The goal:
1a. Systemic destruction of pathogens by selective disruption of key
metabolic pathways, unique to invading organism.
1b. Deactivation of harmful molecular products and/or metabolic
process's caused by deviant cellular activity. I.E. Cancer,
Auto-immune Conditions, Poisons, Aging, etc.
The methodology:
The Bio-Molecular Resonance Generator (BMRG) delivers a complex
electromagnetic waveform throughout the human body, causing
selective resonant absorption of energy by the targeted molecule(s).
This absorption of energy results in conformational disruption
(denaturing) of the targeted molecule(s). The targeted molecule(s)
would include enzymes and other proteins unique to the invading
organism. In this context, the term "invading organism" would
include viruses, bacteria, amoebas, spirochetes, etc. AIDS (HIV),
Ebola, Hunta, Dengue, Plague, Cholera, Polio, Strep, Pneumonia,
Staph, Anthrax, Avian influenza (H5N1), and Syphilis are some
examples of the wide spectrum of viruses and micro-organisms to
which this process is applicable. The process is non-invasive and
since molecular resonance is targeted, will result in minimal damage
to normal cellular activity. In addition to destroying viruses and
pathological micro-organisms, BMRG technology will be able to
destroy cancer cells, and correct the function of defective enzymes
allowing a return to health for the sick and dying. Another use is
stimulating the controlled release of toxic substances from the
tissues of environmental illness victims.
The procedure:
BMRG operation can be divided into 4 separate phases.
Diagnostic phase:
BMRG is used to perform a JTFA chirp resonance scan of the patient.
The results of the scan are then compared to a library of known
pathogen and/or abnormal metabolic process signatures. The
comparison process utilizes a fuzzy logic algorithm to locate most
probable matches and the results are displayed, ranked by degree or
likelihood of match.
Pre-treatment phase:
Based on the results of the BMRG diagnostic phase, and/or any
conventional diagnostic indicators available to the attending
physician, a treatment modality is selected. Factors that will
influence treatment modality would include virulence of pathogen,
genetic deviance of pathogen from nominal baseline, collateral
and/or patient specific risk factors such as kidney or liver toxin
clearing capacity, and immune system competency. Once a treatment
modality is determined, the BMRG constructs a waveform, using
inverse Fourier transform techniques, that selectively targets those
molecule(s) most specific and/or critical to the disease complex.
Treatment phase:
The waveform constructed during pre-treatment phase (1.3.2) is used
to irradiate the patient. The form of radiation used is strictly
electromagnetic in nature, and is applied in such a manner and
duration as to supply sufficient energy to bring about the
conformational disruption (denaturing) of the targeted molecular
species. The result derived from conformational disruption is
dependent on the exact nature of the disease and is discussed in
depth under the topic of disease specific treatment strategies (see
5 below).
Assay phase (post treatment examination):
The BMRG is used to perform one or more post treatment assays of
efficacy. Again, a JTFA chirp resonance scan is performed to
determine the degree of disease complex disruption and recovery
prognosis. If indicated, treatment modality may be modified and/or
further treatment/assay cycles administered until the desired result
is achieved.
Background, and theory of operation:
All living organisms are critically dependent on proteins to perform
task specific, chemical transformations required for continued
metabolic function. These proteins consist of polymerized (peptide
bonded) chains of amino acids, assembled under the direction of the
host DNA. In most cases, the specific chemical activity of a
protein is not a primary or secondary function of the amino acid
sequence, but rather a tertiary result, caused by the geometric
folding of the protein, or even a quaternary result, caused by the
geometric complexing of several separate protein components. While
the protein it self is composed of covalent bonds, the folding
geometry is determined by the weaker Van der Waals forces and/or so
called hydrogen bonding. It is the unequal electric charge
distribution, as created by the specific amino acid sequence,
combined with the immediate chemical/molecular environment, that
determines the geometric folding of a specific protein, and hence
it's specific chemical activity. The molecular weight of most
proteins range from thousands, to millions of Daltons. (one Dalton
is equivalent to the weight of one hydrogen atom)
Therefore, protein activity can be summarized as follows:
Massive linear molecules with unequal electric charge distribution,
spontaneously fold into biologically active, minimum energy forms,
by a combination of internal charge distribution and local
environment. In the context of this discussion, the key phrases are
"unequal electric charge distribution", and "minimum energy forms".
We could visualize a physical model of the protein, as a set of
massive, rod shaped weights, connected to each other by hinges, and
folded together by a series of weak interconnecting springs. This
model would be subject to disruption of it's folding geometry by the
application of small cyclic or repetitive forces that are in
resonance with the combination of masses and springs. Since the
system is being "pumped" at resonance, the forces acting on the
system, constructively add or sum over time, and will eventually
lead to conformational disruption of the geometric folding. In the
context of a protein, this conformational disruption will result in
the cessation of normal biological activity.
Through the process of electromagnetic resonance, specifically
targeted at selected proteins, and acting on the unequal charge
distribution present in every protein, the BMRG is designed to bring
about conformational disruption of the protein folding pattern in
the targeted protein(s). In other words, by pumping energy into a
protein, through the process of electromagnetic resonate coupling,
the molecule is raised from it's minimum energy geometry (folded)
form, and thereby rendered biologically inactive.
