Healing crisis
Disease Theory

Understanding the Healing Crisis by Ginger Chalford, Ph.D

http://www.hps-online.com/hurine4.htm A healing crisis is said to be a sign that the body is purifying itself very rapidly. These crises may take the form of loose stools, skin eruptions such as pimples and boils, vomiting, fever of unexplained origin, cough, general weakness and debility. The advocates say that there is no need to panic and take drugs for any of the above mentioned processes. They usually occur because the body systems are now strong enough for the elimination processes to handle the deeply ingrained toxins and poisons. These other methods (eg. healing crises) are then employed by the body to dispose of the excess, and as a result, strange and perhaps as yet un-experienced manifestation may occur. If this happens the best way to handle the situation is to reduce the intake of urine or to stop completely and rest the body. Complete rest and fasting may also help, or a fruit diet can be instigated, depending on the manifestations that occur. Please do not run to your doctor and start taking medications to suppress the healing crisis's. Let them unfold naturally and according to their own sequences. The following are the most common manifestations of the healing crises and their recommended treatment: