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Subject: Implants
 01/06/2004 09:57   My Public Files | My Other Posts | My Profile | Email Me  
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Mt. Shasta, CA
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This subject was re-introduced on the cloud-buster forum just recently. I feel it's important to bring it up over here. The work that we are all doing puts us in the spotlight for certain beings. This work is so important that those who oppose it, will continually attempt to slow us down or stop us completely. Implants have multi functions to assist "them" in this. It's up to us to monitor ourselves DAILY to keep on top of it. In my work,(healing facilitator), I see implants all over clients. Bear in mind that implants can be "off" the body, and in the auric/etheric layers also. One can dowse for ones self for implants, by asking your body IF you have them, how many and where. It helps to ground first and not be under the influence, as with all spiritual work. While you're at it, also ask if 1st or 2nd dimensional beings happen to be in your space. They usually arrive when you open the door,via drugs,alcohol, extreme negative emotions, etc. Always clear yourself prior to asking your body questions. It also helps to get a second opinion every once in a while. Implants can disable you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Good idea to clear them out on a regular basis. Anyone needing assistance in this, I will be happy to help, even long-distance. Just e-mail me at:  Glad to help and assist in any way. Theresa

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 01/06/2004 17:54   My Public Files | My Other Posts | My Profile | Email Me | My Blog  
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Hi Theresa,

I just posted on the "Shoulder Explosion" thread about that implant thread on the cb forum, too. :>)

Here's the link:

This is good that you can see these and assist your clients, et al in removal.

Here's a post about the dousing that was a great reminder for us all, too: Post # 53920

For the newbies, go over to the left here and click on Search. Then you can put that number in.

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 01/09/2004 01:16   My Public Files | My Other Posts | My Profile | Email Me  
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Hay there Thundermountain,

Yes, this topic is very important! I'm glad you brought it up here!!

I've been doing my best to invision all the implants impotent and then disolving them. I don't yet know if its working and would like to try dowsing...

Was wondering how to "clear" myself "prior to asking" my "body questions"

Thanks for the info!


Edited by starlight on 01/09/2004 at 01:19 PST
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 01/13/2004 12:49   My Public Files | My Other Posts | My Profile | Email Me  
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Can't search cloudbuster, fault develops. It seems you can't find many implants with a zapchecker. Carol says I have one but zapchecker doesn't find it.


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 01/13/2004 15:27   My Public Files | My Other Posts | My Profile | Email Me | My Blog  
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John, talk with Stuart about the glitch.

My zapchecker is on the way, so I have begun pulling up research. If I come across something pertaining to what you said, I'll get it over here...

Or you first....




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 01/13/2004 17:10   My Public Files | My Other Posts | My Profile | Email Me  
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Mt. Shasta, CA
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Starlight and Others,

Clearing ones self isn't complicated, but everyone has their own method. I practiced deep meditative techniques everyday for years, before being able to close my eyes, give the command and be grounded. One can also align one's Chakras this easily also. You can imagine a "cord" coming out of your tailbone and going into the Earth. Have it sink down into the Earth until you feel it's "there". You can at this time flush out all cumalative negative thoughts,emotions and experiences through this "cord". Also, you can bring-up energy this way from Mother to clear you. A salt scrub shower works also and also clears your Auric layers. -1/2 cup oil; almond,jojoba,etc. -1/2 cup Epsom salts -essential oils,eg.,I use: Eucalyptus, 18 drops; Lavender, 12 drops; and Peppermint, 5 drops. Wet your body and apply. Gently scrub and leave on for a few minutes. Do NOT apply to your face or genitals. Rinse. Side benefit: soft skin! This really works! These are two of my favorites. Try one. Theresa


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 01/14/2004 00:17   My Public Files | My Other Posts | My Profile | Email Me  
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The simplest and most effective way for moi, so far, is to get centered, standing preferred.

relax, shake it loose. feet slightly apart. close your eyes see your soulstar (Higher Self) about 18 inches above your head. Visualize a gold flecked indigo spiral of energy, clockwise from the top, spinning like a tornado and slowly moving downward until the entire tornado of energy is about ten feet into the ground, where all that etheric effluvia can be safely discharged into the earth.

During a shower is good, too.

This is especially good after a day out of the house - shopping, work, whatever - where you flow through the world, picking up its "dirt" as you go.

An arcane school technique we were taught and anyone can do it very effectively.


