[2012 Sept] Dangerous Banned Vaccine Repackaged and Given New Name by Christina England June 2012, the single mumps vaccine Medi-Mumps cultured on dog kidney cells was advertised for use at a number of private clinics as an alternative option to the MMR. It has since been discovered however, that Medi-Mumps is in fact the banned, unlicensed vaccine Pavivac. To cover this up, just like the MMR vaccine Pluserix, the vaccine was repackaged and given a new name.
[2012 July] 7 Shameful Examples of Big Pharma Fraud By Christina England
[2012 May] New Vaccine Made From Dog Cells May Trigger Allergies To Dogs By Christina England
[Media Czech Republic, Jan 2003] Mumps vaccine suspended in UK
[Media UK, Dec 2002] Warning over 'useless' mumps vaccine (Pavivac)