Disease specific treatment strategies:
The diseases suitable to treatment by the BMRG process fall into
four broad categories. While all four categories make use of the
molecular resonance principle, each category requires different
treatment modalities and protocols.
Infectious diseases:
All infectious diseases, whether bacterial, viral, or protozoan in
nature, produce a unique or disease specific set of proteins as part
of the infection process. These proteins can be detected and
selectively targeted for disruption by the BMRG. Once disrupted,
the replication process of the infecting agent will no longer be
able to sustain the disease condition. Unlike conventional
antibiotics, the BMRG can disrupt a wide spectrum of proteins
created by the infecting agent. Therefore the development of
resistant mutations by the infecting agent is rendered almost
impossible. Further, since both the diagnostic and treating agents
are electromagnetic in nature, development of treatment protocols
for new pathogens is reduced from years, to a matter of weeks or
even days.
The underlying cause of cancer is the inability of a natural
cellular population to properly control replication. In all cases,
the replication process is mediated by a cascade of so called
messenger molecules, many of which are proteins. Cancer results
from a defective step somewhere in the cascade. Therefore, while
the underlying cause is genetic, the actual operative agents are the
abnormal messenger molecules. These abnormal molecules can be
detected and selectively disrupted by the BMRG. Once the
replication process is disrupted, the population of cancer cells may
be cleared from the body, either by conventional methods, or by
further application of the BMRG, targeting molecules involved with
normal cellular metabolism of the cancer cell population. This
method is analogous to chemotherapy. However, unlike chemotherapy,
the BMRG treatment can be focused to minimize collateral metabolic
Auto-immune diseases:
Under normal conditions, the immune system is inhibited from
attacking the molecular components of the body. There are several
mechanisms involved in this control of the immune system. One
mechanism is clone deletion, whereby populations of immune cells
that recognize (react to) normal molecular products found in the
organism self-destruct (are deleted). Another mechanism is the
modulation of immune response by hormones secreted by the immune
system, and other regulatory glands. Regardless of the mechanism,
when the immune system becomes sensitized to, and reacts with, some
naturally occurring molecular component of the organism, an
auto-immune disease condition results. The auto-immune disease is
self reinforcing, because the aberrant reaction causes the immune
system to produce further quantities of the reacting clone, and
these in turn support further reaction in an endless cycle. The
BMRG may be used to both identify the aberrant clone population, and
to bring about the selective disruption of that clone population.
This is possible because each clone population has unique marker
proteins imbedded in it's cell membrane. It is these marker
proteins that interact with the molecular components of pathogens,
as well as naturally occurring molecular components, thereby
triggering the auto-immune response, and if these proteins are
selectively disrupted, the aberrant response will abate.
Toxic poisoning:
In modern industrial society, the human body is exposed to many
substances that are harmful or disruptive to proper metabolic
functioning. Some of these substances are unique, in as much as
they do not occur in nature (dioxin for instance). Others, while
natural, are concentrated by industry to levels far in excess of
those found in nature (lead in paint for instance). Regardless of
the synthetic or natural poison, disease results when the substance
accumulates in the tissues of the body, and causes impairment or
disruption of normal metabolic activity. Implicit in the
accumulation of these toxic substances in the body, is the
complexing, or chemical interaction of the poison with molecules
normally found in the organism. This has two consequences. First,
it interferes with the normal functioning of the molecule, leading
to the disease state. Second, it renders the poison intractable to
the normal mechanisms that are responsible for clearing toxins from
the organism. Both heavy metals, and fat soluble toxins are
particularly pernicious in this respect. Again, the BMRG may be
used both to identify the toxin complex, and through resonance, to
disrupt the chemical complexing or bonding of the toxin with the
molecules normally found in the body. However, this must be done
slowly, in a controlled manner. Otherwise, toxic shock caused by
the rapid liberation of large quantities of poison into the blood
will occur , with the resultant potential for kidney and/or liver
Although an exact and complete description for the causes of aging
remain an elusive goal. Many of the processes have been uncovered
in recent years. Among these are the accumulation of defective
proteins, caused either by improper genetic coding or environmental
damage (1.5.4). These aberrant proteins lead to impaired or
improper functioning of body processes, and in turn, leads to
further creation and/or accumulation of aberrant proteins. This
positive re-enforcement of accumulated errors in protein functioning
is the primary cause for the rapid (almost geometric) decline of
health, observed in the later years of life. The BMRG can be used
to curtail this positive re-enforcement of protein aberrations
through repeated routine treatments. It is my opinion that such
treatments, when coupled with the removal of toxins, and pathogens,
along with the suppression of incipient cancers, should lead to a
condition of slow, linear aging, as opposed to the rapid, geometric
aging curve observed in current human populations. Further, I
speculate that useful life spans in excess of 200 years may be
possible, when these techniques are fully understood and
Bio-Molecular Resonance Generator (BMRG)