Lily Loat Quotes
Lily Loat


The theory that the creation of antibodies in the blood indicates that protection against disease has been established is not supported by experience. The Medical Research Council's Report on Diphtheria Outbreaks in Gateshead and Dundee, published in 1950. showed that many of the persons actually in hospital with diphtheria had far more anti-toxin in their blood than was said to be required for complete protection against diphtheria, whilst nurses and others in close contact with diphtheria infection and without sufficient anti-toxin remained immune. [1957] THE   BRAINS  OF  THE   INOCULATED Speech by LILY LOAT

There is good reason to doubt the accuracy of the Ministry of Health’s figures regarding "immunized" and "unimmunized." All who had had only one injection are shut out of the " immunized " class, as are also those whose injections were made less than three months or six months before the development of diphtheria. (For a long time at Birmingham it was maintained that immunity did not develop until six months after the last injection, and the general practice all over the country now is to insist on a limit of three months, and exclude from the " immunized " class all who were injected less than three months before attack.).....But in spite of all this "cooking " of the figures, the authorities have had to admit some 36,000 immunized cases of diphtheria in Great Britain in the eight years 1941-48, and 239 deaths in the " immunized."--- Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization

"If there had been any justification for the contention that mass immunization—introduced at the end of 1940—had influenced the death-rate of diphtheria there would have been a very marked decline in the 1941-48 period, as compared with the other diseases. The figures show, however, that although diphtheria ....had a slightly increased percentage decline as compared with whooping cough....... it was a long way behind the decreases shown by scarlet fever....... and measles.......The Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health attributed the decline in the death rates of scarlet fever and measles, in part, to improvements in nutrition. It could only be determination not to look at the facts fairly that prevented him from attributing the diminution of all these diseases to improvement in sanitary, housing, economic, educational and social conditions, rather than to any "prophylactics " which may have been used. It can be asserted with justification that without any "immunization" whatsoever, the diphtheria position would have been just as good today as it is, and it might have been even better."--- Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization

Mr. Pickering, who treated cases at Gloucester by the "water cure" method, declared that his fatality rate was as low as 2 per cent."---- Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization

"Defenders of vaccination produce fantastic fatality rates for the "unvaccinated" in smallpox outbreaks. Seeing that there is general agreement that 18 per cent was the average smallpox fatality rate before vaccination was introduced, those who tell of rates of 35, 50, 60 and even 100 per cent should be asked what treatment the "unvaccinated" received at the hands of modern doctors that they died at these extraordinary rates."---- Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization

"The town of Leicester rejected vaccination in favour of sanitation. Her experience during the past fifty years makes nonsense of the claims of the pro-vaccinists. When her population was thoroughly vaccinated she suffered severely from smallpox. As vaccination declined to one per cent of the infants born, smallpox disappeared altogether."---- Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization

"Prussia had vaccination laws ever since 1834 for the Army and 1835 for the whole population. Yet in the two great epidemic years, 1871-72, she lost no less than 124,948 of her citizens. It may be objected that these may all of them have been persons who had escaped vaccination. But that objection is met by looking into the returns for Berlin and other cities where the vaccinal condition of the patients is given. Thence we learn that in that epidemic in the City of Berlin alone no less than 17,038 persons of all ages took smallpox after vaccination, and 2,884 of them died. Of these Berlin cases 2,240 were under ten years of age, and no less than 736 of these children died. In the period 1865 to 1874 there were 23,642 vaccinated cases of smallpox in the city, 3,368 of them being fatal. In the district of Krefeld, in the same 1871 epidemic, the record gives 118 cases, of which 117 had been vaccinated; and the unvaccinated one was a baby under a year old, and therefore younger than the German law could reach, seeing that the law left it until the children were twelve months old.
    There are similar records for Wesel, Cologne, Mulheim on the Rhine, and perhaps the most striking was that for Neuss, a town with a population of a little under 10,000. Their smallpox cases from 1865 to 1873 totalled 248, without one unvaccinated man, woman or child to be found amongst the lot.
    When the great epidemic struck Bavaria in 1871, out of 30,742 cases the vaccinal condition of which is stated, 29,429 had been vaccinated."---- Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization

"In a bad case of smallpox, usually called a confluent case, the marks of vaccination are hidden. The scars being invisible, the case goes down as unvaccinated. They do not die because they are unvaccinated; they are unvaccinated because they die. If they recover they are restored to the vaccinated class. Dr. Russell, M.O.H., said in his Report for the city of Glasgow, 1871-72: "Sometimes persons were said to be vaccinated, but no marks could be seen, very frequently because of the abundance of the eruption. In some cases of those which recovered an inspection before dismission discovered vaccine marks, sometimes very good."
    In his Report for the year 1904 Dr. Chalmers, Glasgow M.O.H., stated that inquiries had been made of Registrars of Births in connection with smallpox cases entered as "unvaccinated" or "doubtful"; and 10 of the "unvaccinated" and 20 of the doubtful " were found to have been certified as having been successfully vaccinated in infancy."---- Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization

