George W Bush
Clones & Doubles
"Bush and Cheney are Double High authoritarians,
far above Nixon’s league."--John Dean
“It’s been known for quite some time that the Bush family are Generational
Satanists” –
See: George
H.W.Bush Barbara Bush
Laura Bush Prescott Bush
Barbara Bush
Jeb Bush, Marvin
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The Strange Death of the Woman Who Filed a Rape Lawsuit Against Bush By Jackson Thoreau Schoedinger's accusations - which include being drugged and sexually assaulted numerous times by Bush and other men purporting to be FBI agents - are bizarre and hard for most people to believe.
[2012 Oct] The prostitute who ended Tony Blair's chances for the EU Presidency
[2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Edward Hendrie Chapter 15: What Did Bush Know and When Did He Know It?
[2003] Mark Lombardi: Global (Conspiracy) Networks by Uri Dowbenko Jim Hatfield, author of "Fortunate Son," (Soft Skull Press), a biography of George W. Bush, which alleged that George Bush Jr. was convicted in Texas on cocaine charges, until his record disappeared from the court system, was also found dead by suicide in an Oklahoma motel.
[2000] 'Machine' Politician Exposed By Photos
George W. Bush, Harken Energy and Jackson
Stephens, ca 1979-90" (1999)
Reptile eyes (slits)