I think Georg sent this graduate student to me as an additional
information source. I'm copying and answering the questionnaire,
below, and it seems suitable to use as a post, since a lot of these
questions show up from time to time. At this point, Zim needs all
the help they can get and the student to emailed this to me seems
erudite and highly motivated--reminds me a bit of Judy Lubulwa i
Questionnaire for Medical Practitioners and Pharmacists
Area of Specialization
Years Experience
Twelve years.
Ever head of Orgone healing products? Yes/no
If yes:(a
In June, 1997 I was lent, in Nelson, BC, Canada, a boxfull of
books about alternative science and technology, then begn
experimenting with orgone accumulators over the following year. I
had already been developing my version of the parasite zapper since
March, 1996.
In 1998 one of my zapper customers emailed me to say that the small
device that he bought from Karl Welz for $500 was 'nothing but metal
particles in epoxy' and though he was angry about it, I was
cautiously elated because I sensed that this material might be
superior to the layered orgone accumulators I'd been making and
experimenting with. That turned out to be true, according to what
my 11-year-old, energy-sensitive daughter, Nora, was consistently
seeing. Adding a large quartz crystal focused the energy, which
could then be directed.
Two years later, i got togethe with my wife, Carol, who is a
reliable psychic and sees energy and we started doing field
experiments with this material, which Welz had named,
'orgonite.' We discovered, much later, that other people had
experimented with similar material over many decades but none of
that work had become public until Welz began marketing his version,
apparently in the mid 1990s.
(c) which
We started out just combining metal particles and fibreglass resin,
including a small crystal, in small plastic boxes, then by the end
of the year, 2000, we had discovered that the field effect of
orgonite could be enhanced by casting it in the shape of a cone. We
then experimented with putting these cone devices in areas of very
disturbed, chaotic, enervating energy and those areas were quickly
healed and revitalized.
Soon after that (March, 2001) we built our first orgonite
cloudbuster, which is a combination of Dr Reich's original device
and orgonite, which changes ambient 'bad' energy into good, vital
energy. With a combination of the cone devices and the new
cloudbuster we travelled up the entire US East Coast to deploy the
cone devices in key areas and to see what the cloudbuster could
do. We were so impressed with the observable results that we began
propagating the information on the internet for others to experiment
If no: Please kindly read the handout on orgone healing products and
then fill in the following detail. [I gather that these handouts are
for distribution and that many people in Zimbabwe have heard about
orgonite by now, thanks largely to Georg Ritschl's extensive travels
and connections in Southern Africa. ~Don]
1. How do you rate the claims about orgone healing qualities? 0
(very lowly ) to 5 ( very highly)
1 2 3 4 5
Very highly--most of us err conservatively with our claims.
2. Would you be willing to try them?
Yes No undecided
3. Would you be willing to find out more about them?
Yes No
4. What regulations bind you in the use of unorthodox remedies like
orgone and traditional medicine?
professional ethical religious personal None
I don't think that the pursuit of this genuine and
harmless research is bound by any regulations.
6. what are major obstacles to research into alternative remedies?
Medical bodies governments Drug
companies Churches Other (specify)
Quasi-govenment agencies are vehemently opposed to all such research
and healing, of course, and any other corporate asset can be used to
undermine, extort, thwart or even imprison practitioners, since all
governments are now subservient to the corporate world order. The
problem faced by these agencies is that so many ordinary people are
seeking alternative healing and empowering information. This is our
protection, I think.
7. Governments have been pressured to endorse only drugs and
remedies from established companies. Do you agree?
yes no
That's true, for the reason stated above. In Africa, the World
Health Organization is the agency that pressures governments to
neglect natural remedies in favor of pharmaceuticals, most of which
are poisonous.
8. Some findings on the side effects or ineffectiveness of approved
drugs are withheld or deliberately denied to promote the drugs?
Yes no Not sure
That's a documented fact.
9. What is your view on the negative effects of cellphones and
Believe it Do not believe it Have not followed it much
Cell phones are only harmful if they're held next to the
head. Bluetooth and other attachments keep the user safe. Cathode
ray monitors throw harmful energy at the computer user but flat, LCD
scrteens don't. Some orgonite in the vicinity of a cathode-ray
monitor apparently negates the bad effects and especially if one
will wear a small orgonite device on the sternum the body's energy
field will be shielded quite well. We believe that this is because
the hart region is where energy from outside enters one's personal
energy field and orgonite instantly transmutes ambient 'bad' energy
at this point.
10. Are you aware of any suggested remedies to those effects?
Yes no
See previous comments
11. Would you be willing to participate in further research on use
of orgone products?
