Circumcision Masturbation John Harvey Kellogg
John Harvey Kellogg on Masturbation and Circumcision
The Intactivism Pages
In his 1877 book, "Plain facts for old and young: embracing the
natural history and hygiene of organic life", physician John Harvey Kellogg
(co-inventor of the cornflake) wrote:
Circumcision. - The fold of integument called the prepuce, which has
been previously described, has upon its inner surface a large number of glands
[This is false.] which produce a peculiar
secretion. Under certain circumstances, and from inattention to personal
cleanliness, this secretion may accumulate, and then often becomes the cause of
irritation and serious disease. To prevent such disorders, and to insure
cleanliness, the Jewish law required the removal of the prepuce, which
constituted the rite of circumcision. [There is no
evidence that this is the reason for it.] The same practice is
followed by several modern nations dwelling in tropical climates; and it can
scarcely be doubted that it is a very salutary one, and has contributed very
materially to the maintenance of that proverbial national health for which the
Jews are celebrated. Eminent physicians have expressed the opinion that the
practice would be a salutary one for all men.
It is doubtful, however, whether as much harm as good does
not result from circumcision, since it has been shown by extensive
observation among the Jews that very great contraction of the meatus, or
external orifice of the urethra, is exceedingly common among them, being
undoubtedly the result of the prolonged irritation and subsequent cicatricial
contraction resulting from circumcision in infancy. (pp106-7)
[This is meatal stenosis, still recognised as a
complication of circumcision.]
Treatments for Self-Abuse and its Effects:
Spinal Irritation. -- Irritation of the spinal cord, with its resultant
evils, is one of the most common of the nervous affections originating in this
cause. Tenderness of the spine, numerous pains in the limbs, and spasmodic
twitching of the muscles, are some of its results.
Paralysis, partial or complete, of the lower limbs, and even of the whole
body, is not a rare occurrence. We have seen a number of cases in which this was
well marked. Two of the patients were small boys who began to excite the genital
organs at a very early age. In one, the paralytic condition was complete when he
was held erect. The head fell forward, the arms and limbs hung down helpless,
the eyes rolled upward, and the saliva dribbled from his mouth. When lying flat
upon his back, he had considerable control of his limbs. In this case, a
condition of priapism seems to have existed almost from birth, owing to
congenital phimosis. His condition was somewhat improved by circumcision.
In another case, in which phimosis also existed, there was paralysis of a few of
the muscles of the leg, which produced club-foot.
Circumcision was also performed in this case, and the child returned in a few
weeks completely cured, without any other application, though it had previously
been treated in a great variety of ways without success, all the usual remedies
for club-foot proving ineffectual. Both of these cases appeared in the clinic of
Dr. Sayre at Bellevue Hospital, and were operated upon by him. (p 282)
Here is the most famous quote from him:
Covering the organs with a cage has been practiced with entire success.
A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys
is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation
should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anęsthetic, as the
brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind,
especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well
be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the
practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be
forgotten and not resumed. If any attempt is made to watch the child, he should
be so carefully surrounded by vigilance that he cannot possibly transgress
without detection. If he is only partially watched, he soon learns to elude
observation, and thus the effect is only to make him cunning in his vice. (p
In females, the author has found the application of pure
carbolic acid to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal
excitement, and preventing the recurrence of the practice in those whose
will-power has become so weakened that the patient is unable to exercise entire
self-control. (p 297)
On the other hand,
Phimosis. -- This is a condition in which the foreskin is so tight that
it cannot readily be drawn back over the glans penis. In some cases, the orifice
is so small that there is barely room for the passage of the stream of urine in
the evacuation of the bladder. A person may be born with this condition, or it
may be the result of long-continued inflammation or irritation. This matter is
one which should receive attention, as the irritation arising from phimosis may
occasion various sexual disorders, particularly nocturnal emissions, a disease
which is always aggravated by it, though originally induced by other causes.
As soon as discovered, this condition should be removed by the proper operation.
It is rarely necessary to resort to the old method of
circumcision, as the same results may be obtained by a less
formidable and painful operation. (p 585)
- and he did not actually advocate routine infant circumcision.