Eye Colour change due to
I have several RVAF-eating friends whose iris color has shifted significantly
and noticeably toward blue after eating RVAF for a year. In one case, the irises
of a female friend with brown eyes appeared to have shifted largely to green,
with a bit of blue, in about three to five months while on an RVAF diet.
My own eyes shifted quite radically in a very short period of time, from all
brown to partially blue/green, in the late 1980's, as a result of some esoteric
energy healing techniques which I was practicing, as well as a rather clean (but
not yet Paleo) cooked diet along with intake of very large quantities of raw
seaweed and "prehistoric colloidal minerals from ancient lake bed deposits",
which contain about 81 different elements.
The shift to blue color of my
irises noted above was so noticeable that strangers noticed that my eyes seemed
blue even across a crowded lecture room while I was in acupuncture school in the
early 1990's.
My eye color shifts have been so severe that at one time (early 1990's) the
motor vehicles department in my then-state of residence (Pennsylvania, while I
was in graduate school), at renewal of my drive's license, changed my eye color
from "brown" to "blue". The state in which I now live has stopped recording eye
color on driver's licenses (probably because the space aliens are changing
everyone's iris colo.... oops, never mind....).
My friends claim to have noticed
that my own eyes have shifted even further -- albeit rather slowly and gradually
-- towards blue since I started an RVAF diet in early 2000. Paradoxically, my
friends have noticed that the shift to blue seems to have speeded up when I
abandoned 100% raw RVAF about 9 months ago and went instead to about 85% RVAF
with the remaining 15% being cooked Paleo foods (meats, fish, veggies, etc.)
Aajonus Vonderplanitz, founder of
the Primal Diet (an RVAF diet) has stated many times that his friend and Primal
Diet client Lori experienced a massive iris color shift from all-brown to
all-blue in the three years while he worked with her, all due to her RVAF diet.
I have met a number of alternative
health practitioners, mostly naturopaths, but also one MD/DO who ran an
alternative cancer clinic in Mexico which employed radical methods of "bowel
cleansing", who have claimed to have seen massive shifts in iris color from
brown to blue in certain chronic disease patients as they "cleansed" or
"detoxified" via natural healing methods....a number of practitioners/teachers
of raw vegan diet systems claim to have seen massive shifts in iris color from
brown to blue in themselves or in friends or family members after having
ingested a raw vegan diet for at least a half-year.
Vinny Pinto