Raw food and asthma
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My name is Valya. Raw food has been my lifestyle since I was eight years old in 1994. Before I changed my diet, I had a serious case of asthma. Every other night it would keep me from sleeping. I was supposed to have this steadily worsening breathing disorder for the rest of my life. Since the day I changed my diet, I have never had an asthmatic attack again. I’m so grateful that I don’t have to suffer with this illness anymore! I will always cherish the freedom of being healthy. http://www.rawfamily.com/valya.htm

Freelee Cures Her Asthma and Allergies  Jenni

Woman Cures Her Asthma Stricken Child

Girl Cures Asthma

Girl Cures Asthma with Raw Food, Can now run 13 miles a crack

Woman cures Asthma stricken child with Raw Food Juicing

Raw Foods and Juicing Cures Little Boy of Asthma