Yes No undecided
12. Would you recommend institutes to take up studies in orgone or
alternative healing methods?
So far, no funded institutions have initiated a controlled study of
this subject matter. I think it would be terrific if your university
were the first in teh world!
Thank you for your co-operation
Questionnaire for clients or users
Tick the appropriate box
1. What compelled you to start using orgone products?
curiosity prescription Recommendation from
friend/relative Failure of other treatments Other(specify)
2. How did you get to know about orgone?
Friend relative Internet Workshop/seminar Magazine/
newspaper Other (specify)
5. How long have you been using orgone products?
Less than 1 year. 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-8 years More
than 8 years
More than 8 yrs
6. Which orgone products have you used? (specify)
Harmonic Protector, orgonite cloudbuster, Terminator zapper,
HolyHandgrenade, Crystal Harmonizer, Towerbuser, Earthpipe,
Stielhandgranatten, Powerwand, Eighteen, Succor Punch
7. What effects were observable?
none Minor positive change Major positive change Negative
Major positive change
8. Do you talk to friends or relatives about orgone?
sometimes rarely all the time never
all the time
9. What are their reactions?
Positive interest Negative interest indifferent
All three of the above, depending on who is listening. Overall, more
positive, as long as a sample of the material is present/
11. Personally do you recommend orgone products? On a scale of 0
(no) to 5 (strongly)
0 1 2 3 4 5
12. Do you know of any other people who are using orgone healing
yes No
Thank you for your co-operation
Questionnaire for Manufactures
1.When did you start?
November, 1999
2. How big was the organisation at start?
Just me
(a) Number of employees
I started adding orgonite to my zappers, then. In June, 2000, Carol
and I got together and by March, 2003, we began selling her Harmonic
Protectors, so had two products on worldwithoutparasites.com
(b) Product range
We now have four products for sale but had given away several other
inventions, which others are now profitting from
© Product volumes
We haven't calculated that but we earn a good living and sell
(d) Customerbase
(e) Branches
We sell the zappers and pendants to many distributors in the US and
3. Have you experienced growth in?
(a) Number of employees
We won't likely employ anyone because we prefer to make each device,
(b) Product range
we very gradually add items when it seems appropriate.
(c) Product volumes
not calculated
(d) Customer base
Our business has grown almst entirely by referral and it continues
to grow, gradually. We don' wish to experience rapid growth.
(e) Research and development
we constantly find ways to improve our products, also network with
other researchers and we often share findings with each other. We
usually ask our nergy-sensitive friends to directly evaluate new
findings, first.
4. What growth prospects do you envisage?
increasing number of employees
increasing factory/ workshop size
opening new branch/s
increasing Market base
merger/ acquisition
Other Specify
In order to not be overwhelmed with work we'll likely just raise our
prices if business volume increases beyond a comfortable level. now
that there are many other people producing good products.
5. How would you describe your relationship with other orgone
(a) Hostile and competitive
(b) Friendly and co-operative
(c) collaborative
We collaborate with and even promote the reputable ones and we don't
have much to do with the rest, though we're not unfriendly toward
6. What obstacles have you encountered in market penetration?
other (Specify)
There is negative publicity and a lot of slandering in
open-membership forums but this generally ends up generating
positive interest in our efforts, so can't be characerized as
obstacles. Apparently, the CIA and other agencies use more sutble
means to sabotage some of us but we usually find ways to overcome
that, usually in the international, informal group efforts, online.
7. How do you verify and test the effectiveness of your products?
We mosly rely on the empirical observations of reputable associates
and then post their observations. In the absence of funded,
controlled experiemnts this has served to generate enough active
interest that there are many thousands of people, worldwide who are
conducting our own, personally-financed research and field
experiments. It's the observable, consistent results that confirm
the value of the work for most experimentors.
8. In your opinion is there room for new entrants in the business?
Yes, we're just scratching the surface by now.
9. Would you be willing to have your organisation cited in this
Yes, though we tend not to characterize ourselves as an
organization. We rather see this as a spontaneous, grassroot
effort. worldwithoutparasitescom is a business website that belons
to my wife, Carol, and I and ethericwarriors.com is essentially an
information clearinghouse, my property, whose contributors are
there by my invitation.
10. Is there any other information you would like to communicate for
this research?
I should mention that the only way to understand the subject matter
is to conduct enough of the experiments to get a 'feel' for how all
this works. For the more non-physical approaches that some of us in
this collective efort are pursuing, it's a good idea to get some
online coaching from Laura Weise ('Coach Dooney') who has
donebydooney.com, after reading some of the material on that site.
Thank you for your co-operation
Glad to help and let me know what else I can do for you, please.