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 01/14/2004 09:37   My Public Files | My Other Posts | My Profile | Email Me  
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i dont know what im doing half the time, but i got a few tricks that ive been disciplining myself to do, and one is this: i sit in a chair and take deep slow breaths and keep my feet flat on the floor. i imagine a red glow from my groin area pulsating, and then i imagine it fusing it to the base of my spine. that grows out of my spine as a big red metal spiral that screws outta my tailbone into the earth like big ole red drill, unbreakable and plowing through layers of mud and dirt and rock and gravel and water till it hits the core with a resounding THUNK, and fuses to the earths core and green vines grow up the trunk and sprout pretty lil red flowers and grow all the way up strengthening me. i picture it as a big metal cable that bends and breaths and moves and i call down the cable/vine my name 3 times and start to "talk" to myself, sort of like dreaming out loud and having a chat about all the things that concern me, and theres always a friendly lovng voice that answers back with good advice. when im done i just let the cord drop into the earth and then i say "Now walk away and it will be done" and i dismiss it from my mind. this has been a good way for me to get centered and problem solve.


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 01/19/2004 13:10   My Public Files | My Other Posts | My Profile | Email Me Post # 4341
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Almost everyone on this planet has at least 5 implants,( they are installing approximately 10 in everyone as i write this) especially in America..... the Dracs and their other lizard helpers the Greys, have developed a new method of shooting darts in 4-D at us... and therefore implanting people rapidly.. this is my story which relates to others who have been taken over by the lizards....fortunately i have about 3 major helpers who continually help me take out implants or neutralize them.... from the beginning of my life i knew i would be implanted... when i was a little girl my mother would put curls into my hair and she always ran across the implant on my right ear. That has remained to this day.......i have tried to remove it without success,as the implant moves....

Recently because i have been such a threat to them of exposure, they have tried to take me over completely like they have done to many of our leaders...( Senators, Congressmen, Military, Business -Corporate heads, etc.... and especially MEDIA controllers... although some of them are shapeshifter Rupert "Wotz his MUR-Dak name?" ) What i'm going to do is describe what i believe to be the major process to INSTALL A LIZARD INSIDE A PERSON TO HAVE TOTAL CONTROL....MY HOPE IS THAT WHEN THIS IS EXPOSED these people with the help of others will be able to neutralize the lizard and take out the implants that have facilitated this.... remember the GOAL OF THE LIZARDS HAS BEEN TOTAL CONTROL OF OUR PLANET AND PEOPLE. I would also like to mention that when a person is heavily implanted for takeover, if they have PETS such as a cat or dog.... these too will have implants..... and perhaps a lizard inside of them also.... but please DO NOT destroy your pets because they are implanted.... they can receive the same help that you do and it doesn't require money...... and to be effective it doesn't require the AMA fortunately.. and their cadre of expensive "hacke" doctors who love to make money and take something OUT... the AMA believe they are helping a person... i understand the mind control of even doctors who have been fooled by these reptiles..... so do not hold it against them when almost everyone has been MIND CONTROLLED and manipulated by implants....

About a year and a half or so ago, the process of "Mak-ing" me into a lizard was escalated... my first real indication of this was an implant on my left ear... i awoke one morning not feeling too well and noticed i had some sores and a large bubble like thing on the back of my left ear.... i knew immediately it was an implant because within the same day, i heard a high frequency sound go through my head right where the implant was located...... and it wasn't a good sound at all!!... i proceeded to call one of my friends who knew about implants and could take them out.. i then made the trip to her home and she began to work on my left ear... after her first attempt the sound never manifested again.. and with repeated help ... simply using her energy and INTENT of pulling the device out of my worked and within about two weeks i was completely free of the implant.. She had studied Reichian therapies.....

Nothing seemed to happen, until last October when i made a trip to see a Shaman i had studied with in the Amazon..... the last evening i was there, or perhaps on the airplane journey home, i was once again heavily darted although this time, inside my left arm at the wrist...... the afternoon i returned to my house, i laid down to rest and noticed a strange feeling in my left arm that began to pulsate and hurt.. i examined my arm and found a very tiny circular indentation on my wrist... as the day progressed it became worse and by nightfall my arm was in intense pain and spastically throbbing..... this lasted for almost 24 hr..... my fingers in my left hand were also damaged.. and i could not use my left hand at all.. this was particularly disturbing because i was a pianist.. and loved to play music.....i again petitioned my friend for help ... but i knew that this implant, whatever it was, was a more insidious type of implant because it had caused complete devastation to the use of my arm... so i made a fast trip down to her home and she proceeded to help me considerably.... it took repeated treatments to neutralize some of the effects and in about a month i could play the piano once more.. i thought at that point the implant was neutralized completely .... i was totally mistaken........