" When England was most vaccinated, it not only had the greatest amount of smallpox, but most of its smallpox cases in those days occurred amongst the vaccinated.
The statistics of the Highgate Smallpox Hospital show that in 1871, 91.5 per cent. of their cases had been vaccinated, and in 1881, out of a total of 491 cases, 470, or nearly 96 per cent., had been vaccinated. The Lancet for 23 February 1884, gives the facts about an outbreak in Sunderland, where there were just 100 cases, and 96 of them had been vaccinated. On 27 August 1881, that journal published an account of an outbreak at Bromley, where 43 cases occurred, every one of them vaccinated.
    Mr. Alexander Wheeler submitted figures to the Royal Commission on Vaccination (p. 204 of the Commission’s Third Report) which show that from 1870-86 the Metropolitan Asylums Board treated 53,579 smallpox cases, of which 41,061 were admittedly vaccinated, and 2,858 were put in the class they called doubtfully vaccinated.
    Sheffield, an insanitary town, had a bad smallpox epidemic in 1887-88. Of 7,066 cases classed as vaccinated or unvaccinated, 5,891 or 83.4 per cent were put in the vaccinated class. Of 647 cases at Warrington, in 1892-93, 601, or 89.2 per cent, had been vaccinated; of 2,945 cases at Birmingham in 1892-93, 2,616, or 88.8 per cent, had been vaccinated; and of 828 cases at Willenhall in 1894, 739, or 89.3 per cent, had been vaccinated.
    The last big outbreak of genuine smallpox was in London in 1901-2, when, out of almost 10,000 cases, some 7,000 had been vaccinated."---- Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization

"If the manufacture of lymph in the skin of an animal were carried on by a coster or any other person not called "scientific "it would promptly be stopped on account of the cruelty involved.   The process generally adopted for the production of vaccine "lymph" at Continental vaccine establishments was described in a report on the " Preparation and Storage of Glycerinated Calf Lymph to the Local Government Board," issued in 1897 (Cd.8587). That report furnished the English authorities with a model for their own vaccine establishment when calf lymph became the officially recognised brand of lymph in this country.
    Here is a description of the system carried on for forty years at our Government Lymph Factory.   The calf was strapped to a tilting table which was then raised to a horizontal position. About thirty cuts were made, horizontally, each about an inch long and about a couple of inches apart. Over each incision a drop of glycerinated lymph was allowed to fall from a glass tube, and the drop was rubbed in with the flat portion of the blade of the lancet. The process was carried out by one of the laboratory servants, and was a somewhat lengthy one.
    In order to collect the lymph, the calf, after five days, was again strapped to the table. Each vesicle was clamped separately, and the crust first removed with a lancet. The vesicle was then thoroughly scraped with the edge of a somewhat blunt lancet, and the resulting mixture of lymph, epithelial tissue and blood was transferred to a small nickel crucible. The collection of all the vesicular matter obtainable from one calf appeared to take about three-quarters of an hour.
    Mr. Thomas Groves and a number of other Members of Parliament saw the whole process at the Government Calf Lymph Establishment at Hendon on 3 March 1928, and it was not until 1 July 1936, that the calves at that Establishment were killed before the extraction of the lymph. It was not until 1944 that under the Therapeutic Substances Regulations all private lymph-manufacturing establishments had to see that the animal furnishing the lymph was killed before the lymph was extracted.
    Describing publicly what he saw at the Hendon Establishment, Mr. Groves said: These calves are held in, they are bolted and barred so that they cannot move a fraction of an inch; they are muzzled with straps round their mouths so that they may not make an undue noise.
    These nine M.P’s also saw rabbits in boxes whose backs were a mass of festering sores, these rabbits being used to re-vivify the lymph.
    After 1 July 1936, the calves at the Government Lymph Establishment were killed before the extraction of lymph, but the cutting of the skin of the living animal, the rubbing into thirty or more cuts of a drop of lymph, and the festering of the resulting sores, must have caused these little animals acute misery.
    After 1946 the Government Lymph Establishment was closed for the manufacture of lymph, and the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine became the manufacturing centre of Government-distributed lymph. Sheep are used there instead of calves, but in every other respect the process is the same.---- Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization

In an "In Memoriam" notice in a local paper, in November 1942, it was stated that William Martin Graham, Bowness Farm, Bowness, Wigton, aged four years, had died on 13 November 1941, from inoculation. The cause of death, which occurred five months after inoculation, had been certified as acute lymphatic Leukemia. The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization by Lily Loat