In part 1 we considered the atom as a generator of the
electrogravitic field. In part 2 we will study the atom as the
receiver of the electrogravitic field. As in part 1 we will use the
Bohr model of the hydrogen atom. Again concepts discussed herein
may be generalized to include more complex atoms, atoms based on
newer more subtle models and ionized or plasma based systems such as
The atom as an electrogravitic receiver:
To recap part 1. (a) The electrogravitic field is an induced
electric field caused by a moving magnetic field (1.3.1). (b) The
electric field vector always exists on an axis connecting the
generating atom with the observation point (1.3.2). (c) The field
strength is inversely proportional to the distance separating the
generating atom and observer [1/r] (1.3.4). Now lets place our
"test atom" 100,000 orbital diameters away from a "generating atom"
(part 1) and see what happens. First, because the electrogravitic
field is non-linear [1/r], the test atom is deflected in the
direction of higher field strength (2.1.2) I.E. along the radial
axis connecting the generator and the test atom. Second, electron
orbital deformation in the test atom is proportional to the
electrogravitic field strength (2.1.2) and since the force on the
test atom is the net difference between attractive and repulsive
components. Halving the distance between the test atom and the
generator atom, doubles the electrogravitic field strength thereby
doubling orbital deformation and quadrupling the attractive force.
Consequently the electrogravitic force on the test atom is inverse
square [1/r2] even though the electrogravitic field is
just inverse [1/r].
We have now defined the basic cause of, and the effect on matter by
the electrogravitic field. We have answered the questions posed in
1.1. Further, as required by classical physics, our electrogravitic
force is inverse square with distance (2.1.5), body centered in
vector (1.3.2 & 2.1.1), proportional to the product term of the
masses (2.1.6), always atractive (1.3.3 & 2.1.2), and can not be
shielded by conventional methods (2.1.4). In part 3 of
electrogravitics - a crash course, we shall examine some practical
engineering examples.
Electrogravitics - A Crash Course Part 2