined: 09 Aug 2004
Posts: 73
Location: reykjavik, iceland
Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:50 am
Post subject: boombox |
I read this
post while travelling through Europe
a few weeks back and it touched
something very deep in me and it
made me understand my friend Don
just a little bit better.
I feel a little bit ashamed for not
responding to it until I sent Don an
email expressing my appreciation for
what he has written here...
I consider what he has said here to
be one of the finest writings he has
put on this board and to who ever
might stumble across it and I do
hope that many do and that more than
myself takes the time of day to
express some of their own feelings
about God, The Big Boss:)
I would first like to thank Don for
being who he is, thank you Don!
I feel very honoured to have met and
befriended him during this lifetime.
I probably dont know as many
difficult words as Don does but I
still have a very special
relationship to The Big Boss:)
And my education is not as extensive
into religion as Mr.Croftsky's is
but I feel very proud of myself and
appreciative coming closer to and
experiencing the Truths of this life
in this huge myriad of confusion
created around us so that we dont
get to experience the True glory of
Don has touched on these confusion
factors pretty good so I feel no
need to further add much to it.
During my trip through Europe with
Laozu we had a few talks abouth
Jesus The Christ.
I have never read the bible and my
personal knowledge regarding Him has
mainly come from what others have
written about Him.
One night we were discussing him in
the tent somewhere in Germany and I
told Laozu that I have had some
personal experiences when it comes
to Jesus and he asked me what they
I have met Him in feeling and have
felt small fragments of what(I
believe) he felt during his time
here on earth, I made a metaphorical
explanation for Laozu that went
something like this:
Imagine that Jesus is tuned to the
perfect radio station, his frequency
is IT and we as people all are like
walking radio stations splurting out
noise and sometimes when we do
selfless things, beautyfull things,
wonderfull melodies come out of our
Imagine being Jesus: you can hear
all the peoples radio stations
around you, mainly noise, loud
noise(perhaps constant death metal)
and that you are among this noise
that almost explodes your head and
that you try to help the people find
their way back to the right
Sometimes I feel like that, I am not
saying that my frequency is IT, but
at times I understand and really
feel what He must have felt, the
good and the bad.
And if I were to even to try to
explain what God is it would be the
One that the radio stations is
playing through and Jesus The Christ
was and is our tuning fork:)
I have learned alot during my rather
short life and I partly credit that
to having the courage to question
things and also to making alot of
As I have said to Don earlier and
what i consider to be a great truth
is that the greatest gift you can
give Life is appreciation for it.
And I dont mean the kind of
appreciation that comes with an
expectation attached to it because
if that is where you are coming from
The Big Boss will surely sooner or
later wake you up with a big kick in
the ass:)
I also consider expectations to be
to biggest killer of Life and it
only limits one from living life
I am far from reaching that pure
frequency but blessed enough to have
my own little radio station that God
always listens to and for that i am
forever thankfull.
Thank you for letting me share.
Take care of you and be true
Cesco |
Don Croft |
Site Admin
Joined: 07 Aug 2004
Posts: 529
Location: 628 N Hayes, Moscow, Idaho, 83843
Sat Sep 03, 2005 4:04 pm
Post subject: |
The reason I
wrote the essay was to encourage
people to approach spirituality from
a direction that feels appropriate
and familiar because the rational
faculty (our discernment) is an
essential part of each of us and
whatever doesn't make sense should
be abandoned.
I think you embody the essence of
this process, Cesco, and even if you
had been molested by religious dogma
as a toddler I doubt that your fire
would have been dimmed by it.. To be
in the process is life's lesson and
it would be ludicrous for anyone to
claim to have reached the goal of
union with the Divine, of course.
Another spiritual principle you
exemplify for me, Cesco, is economic
freedom. Having grown up under
National Socialism in Norway you
remain free of the entanglements
that go along with that noxious and
semi-voluntary contract. You gifted
the city of Oslo while you were
living in a tent in the woods and
when it suits you to do so you earn
a livlihood by either employment or
as an artist.
So many people I've known who grew
up within the calamitous paradigm of
National Socialism, including
Americans and Canadians, will talk
endlessly of freedom and
responsibility but would cut off
their right arms rather than hold
our massively centralized, bloated
governments accountable for this
crime because they now believe that
the government and, by extension,
large subsidized corporations,
rather than God and their own
intelligent effort, is the source of
all earthly benefits in the long
run. Maybe the New Orleans debacle
and similar gross failures will
shake people's ill-advised faith in
National Socialism more than any
rational argument could.
Every Westerner is now being
challenged to choose between
'Freedom' and 'Talking About
Freedom' as this socialist
paradigm's degradation accelerates.
Political freedom is impossible
without economic freedom and freedom
has always been essentially a
spiritual issue. Socialist states
embody the destruction of economic
freedom, of course.
A very nice aspect of the Creative
Word, of which Jesus is an
Embodiment, is that one need not
choose one Source over another
because I'm quite sure They don't
distinguish Themselves over each
other. In this new paradigm we
simply have to be genuinely and
essentially tolerant of others'
sincerely held beliefs or we'll be
left behind and will grow bitter. I
don't think it's necessary to be
tolerant of parasitic and even
predatory fakers who wear religion
or Theosophical mummery as a pious,
smiling mask, though.
Mining 'gems of inestimable value'
from only one Source is similar to
how one can win all of life's
spiritual battles and reach death
with contentment and vindication
without ever ever having left one's
village and 'an hour's reflection is
[indeed] better than seventy years
of pious workship.'
In the past, if one was a Jew,
Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist
it was taken for granted thast he
would not ever mix or compare notes
open-mindedly outside of his own
religious paradigm but now that the
future is here we need to take
opportunities to do that in order to
speed up the arrival of genuine
world peace, prosperity and unity,
which is certainly a goal that
humanity can and must reach. That's
a genuine, healing, pioneering
effort and public service, just like
busting death towers and dung
beetles is.
I'm quite heartened that the venom
being directed by the
occult/corporate dung beetles at
Islam through their prostituted
media is not poisoning the body
politic of the West effectively.
See how far we've come since the
initial nazification of Europe and
North America in the 20s and 30s
with the gulags for Jews,
enterpreneurs (Russian), and
Japanese? I haven't heard of a case
of Muslims in America being molested
on account of their culture or
religion since the feds initiated
their 'War on Terror' with a bang
four years ago, and I'm sure it
hasn't been for lack of the dung
beetles' trying their best to stir
up hatred and paranoia among the
Pajama People who have always been
susceptible to that sort of
manipulation before.
The only time Jews are targetted any
more is when ever-elusive skinheads
(the Homeland Security Abomination's
little garden of Europoid human
distortions and just another
sponsored terror franchise) toss a
molotov cocktail into an empty
synogogue every year or two. Hatred
of Jews in America was just as
intense as it was in Europe in the
30s, of course, and is almost
non-existent now in America, at
least, so here's another case where
even the Pajama People are advancing
spiritually whether they know it or
The trend toward human refinement
and unity started long before we
came along but orgonite speeds up
the process considerably and smooths
the path, as does our and other
folks' regular predator-busting
"We shall no longer hang on to the
tails of public opinion or to a non-
existent authority on matters
utterly unknown and strange. We
shall gradually become experts
ourselves in the mastery of the
knowledge of the Future."
~Wilhelm Reich |