When i went to AREA 51..... this was the perfect place to reactivate my arm...... although at the time i didn't realize that would be so... i thought i had gotten rid of the implant entirely.... i was there for only one night.. and slept inside my 4-runner..... which makes up into a comfortable bed.... there is just a small motel.... so for 200 people to show up..... at an event ... one must have means to either camp out or sleep in their cars....... the night of the 5th of June, i also recognized that i would have to stay WIDE AWAKE to prevent any other controlling events from taking place... as the night began.... and i was inside my car... with a loaded gun..... at my side .... i began to hear footsteps around my car... the car was sitting upon gravel.. so it was easy to hear them... it was easy to see out my windows because the Little Alien Inn and its inhabitants have several night lights around the encampment... so my view was quite clear and i could see for quite some distance... but i couldn't see who was stalking me .. but i knew who it was....... a DRACO-PTERA... the draco would come every 15 minutes to half an hour and proceed to check and see if i had fallen asleep... i would hear the predictable 4-5 footsteps and then the Draco would fly away to return later to see if i had fallen asleep.... this charade went on ALL night long.... the reason the Draco wanted me to be asleep .. is at that time .... he could enter my 4-D space and access my body when i was unconscious......... about three in the early morning ....i became aware that there were very subtle flashes of light occurring around my car... i could make out energy patterns but i couldn't see the Drac indirectly..... i also continually watched my watch and was always aware of the relative time... encase i had any missing time that i wasn't aware of....... about 4-4:30 though, i became aware that my arm began to throb.. and i thought OH SHIT!!> it must mean i have REP-BUGS in my arm.... that have an affinity to awakwn being so close to their reptilian brothers.. i wasn't afraid but certainly concerned... that my arm had reactivated itself.... this continued and i put my right hand over the pulsating spot on my left arm....... it felt like i was in the movie "ALIENS" where Sijourney Weaver is having the alien come out of her chest... only it was my arm........ I knew from that event at Area 51, i would need help again in removing the BUGS.. or whatever it was inside my arm.... at 5 am in the morning .... Ted Gunderson came to my car and knocked on my window and said it was time to go to the furthest gate for the 6-6-6-ceremony we were going to celebrate...... the celebration was to counter any INTENT of the BILDEBURGER LIZARDS who were celebrating the same event in Portugal....

These are drawings of the TUBE along my back left shoulder to insert the Lizard and the corresponding rough drawings of the BUGS.. that needed to be taken out.. it should be mentioned also that the Implants of the Tube are geared inside the person to more or less have several implantings of both bugs and reptilian fluids( which would be acquired as example in RAPE- which is a common event in abductions)over a period of TIME, inorder to finally INSERT THE SMALL LIZARD( ofcourse the Catholic Church likes to call them "DEMONS" ).. to subvert the Human Being

This tube my friend described as being about 6-7" long...they can be much longer .. usually not more than a foot long...

This type of implant will reimplant itself immediately, so great precaution must be taken to eradicate the "beastie" immediately and drown them in water.( do not use fire which is symbiotic to the lizards) ... and any people who are in attendance should have all bodily entrances sealed as much as possible.. this is fairly simple.. around those areas of open access into body cavities. attach as example FLOWERS close to the openings.. that the critter may attach itself to rather than YOU or your friends.... just incase the thing gets out of the bucket of clean water before the "debugger" has a chance to drown it. and sends it back to MOTHER EARTH to begin life again ... hopefully as a non-parasitic being of control... for sabotage of life.. there ofcourse are symbiotic parasitic beings that are OK > this ISNOT one of them!!.

This is just a rough sketch of a BIO BUG IMPLANT that is still undeveloped and can as easily be taken out... through 4-d.. and therefore 3-d ... and drowned in clean water and given back to the Earth......with the TUBE OK you ask ... "HOW does one tell that an individual has these type of implants?".. well first i think you read the manifestations of "throbbing bugs" above....and after a few days you will probably notice that they have "moved" an inch or so to throb somewhere new.... the "helper" or shaman identifies the TUBE simply by looking at the skin of the body..... the TUBAL IMPLANT will show up nicely as an area that is discolored.... slightly darker or slightly lighter underneath the skin... depending upon which type of skin tone one has... i.e. white to black..the helper then using a native Indian ceremonial technique called smudging (with say cedar or sage etc..) to SEAL all participant and then SEALS the individual in the center of the circle with an inward circle using whatever methods the person has utilized in past ceremonies. .. such as SIO2 crystals or special stones to seal the energy of the Implants to focus on one spot... one of the interesting things that happened to me.. and this is very important.. so listen closely to what i say.... is this: IF YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING THAT IS HARMFUL OR CONTRADICTORY TO THE LIZARD IMPLANTS( THEY USED TO BE CALLED "SCARABS" in EGYPT) LIKE SMOKING TOBACCO> that is why KING KONG KLONED KLINTON has been on a RAMPAGE to get people everywhere ( especially the youth) to stop SMOKING TOBACCO.... YOU WILL FEEL NAUSEATED if you have these implants .. NOW THIS IS A GOOD SIGN.....I was nauseated before the ceremony, but immediately and i mean IMMEDIATELY after the "BUGGER" was taken out i felt absolutely NO if you have a similar implant SMOKE TOBACCO until you can get help .... not only is Tobacco good to smoke in such cases.. but the SHAMAN or your "helper friend" should smoke the area.... by blowing thick Tobacco smoke( a cigar works wonders- or a pipe) with GREAT INTENT to seal the area where the BIO TUBAL IMPLANT has been taken out... then all the flowers and water and herbs used in the ceremony are given back to the Earth by ALL the participants.. ... and the area ( which should be OUTSIDE IN NATURE) is "cleaned" again by all participants and the healing ceremony is FINISHED>with a blessing and Prayers ... Techniques for taking out the Lizards .. include using Cascarilla or ground up egg shells on the area to be "cleaned" of bugs... these bugs are then taken out more easily by the "healer" with their fingers.. as the "BUGS " attach themselves to the life giving eggshells.... to be deposited in the Clean bucket of water and is also advisable that HERBAL teas such as HYSSOP, Sweetgrass, etc. be used to cleanse the body of the person infected.. a few days before the ceremony... drink lots of this liquid to CLEANSE your body....and abstain from meat... Ofcourse there are a variety of other techniques that a SHAMAN will utilize to do the same procedure.. but in the case of the Lizards.. and what they LIKE you should counter them with what they DON'T LIKE ... like TOBACCO... great healing TOBACCO... and ofcourse that is why KING KONG KLONED KLINTON doesn't like TOBACCO or any of the DRACS ..... to be utilized in an appropriate manner .....

Another one of my friends, who has the ability to REMOVE implants recently removed one from a distance from a friend in TEXAS.... who had a very long TUBE... this one she said was very difficult to remove because it had a SCREW device she hadn't seen before... it took a few more days for her to figure out how to take this one out of the my other friend... many of us on the dragonslayer list have had similar histories and IMPLANTS. .. because we are WARRIORS... this is the drawing of the Screw BIO TUBE IMPLANT .. the balloon end of it ofcourse can stretch out which she encountered in the person.. to 2 feet!!.and she said it might have been also full of TOXINS......


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 01/20/2004 10:14   My Public Files | My Other Posts | My Profile | Email Me Post # 4347
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Copy this chapter, missing bit on GWEN towers, if anyone has that?:

Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler CHAPTER 6: SCIENCE NO. 6-THE USE OF ELECTRONICS & ELECTRICITY

"You have people who have insertslaugh at that, laugh at an insert, if you pleasebut there are doctors actually removing strange little glass-like or metallic-like slivers. These are inserts that are put into our human beings, and other human beings on other planets, to tell where you are, tell what your blood-rate is, and so on. But that is only secondary. These Unholy Four, or at least 3 of the 4, dwell on anger, hate, misery, everything ugly....Anyway, they actually have machinery, down below, in our ground, here on this planet, and I assume the rest are the same way, machinery that they can aim at a group, or a person, press a button, and make that person or group react in some ungodly way....They then, SUCKand I mean thissuck on the emotion. They have pressed a button, aimed a machine at you, and you are controlled to throw out that emotion. They then suck on it like somebody whos sipping a cocktail or who just likes to have a midday snack. They actually walk along, and if they get hungry for a snack, they stop at one of these pieces of machinery, see whos up there with these inserts, press a damn button, and get a reaction, and suck that energy. Like you and I would stop for an ice cream cone, or drink a soda, or coffee, or a drink of liquor."
Red Elk
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